2016-12-26, 23:44
min JLabel text flyttar sig inte efter att jag angett koordinater?
den hamnar i toppen av rutan, varfr?

package ssp;

import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;

public class StenSaxPseTest implements ActionListener{

private JLabel L1; /* It's a good practice to make your variables private or protected */
private JLabel L2;
private JLabel L3;
private JLabel L4;
private JPanel p1;
private JPanel p2;
private String s1;
private String s2;
private String s3;
private JButton j4;
private ActionListener anotherListener;

public StenSaxPseTest(){

JButton j1=new JButton("STEN");
j1.setActionCommand("Du har valt sten" );

j1.setBounds(0, 180, 100, 100);
j1.addActionListener(this );

JButton j2=new JButton("SAX");
j2.setActionCommand("Du har valt sax");
j2.setBounds(100,180, 100, 100);
j2.addActionListener(this );

JButton j3=new JButton("PSE");
j3.setActionCommand("Du har valt pse");
j3.setBounds(200, 180, 100, 100);;
j3.addActionListener(this );

JButton j4=new JButton("Nytt Spel");
j4.setBounds(200, 200, 200, 100);;
j4.addActionListener(this );

JButton j5=new JButton("Avsluta");
j5.setBounds(200, 200, 200, 100);;
j5.addActionListener(Close -> System.exit(0) );/*Behvs bara denna raden fr att
gra knappen till en stng! */

JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
p1.setBounds(0, 180, 310, 100);
p2.setBounds(0, 0, 300, 190);

L1=new JLabel("Vlj vapen!");
L2=new JLabel("Vlj vapen!");
L3=new JLabel("Spelare!");
L4=new JLabel("Dator!");


JFrame f = new JFrame("StenSaxPse Death battle -.- !!!");

// f.setResizable(false);

// j1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent Ae){
Random rand = new Random();
String s1 = new String("Datorn har valt sten");
String s2 = new String("Datorn har valt sax");
String s3 = new String("Datorn har valt pse");
int n = rand.nextInt(3) + 1; // 3an r vrt max och 1an vrt min vrde!!

// j1.setActionCommand("Du har valt sten" );


public void action2(ActionEvent Rema){

public static void main(String args[]){
StenSaxPseTest stp = new StenSaxPseTest();

2016-12-27, 01:24
Sitkins avatar
Vilken label syftar du p?

Nu ser jag att du har inte valt ngon layout. Detta gr att alla komponenter lgger sig i en och samma rad. Mer om Layouthantering hittar du hr: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutor...ut/visual.html

EDIT: Jag rekommenderar att du anvnder ngon GUI-builder istllet fr att manuellt sitta och koda interfacet utan att riktigt se resultatet direkt p skrmen.

Beroende p vilken IDE du anvnder finns det olika GUI-builder man kan anvnda sig utav.
Eclipse: WindowBuilder. Har sjlv anvnt mig utav det.
NetBeans: Tror NetBeans har en GUI-builer inbyggd i IDEn men jag r inte helt sker.
IntellijIdea: Inbyggd GUI-builder s du behver inte installera ngon plugin.

Jag rekommenderar att du frst och frmst lgger fokus p problemlsningen och att lra dig programmera istllet fr att lgga stor vikt p hur man manuellt bygger upp ett interface.
Iofs kanske uppgiften gr ut p att skapa en GUI "manuellt" utan att anvnda drag & drop.
Senast redigerad av Sitkin 2016-12-27 kl. 01:39.
2016-12-27, 21:03
Hr r en LayoutManager jag har byggt fr just absoluta positioner:

Du kan anvnda den hur du vill. Skippa licenserna om du vill det. Den r egentligen LGPL. Koden kan hittas hr: https://github.com/macroing/CIT-Java...uteLayout.java

 * Copyright 2009 - 2016 Jrgen Lundgren
 * This file is part of org.macroing.cit.java.
 * org.macroing.cit.java is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * org.macroing.cit.java is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with org.macroing.cit.java. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.macroing.cit.java.awt;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.io.Serializable;

