Kommer nån ihåg SWs bilder på nätet från början. Hon hade ju tre sidor med bara dvärgkaninbilder, några bilder på Assange och lite rockband mm.
Dom här kaninbilderna har jag funderat på - vem lägger ut 30-40 bilder på dvärgkaniner på sin bildsite.
Kan det vara så att det var första steget i städningen, man böt komprometterande bilder mot oskyldiga så dessa hamnade i cachar osv innan man sen raderade dem helt?
Där Per E minst sagt går hårt åt det svenska rättsväsendet .... och menar att Assange får vara beredd på 2 års fängelse i Sverige .... för en kondoms skull
Det var en mycket bra intervju. Vore toppen om någon kunde översätta den till ordentlig engelska.
Det mest rimliga är dock att SW inte har raderat något överhuvudtaget, utan det har Prime tagit hand om. Tror inte att SW skulle haft koll på att just dessa videos måste raderas medans massa annat får ligga kvar. Mycket tyder på att det pågått en organiserad städnings- och redigeringskampanj. Någon som vet om detta är något som Prime erbjuder till sina kunder i övrigt?
Kommer du ihåg vad dessa flumflum videos handlade om? Kanske det går att binda till något tidigare Prime jobb. Bra minne du har och sinne för detaljer. Det man skulle vilja ha nu är en kopia på internet hur det såg ut innan mitten på augusti. Nån som har det på en USB sticka kanske?
Det som jag angett i festil ovan tror jag inte är riktigt. Varför? Raderingarna i SW's fall har skett på ett oproffsigt och klumpigt sätt, alltid med samma mönster:
- källa anges med länk i denna tråd
- källan raderas efter några minuter
Så har det varit hela tiden. Det ger snarare intrycket av en amatör som följer denna tråd, och inte ens i sin fantasi tror att någon här kan gräva fram något. Inte förrän Molok nämner wishlisten på amazon försvinner den... snabbt som en panik-knapp!
Ett mediaframträdande som av någon anledning inte finns på hans hemsida (alla andra verkar finnas där).
Antagligen därför att det är trivialt, det skiljer inte honom från mängden.
[KR's] extraknäck för moderaterna (som han skryter med men moderaterna försöker förneka) samt hans goda kontakter med RPM på Timbro och ex timbro, numera Prime, Twitterkampanj experten och republikanen Billy McCormac.
Att Timbro skulle impa på Prime förstår jag inte. Utveckla.
Svenskt Näringsliv (i vars sfär Timbro ingår) ville något och Prime skulle exekvera. SN ville ha det gjort ordentligt (men ack vad de bedrog sig ).
Senast redigerad av knegis 2010-12-30 kl. 17:19.
Anledning: förtydligande vem det handlar om
R P Martinssons inställning till Assange-fallet är glasklar. I en intervju nyligen: ”Jag vill se Assange bakom lås och bom”. [ ... ] Rove och Roland Poirier Martinsson: själarnas gemenskap. Och de arbetar kanske gemensamt på att fixa in Assange bakom lås och bom? [ ... ] Roves samarbete med Sverige började kanske med Carl Bildt.
Rove, RPM, m fl (Carl Bildt?): Representerar krafter som vill se Assange bakom lås och bom, eller förgiftad, avrättad, oskadliggjord, etc. Febrilt har de försökt ta tillvara den blotta som "kåta socialistnunnan" Fröken A har gett dem.
Samtidigt sitter nån på CIA med både en kopia av insurance.aes256 och några väl valda nycklar, och säger.. Aggghh, åh nejjj! Lämna Assange ifred för helvete era idioter, ni förstår inte vad som är på spel! .. Obama själv är informerad, läget är kritiskt.
Onekligen ett ganska spännande race om man inte råkar heta Julian Assange.
Kommer nån ihåg SWs bilder på nätet från början. Hon hade ju tre sidor med bara dvärgkaninbilder, några bilder på Assange och lite rockband mm.
Dom här kaninbilderna har jag funderat på - vem lägger ut 30-40 bilder på dvärgkaniner på sin bildsite.
