Jaha, nu uppträder alltså puckot J-C Junker med samma slags storhetsvansinne som Trump och deklarerar helt egenmäktigt att EU inte kopmmer att tillåta någon form av förlängning, oavsett hur det går i London, eftersom det nu "finns en färdig deal". Det är naturligtvis inte alls
hans sak att avgöra detta, den frågan hör i sista hand hemma hos ministerrådet och EU:s regeringschefer, men fylle-Junker vill förmodligen vara hygglig mot Boris och dessutom få lysa litet inför alla tv-kameror.
Ursprungligen postat av Guardian
Asked if he thought the deal would pass parliament, he said: “It has to.”
Then he added: Anyway, there will be no prolongation.
He went on: "We have concluded a deal. So there is not an argument for delay. It has to be done now."
Asked by another journalist if he would rule out an extension if Boris Johnson asked for that, Juncker replied:
I gave a brief doorstop with Boris Johnson ... half an hour ago and I was ruling out that there will be any kind of prolongation. If we have a deal, we have a deal, and there is no need for prolongation. That is not only the British view; that is my view too.
Asked again if he would officially rule out an extension, he replied: "Yes. We have a deal. So why should we have a prolongation?"
But, as my colleague Jennifer Rankin points out, it is questionable whether, in practice, the EU27 would rule out another extension if the alternative were no deal.
Jennifer Rankin @JenniferMerode
Not surprising that Jean-Claude Juncker wants to quash talk of an extension. EU dearly wants Brexit over and done with.
In reality, if UK asked for delay, under Benn Act, hard to see that the EU would say no.
Junker ÄR ett senilt fyllo, dessutom avgår han som kommissionsordförande vid månadsskiftet. Det är just uppblåsta män av hans sort som har gett Farage, Cummings och Johnson bränsle i deras kampanjer mot EU.
Edit: BBC:s erfarna EU-korre Katya Adler skjuter ner Junkers egenmäktiga skitsnack på twitter direkt (se Guardians live-feed)