 * An {@code AbsoluteLayout} lays out its {@code Component}s using their locations. But it can also take into account their preferred sizes. Only visible {@code Component}s will be taken into account.
 * <p>
 * Using this {@code LayoutManager}, you don't have to call {@code setLayout(null)} on a given {@code Container} instance. Not only is that discouraged, but it may also cause unintended side-effects.
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @author Jrgen Lundgren
public final class AbsoluteLayout implements LayoutManager, Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private boolean isUsingPreferredSize;
	 * Constructs a new {@code AbsoluteLayout}.
	 * <p>
	 * Calling this constructor is equivalent to calling {@code new AbsoluteLayout(true)}.
	public AbsoluteLayout() {
	 * Constructs a new {@code AbsoluteLayout}.
	 * <p>
	 * If {@code isUsingPreferredSize} is {@code true}, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance will take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s.
	 * @param isUsingPreferredSize {@code true} if, and only if, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance should take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s
	public AbsoluteLayout(final boolean isUsingPreferredSize) {
	 * Returns {@code true} if, and only if, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance will take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s, {@code false} otherwise.
	 * @return {@code true} if, and only if, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance will take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s, {@code false} otherwise
	public boolean isUsingPreferredSize() {
		return this.isUsingPreferredSize;
	 * Calculates the minimum size for the specified {@code Container}, given the {@code Component}s it contains.
	 * <p>
	 * At this time, the minimum size is the same as the preferred size. So this method simply delegates to {@code preferredLayoutSize(Container)}.
	 * @param parent the {@code Container} to be laid out
	public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(final Container parent) {
		synchronized(parent.getTreeLock()) {
			return preferredLayoutSize(parent);
	 * Calculates the preferred size for the specified {@code Container}, given the {@code Component}s it contains.
	 * @param parent the {@code Container} to be laid out
	public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(final Container parent) {
		final Insets parentInsets = parent.getInsets();
		int x = parentInsets.left;
		int y = parentInsets.top;
		int width = 0;
		int height = 0;
		synchronized(parent.getTreeLock()) {
			for(final Component component : parent.getComponents()) {
				if(component.isVisible()) {
					final Point location = component.getLocation();
					final Dimension componentSize = doGetComponentSize(component);
					x = Math.min(x, location.x);
					y = Math.min(y, location.y);
					width = Math.max(width, location.x + componentSize.width);
					height = Math.max(height, location.y + componentSize.height);
		if(x < parentInsets.left) {
			width += parentInsets.left - x;
		if(y < parentInsets.top) {
			height += parentInsets.top - y;
		width += parentInsets.right;
		height += parentInsets.bottom;
		return new Dimension(width, height);
	 * Returns a {@code String} representation of this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance.
	 * @return a {@code String} representation of this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance
	public String toString() {
		return String.format("[%s]", getClass().getName());
	 * This method is not supported by this class. So calling it will do nothing.
	 * @param name the name to be associated with {@code component}
	 * @param component the {@code Component} to be added
	public void addLayoutComponent(final String name, final Component component) {
//		Do nothing.
	 * Lays out the specified {@code Container}.
	 * @param parent the {@code Container} to be laid out
	public void layoutContainer(final Container parent) {
		synchronized(parent.getTreeLock()) {
			final Insets parentInsets = parent.getInsets();
			int x = parentInsets.left;
			int y = parentInsets.top;
			for(final Component component : parent.getComponents()) {
				if(component.isVisible()) {
					final Point location = component.getLocation();
					x = Math.min(x, location.x);
					y = Math.min(y, location.y);
			x = x < parentInsets.left ? parentInsets.left - x : 0;
			y = y < parentInsets.top ? parentInsets.top - y : 0;
			for(final Component component : parent.getComponents()) {
				if(component.isVisible()) {
					final Point location = component.getLocation();
					final Dimension componentSize = doGetComponentSize(component);
					component.setBounds(location.x + x, location.y + y, componentSize.width, componentSize.height);
	 * This method is not supported by this class. So calling it will do nothing.
	 * @param component the {@code Component} to be removed
	public void removeLayoutComponent(final Component component) {
//		Do nothing.
	 * Sets the preferred size usage for this {@code AbsoluteLayout}.
	 * <p>
	 * If {@code true} is specified, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance will take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s.
	 * @param isUsingPreferredSize {@code true} if, and only if, this {@code AbsoluteLayout} instance should take the preferred size into account when laying out its {@code Component}s
	public void setUsingPreferredSize(final boolean isUsingPreferredSize) {
		this.isUsingPreferredSize = isUsingPreferredSize;
	private Dimension doGetComponentSize(final Component component) {
		final Dimension preferredSize = component.getPreferredSize();
		final Dimension size = component.getSize();
		return !this.isUsingPreferredSize && size.width > 0 && size.height > 0 ? size : preferredSize;
Senast redigerad av 0xCAFEBABE 2016-12-27 kl. 21:06.

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