Kan det vara så att det var första steget i städningen, man böt komprometterande bilder mot oskyldiga så dessa hamnade i cachar osv innan man sen raderade dem helt?
Isåfall borde de väl tagit bort JA bilderna direkt. Däremot kanske kaninbilderna varit del i någon av Prime's reklamkampanjer. Lite överskottsbilder hamnade på flickr. Någon som vet?
Isåfall borde de väl tagit bort JA bilderna direkt. Däremot kanske kaninbilderna varit del i någon av Prime's reklamkampanjer. Lite överskottsbilder hamnade på flickr. Någon som vet?
Jag tror det är så enkelt som att SW gillar söta kaniner så pass mycket att hon samlar på dem på flickr. Kanske något som hängt med sedan tonåren.
Rubriken var dock helt missvisande. Om man läser artikeln framgår det att det som FBI raidat var datorer som använts för DDOS-attackerna mot PayPal. Några Wikileaks-mirrors var inte inblandade annat än i rubriksättarens vilda fantasi.
Oavsett vad man tycker om Wikileaks kan man inte klandra FBI för att de utreder DDOS-attacker i USA. Det är faktiskt deras jobb, och inte något hot mot vare sig yttrandefriheten eller demokratin.
Dessa attacker skadar dessutom bara Wikileaks och Assange. Att bojkotta företag som dumpat Wikileaks är en sak (synd bara att det inte finns några alternativ till Visa och MasterCard). Men DDOS-attacker och hackade websites kommer bara att rättfärdiga ännu mer övervakning och polisstatsmetoder.
Senast redigerad av Regulus 2010-12-30 kl. 21:17.
Anledning: typo
Det var en mycket bra intervju. Vore toppen om någon kunde översätta den till ordentlig engelska.
Google + 15 min, ytterligare putsning emottages med tacksamhet:
Wikileaks AFFAIR: Doubts are against the accused
The lawyer Per E. Samuelson considers Julian Assange victim of a strange understanding of feminism in Sweden.
The Swedish lawyer Per E. Samuelson is one of the few lawyers who criticize the "gender equality practice" in the country. André Anwar spoke to him about the case of Wikileaks-founder Julian Assange.
MAZ: Assange will be sent to Sweden?
Per E. Samuelson: Yes, there is no doubt. That is why the British police has arrested him.
Is it really a rape in the very emancipated Sweden if a man splits by accident or on purpose a condom during an otherwise mutually wanted sexual intercourse?
Samuelson: people from other countries with different legal cultures do not understand how extensive the Swedish legal system is regarding sexual legislation. Julian Assange does certainly perceive the allegations made against him in Sweden as pure nonsense, as a joke. But he has to understand that such things put men in Sweden into prison.
Assange has to expect to be convicted?
Samuelson: Yes. The risks are significant. If he is convicted, he should expect two years in prison.
Do you still think he should go to Sweden? Some people fear that he escapes to a country that does not have an extradition treaty.
Samuelson: I mean, he has to face the charges in Sweden. As soon as possible. The suspicions against him will be more difficult, the longer he refuses to face the interrogation. He is not convicted, he is so far only suspected. Since the journalists from all over the world watch this case, Assange has more of a chance to get a fair trial than Swedish men who had to go before him to prison, even if there were serious doubts about their guilt.
Back in 2007 you warned of "mob justice in cases of sexual crimes in Sweden" - even with great doubt against the accused. Has this changed?
Samuelson: There was a discussion, but no change. Political pressure with equality of women in society as a starting point has ultimately led to the unacceptably large uncertainty for defendants in Sweden. That is what Assange is experiencing. The feminist movement in Sweden is particularly strong. It has long been criticized by women's rights activists that the judges would trust the thinking of the men. As a woman it was impossible to be right, they said. Now the opposite is true in Sweden.
Has it become easier for women to let men be punished for sexual misconduct?
Samuelson: Yes, today the political attitude calls for a condemnation. The point: in cases of rape the men have to be convicted, otherwise it is unfair against women. This is unworthy of a constitutional state. In Sweden, the consensus is: You say the truth because you're a woman. For me this is the limit. I am for the equality of women in society. Of course. But it must not go so far that innocent people are convicted. In Sweden, the so-called victim's perspective is so advanced that there are even people who seriously believe that it is unacceptable that women in general are exposed to the trouble of an interrogation in court. People said that we trial lawyers would offend these women if we interrogate them on behalf of our clients. I think such a culture is unprecedented in Western Europe.
