Dialyspatienten Bin Laden tycks ha klarat sig utan dialys med hjälp av vattenmelon.
Någon medicinskt kunnig som vet om detta är vanligt i asien och varför vi inte använder det här?
Borde vara billigt.
En av hans fruar har i förhör med den pakistanska polisen sagt att bin Ladin var pigg och frisk – och att han behandlades med naturliga läkemedel, bland annat vattenmelon.
"It is very common in Pakistan and India for well-to-do people to have their own private dialysis," Provenzano said. "They just buy the machine and hire a technician."
That's what's known as hemodialysis, or the filtering of the blood. There's another process called peritoneal dialysis that involves a surgically implanted catheter and a bag of a solution to drip into the abdominal cavity. After an initial surgery, peritoneal dialysis requires no machinery, electricity or running water.
"People who talked about him being on dialysis talked about him being on this type of dialysis," Provenzano said. "That could have been performed in a cave."