Författaren Steven Martin "snöar" in på Opium, börjar med att samla pipor för att sedan själv bli en "konnässör".
Jag anser att missbrukar mentaliteten är helt och hållet kulturellt betingat. Dvs i vår kultur så får man en viss sorts stämpel om man sysslar med opiater. I andra länder har det tom ansetts som fint och ädelt!
Jag ser gärna att man för in de gamla opium klubbarna igen, den sortens rus är något vår stress och prestations beroende kultur hade mått bra av/balanserat sig. Jag hade älskat att efter jobbet en fredag gå till min favorit lokala opium klubb, hälsa på min "bartender" som gör i ordning en pipa till mig medans jag lägger mig i den härliga soffan i mitt hörn, beställer en kopp varm te medans jag puffar iväg på pipan, kanske kommer nån thai tjej som ger en fot massage ? Det hade varit statligt kontrollerat opium precis som under britternas tid i Indien med hög kvalite/potens och ekologiskt producerat.
Ja såhär lungt och härligt skall det gå till!
"Abe: One of the common images of the opium smoker is one of smacked-out, paralytic, horizontal destitution. Yet many smoked for recreation only.
Steven: The reasons for that stereotype are manifold, and, as with all stereotypes, they’re partly based on fact and partly on misunderstanding. During the heyday of the opium trade, raw opium exported by the British from India to China was purchased by Chinese brokers who then repackaged the product for sale to opium smokers within China. These brokers processed the raw opium into smoking opium, or chandu, and during this process they added impurities — the most common being opium ash — in the same way that drug cartels add nonessential ingredients to pure cocaine or heroin in order to boost their profits. Opium ash has a high morphine content, and adding it to pure opium not only increased the quantity of the product, it also made the high more numbing. So people with limited means who smoked low-quality opium cut with opium ash were more likely to lie around in a daze. And these were exactly the kind of smokers most often witnessed by Westerners living or traveling in China.
Another reason for the stereotype was the design of the Chinese opium pipe, which used an oil lamp as a heating source to vaporize the opium. The only comfortable way to hold the opium pipe over the lamp and monitor the drug as it vaporized was to lie down. However, pure, good quality chandu smoked in moderation was energizing, both physically and mentally. So the effects really depended a lot on the kind of opium being smoked."