What do you think of the actions of the prosecutor Marianne Ny? She is known in Sweden as a feminist who demanded in 1999 that men would be in pre-trial detention before any investigation, so that women in peace could find out what has been done to them.
Samuelson: I can not say anything about Mrs. Nys background, but can see in her acts, that also considering the Swedish legal practice, she acted unusually harshly against Julian Assange. It's all mainly about his interrogation. I do not understand that Marianne Ny has not simply flown to London to interrogate him there. He has even offered it. Instead, an international arrest warrant is issued against him, so that the whole world freaks out. The harsh treatment against Assange was totally unnecessary. Upon receipt of the indictment Assange remained even several weeks in Sweden, to face interrogation. When nothing happened, he left with the approval of the prosecutor Ny, as she already agreed.
How did it all go so wrong?
Samuelson: It is indeed difficult to understand. The prosecutor has now even painted into a corner where the whole thing has become a legal world war against Julian Assange. This hardly helps the issue.
Who do you think will emerge as the winner?
Samuelson: Really? Currently I believe that the dispute will benefit Julian Assange more than the prosecution side. A week ago I thought it was the other way around, I must admit. But because he was now free on bail in England and because in Britain many media are on his side, he captured the world public (except in Sweden). This is favorable for Assange. When the process starts and the world will see the now secret investigation material, detailing exactly why Assange is indicted, people will find this ridiculous and just shake their heads.
Have you read the investigation material?
Samuelson: No, I did not, but it will probably be about where the condom was. The prosecution claims he had split it on purpose. Even if this would be correct, is not proportional to the severity of the prosecutor and the judge, hence my sharp criticism. It must not be that way in a legal state.
What would you advise Julian Assange as a lawyer?
Samuelson: I would go to London, put him immediately into a bag and bring him to Sweden (sic!). He has to face the law. Otherwise the view that he is guilty will win. I'm also sorry that he is treated so badly as a defendant in the Swedish legal system. I do not think that an international arrest warrant is issued in Germany because a condom has burst. Assange has revealed to the world how unjust it can go in Sweden. How much suffering is waiting for release behind the Swedish prison walls.
Personlig kommentar: jag vill minnas att flashback797 inte uppskattade Samuelsons något cyniska avvägningar. Samuelsson är dock onekligen en duktig jurist ut i fingerspetsarna.
Senast redigerad av knegis 2010-12-30 kl. 21:52.
Anledning: efter första genomläsning
Google + 15 min, ytterligare putsning emottages med tacksamhet:
Wikileaks AFFAIR: Doubts are against the accused
The lawyer Per E. Samuelson considers Julian Assange victim of a strange understanding of feminism in Sweden.
The Swedish lawyer Per E. Samuelson is one of the few lawyers who criticize the "gender equality practice" in the country. André Anwar spoke to him about the case of Wikileaks-founder Julian Assange.
MAZ: Assange will be sent to Sweden?
Per E. Samuelson: Yes, there is no doubt. That is why the British police has arrested him.
Is it really a rape in the very emancipated Sweden if a man splits by accident or on purpose a condom during an otherwise mutually desired sexual intercourse?
Samuelson: people from other countries with different legal cultures do not understand how extensive the Swedish legal system is in sexual legislation. Julian Assange does certainly perceive the allegations made against him in Sweden as pure nonsense, as a joke. But he must understand that such things put men in Sweden into prison.
Assange has to expect to be convicted?
Samuelson: Yes. The risks are significant. If he is convicted, he should expect two years in prison.
Do you still think he should go to Sweden? Some people fear that he escapes to a country that does not have an extradition treaty.
Samuelson: I mean, he has to face the charges in Sweden. As soon as possible. The suspicions against him will be more difficult, the longer he refuses to face the interrogation. He is not convicted, he is so far only suspected. Since the journalists from all over the world watch this case, Assange has more of a chance to get a fair trial than Swedish men who went before him to prison, even if there were serious doubts about their guilt.
