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2015-11-10, 00:17
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Mina bästa filmer mellan 1940 och 2009, har sett lite för lite film från åren före och efter.

1940: Rebecca
1941: Citizen Kane
1942: Bambi (ja Casablanca kan dra åt helvete)
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1944: Gaslight
1945: Spellbound
1946: It's a Wonderful Life
1947: Out of the Past
1948: Rope
1949: In the Good Old Summertime

1950: Sunset Blvd.
1951: A Streetcar Named Desire
1952: High Noon
1953: Roman Holiday
1954: Dial M for Murder
1955: East of Eden
1956: The Wrong Man
1957: 12 Angry Men
1958: Vertigo
1959: Suddenly, Last Summer

1960: Psycho
1961: Såsom i en spegel
1962: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
1963: From Russia with Love
1964: A Fistful of Dollars
1965: For a Few Dollars More
1966: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
1967: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1969: On Her Majesty's Secret Service

1970: Soldier Blue
1971: A Clockwork Orange
1972: Deliverance
1973: Papillon
1974: Young Frankenstein
1975: Deep Red
1976: Taxi Driver
1977: Star Wars
1978: The Deer Hunter
1979: Alien

1980: The Shining
1981: Das Boot
1982: Blade Runner
1983: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
1984: The Terminator
1985: Explorers
1986: Stand by Me
1987: Full Metal Jacket
1988: Heathers
1989: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

1990: Goodfellas
1991: Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1992: Reservoir Dogs
1993: True Romance
1994: Pulp Fiction
1995: Twelve Monkeys
1996: Fargo
1997: Jackie Brown
1998: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
1999: Fight Club

2000: American Psycho
2001: Mulholland Dr.
2002: Spider
2003: Kill Bill: Vol. 1
2004: Kill Bill: Vol. 2
2005: 12 and Holding
2006: The Departed
2007: Into the Wild
2008: The Wrestler
2009: Inglourious Basterds
2015-11-10, 11:59
Börjar från 1950.

1950: Sunset Blvd.
1951: The African Queen
1952: Ikiru
1953: Tôkyô monogatari
1954: Rear Window
1955: Les diaboliques
1956: -
1957: 12 Angry Men/Smultronstället (kan inte bestämma mig)
1958: Vertigo
1959: North by Northwest

1960: Psycho
1961: The Innocents
1962: To Kill a Mockingbird
1963: The Great Escape
1964: Per un pugno di dollari (For a Fistful of Dollars)
1965: Per qualche dollaro in più (For a Few Dollars More)
1966: Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly)
1967: Le Samourai
1968: Planet of the Apes (fan vilket bra år, sjukt svårt)
1969: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

1970: Kelly's Heroes
1971: French Connection
1972: The Godfather
1973: The Exorcist
1974: Chinatown
1975: Jaws
1976: All the President's Men (helvete vilket svårt år...)
1977: Suspiria
1978: Halloween
1979: Alien/Apocalypse Now (omöjligt att välja en)

1980: The Empire Strikes Back
1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982: The Thing
1983: Scarface
1984: The Terminator
1985: Witness
1986: Manhunter
1987: Angel Heart
1988: Midnight Run
1989: Do the Right Thing

1990: Goodfellas
1991: The Silence of the Lambs
1992: The Last of the Mohicans
1993: Groundhog Day
1994: Pulp Fiction
1995: Seven
1996: Lone Star
1997: Funny Games
1998: The Farm: Angola, USA
1999: Eyes Wide Shut

2000: American Psycho
2001: Mulholland Drive
2002: Irreversible
2003: Salinui chueok
2004: The Passion of the Christ
2005: Brokeback Mountain
2006: Pans Labyrinth
2007: Zodiac
2008: Låt den rätte komma in
2009: Un prophete

2010: Incendies
2011: Kill List
2012: De rouille et d'os
2013: Mandariinid
2014: The Guest
2015: Bone Tomahawk (än så länge)
2024-03-19, 03:48
1965. Doctor Zhivago
1966. Slaget om Alger
1967. In Cold Blood
1968. Stulna kyssar
1969. Z
1970. The Confession
1971. Utvandrarna
1972. Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie
1973. Papillon
1974. The Deluge
1975. Barry Lyndon
1976. 1900
1977. Man of Marble
1978. Violette Noziere
1979. Being There
1980. Raging Bull
1981. Mephisto
1982. Gandhi
1983. Danton
1984. Once Upon a Time in America
1985. Vagabond
1986. The Name of the Rose
1987. Wings of Desire
1988. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
1989. The French Revolution
1990. Goodfellas
1991. Europa
1992. Malcolm X
1993. Den Blå Filmen
1994. Chungking Express
1995. Citizen X
1996. Breaking the Waves
1997. Gattaca
1998. Den Röda Filmen
1999. American Beauty
2000. Lumumba
2001. Mullholand Drive
2002. Pianisten
2003. Old Boy
2004. The Aviator
2005. Cinderella Man
2006. De andras liv
2007. American Gangster
2008. Revolutionary Road
2009. Un Prophete
2010. Inception
2011. The Tree of Life
2012. Amour
2013. Det förflutna
2014. Grand Budapest Hotel
2015. Spotlight
2016. The Handmaiden
2017. The Square
2018. Roma
2019. The Parasite
2020. Une affaire de famille
2021. Titane
2022. Triangle of Sadness
2023. Oppenheimer
Senast redigerad av anwe8 2024-03-19 kl. 03:51.

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