Ursprungligen postat av benderblod
Please remember everyone that the outcome of the Swedish trial against JA is likely to be of importance for in which way US will act in order to put pressure on Sweden. Therefore these questions of the sexual acts should be penetrated (excause me) carefully. Maybe JA lawyers can get some new ideas based on new facts of how to defend him.
1. This is also important. Did AA and/or SW buy their condoms a long time ago. If so they may have been dry and therefore broke easily. If the condoms were bought just before or the same day as the sex with JA there is a possibility to check the accounts of the credit cards of AA and SW. It is however of course possible that cash was used. Also since AA is heavily (pseudo-)involved in the homo/bisexual movement she could have get them for free there, since condoms are most frequently for free in Sweden at such parties etc.
If JA brought them, they could also have been old if he does not fuck so much (unlikely). Otherwise this could indicate that JA is always prepared to use condoms if the woman wants it.
2. Agree, important questions. Why did she keep it/them? It has been argued that it is likely that the condoms (remember it should have been more than one) were kept eg in carbage can in the bathroom afterwards. Well, do you usually keep used condoms for several days in the bathroom can? I donot.
The question why the condoms were kept for 5-10 days and who put forward the idea to analyse them is clearly of high importance. Hunting trophy? Part of a plot? AA normal behaviour?
The size of JA penis in relation to the size of the condoms is important but it is very unlikely that we will get any data on this subject. Large penis - easier broken condom. Small penis - easier to loose it while fucking. Also other parameters like the wetness/dryness and the diameter/muscule-strength of the vagina might be of interest. These issues were more carefully discussed in September
Remember also that JA and AA had been to a restaurant and consumed a lot of white wine before the first sexual encounter. Maybe JA was so tired due to the alcohol intake that when they had sex for the 3rd, 4th or whatever time, he just lay down on her without using his elbows. Of course a pure speculation
3. It was earlier referred to oral sex at Cosmonova. This information was obtained, if I remember correctly, from a English newspaper. In the beginning of this track it was mentioned that Cosmonova is a large cinema with a huge number of seats (never been there myself) and that there were not so many people there. And that JA and AA went to the back rows. It is hard for me to believe that JA, who is almost 40 years and seems to have a large appetite in sex, only sticks to petting and sniffing. If he wanted more than that it is also hard to believe that SW, suggested to be a stalker who has tried intensively to come in contact with JA, would say no since that would be an important next step in her strategy to get involved in JA. But I understand it is not confirmed yet.
However, if they had oral sex we have to remember that the risk of getting infected with a sexual infection is almost as high as with vaginal sex. If so the demands of using condom in order to avoid sexual infections seem as something which she found out later, by some reason. I admit however that if the condoms protect against pregnancy.
4. This is of some interest. If SW and Seth were still together, a pregnancy could have been annoying, especially since both in that case would have been forced to give a blood sample in order to find out who is the father. On the otherhand. for a stalker a pregnancy with a famous person could have been an attractive thought.
In addition to these issues, some other issues have been discussed already which seem to be highly relevant:
1. AA came back one day earlier than planned. To me this strongly suggests that she planned to fuck JA. Any information on when she bought the condoms (if she did) is therefore of high value (credit card check. Mastercard??? Visa???)
2. The SMS communication between SW and JA during Saturday and during the cray-fish party. Important news that such a communication occurred and the content is of high importance
3. The SMS communication between SW and AA after Tuesday. Very important news that such a communication occurred and the content is of uthermost importance
4. Why was not the condoms which SW/JA had used brought to the police?
Hi benderblod and everyone!
About nr 3.
As I remember the story they went to cosmonova started making out there and afterwards went to a park and THERE she gave him a blow job NOT in the cinema, JA was tired and had some meetings coming up and layed down in the park to rest , ans Sofia Wilen moved right in and yeah did what she had to do I guess.
It is almost impossible to give someone a blowjob in cosmonova because the rows are not like in an ordinary ceinema they are much more steep since it is an IMAXcinema see pictures here :
-and you will understand what I mean , ALSO it is built in a halfmoonshape so chances are that they would have a HUGE crowd of families with children watching if they decided to get all hot and steamy there, and would most likely be escorted out by guards.
Edit :Source: my memory , and I can't find the links I'm looking for so now I am not sure about this, anyone else remember?
Alltså avsugningen vid cosmonova skedde såvitt jag minns utanför cosmonova i parken, antagligen delvis pga halvmånformen på cosmonova, och de stupbranta sittplatserna se bild ovan.
Det är nästan omöjligt att ge någon en avsugning på cosmonova skulle jag tro,dessutom är det alltid fullt med barnfamiljer där och dylika upptåg skulle nog leda till snabb eskort ut av vakt.
Assange var trött och ville vila i parken en stund innan nästa föredrag , men Sofia Wilen var sugen på nåt annat och gav honom en avsugning där i parken.
Edit: Källa mitt minne, hittar ej länk , nån annan som minns detta?