Back in 2007 you warned of "mob justice in cases of sexual crimes in Sweden" - even with great doubt against the accused. Has this changed?
Samuelson: There was a discussion, but no change. Political pressure with equality of women in society as a starting point has ultimately led to the unacceptably large uncertainty for defendants in Sweden. That is what Assange is experiencing. The feminist movement in Sweden is particularly strong. It has long been criticized by women's rights activists that the judges would trust the thinking of the men. As a woman it was impossible to be right, they said. Now the opposite is true in Sweden.
Has it become easier for women to let men be punished for sexual misconduct?
Samuelson: Yes, today the political attitude calls for a condemnation. The point: in cases of rape the men have to be convicted, otherwise it is unfair against women. This is unworthy of a constitutional state. In Sweden, the consensus is: You say the truth because you're a woman. For me this is the limit. I am for the equality of women in society. Of course. But it must not go so far that innocent people are convicted. In Sweden, the so-called victim's perspective is so advanced that there are even people who seriously believe that it is unacceptable that women in general are exposed to the trouble of an interrogation in court. People said that we trial lawyers would offend these women if we interrogate them on behalf of our clients. I think such a culture is unprecedented in Western Europe.
What do you think of the actions of the prosecutor Marianne Ny? She is known in Sweden as a feminist who demanded in 1999 that men would be in pre-trial detention before any investigation, so that women in peace could find out what has been done to them.
Samuelson: I can not say anything about Mrs. Nys background, but can see in her acts, that also considering the Swedish legal practice, she acted unusually harshly against Julian Assange. It's all mainly about his interrogation. I do not understand that Marianne Ny has not simply flown to London to interrogate him there. He has even offered it. Instead, an international arrest warrant is issued against him, so that the whole world freaks out. The harsh treatment against Assange was totally unnecessary. Upon receipt of the indictment Assange remained even several weeks in Sweden, to face interrogation. When nothing happened, he left with the approval of the prosecutor Ny, as she already agreed.
How did it all go so wrong?
Samuelson: It is indeed difficult to understand. The prosecutor has now even painted into a corner where the whole thing has become a legal world war against Julian Assange. This hardly helps the issue.
Who do you think will emerge as the winner?
Samuelson: Really? Currently I believe that the dispute will benefit Julian Assange more than the prosecution side. A week ago I thought it was the other way around, I must admit. But because he was now free on bail in England and because in Britain many media are on his side, he captured the world public (except in Sweden). This is favorable for Assange. When the process starts and the world will see the now secret investigation material, detailing exactly why Assange is indicted, people will find this ridiculous and just shake their heads.
Have you read the investigation material?
Samuelson: No, I did not, but it will probably be about where the condom was. The prosecution claims he had split it on purpose. Even if this would be correct, is not proportional to the severity of the prosecutor and the judge, hence my sharp criticism. It must not be that way in a legal state.
What would you advise Julian Assange as a lawyer?
Samuelson: I would go to London, put him immediately into a bag and bring him to Sweden (sic!). He has to face the law. Otherwise the view that he is guilty will win. I'm also sorry that he is treated so badly as a defendant in the Swedish legal system. I do not think that an international arrest warrant is issued in Germany because a condom has burst. Assange has revealed to the world how unjust it can go in Sweden. How much suffering is waiting for release behind the Swedish prison walls.
Personlig kommentar: jag vill minnas att flashback797 inte uppskattade Samuelsons något cyniska avvägningar. Samuelsson är dock onekligen en duktig jurist ut i fingerspetsarna.
Hur kan Samuelson vara 100 på att Assange verkligen utlämnas till Sverige, speciellt som han i nästa andetag erkänner att han ändrat uppfattning vem som är vinnare i detta juridiska världskrig från ena veckan till den andra?
Jag tyckte han var cynisk när han säger att han borde komma till Sverige bums. Och blir han utlämnad till USA, kommer han ses som en hjälte i alla fall.
Cyniskt uttalande. Finns det inga normala advokater här i landet som gör helt normala avvägningar?
Senast redigerad av flashback979 2010-12-30 kl. 21:53.
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