Jag har bara kollat snabbt. CAS kastade ut Ryssland igen. Omfattande bestraffningar under två år. Inga ledare får delta i OS- eller VM-möten under två år. De får inte ansöka om arrangemang. Jag tror det innebär att de missar alla möjligheter att arrangera OS eller VM en längre tid framåt (2028 eller 2032?). Det verkar också som om utredningen inte är färdig, man kommer att göra fler undersökningar.
Dräkterna får inte ha ryska flaggor eller andra symboler. Deras representanter får inte ha ryska flaggor eller andra symboler. Publiken verkar dock få vifta med ryska flaggor. (I Pyeongchang fick de inte vifta "politiskt" vill jag minnas.) Den ryska nationalsången eller andra ryska sånger får inte spelas.
Jag anser att det är extrema åtgärder som utgör mobbning. Det handlar om att "märka" ett land. Vad jag kan minnas började det med att teamet bakom filmen Icarus kontaktade avhoppade ryske laboratoriechefen Rodchenkov och i maj 2016 publicerades anklagelser i The New York Times. Två veckor före OS i Rio kom McLaren-utredningen med anklagelser om doping vid Sochi-OS. Sedan har det rullat på. Januari 2019 laddade WADA ned den aktuella databasen som gav upphov till fler anklagelser.
Men den ryske avhopparens version har ifrågasatts. McLaren menade att provflaskorna rutinmässigt öppnats och innehåll bytts ut. Men hur det gått till redovisas inte i rapporten. Inte ens tillverkaren av flaskorna vet hur man öppnar dem utan att bryta förseglingen. Analyserna skedde på ett hemligt laboratorium. Den nu aktuella rättegången har skett på hemlig plats. WADA och Ryssland ville båda ha offentliga förhandlingar, men en hemlig part begärde slutna förhandlingar etc.
Det dopas på många håll men extrema bestraffningar utmäts mot Ryssland, anser jag. Det finns nätverk som saknar det kalla kriget och nu söker andra vägar att splittra nationer. Det är bättre än när de höll på med kärnvapen, men trist ändå.
The CAS Panel unanimously determined RUSADA to be non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) in connection with its failure to procure the delivery of the authentic LIMS data (Laboratory Information Management System)
The orders below come into effect on the date of this Award and remain in effect until the second anniversary of that date (the “Two-Year Period”).
representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the categories set out in order 4(b) below (the “Government Representatives”):
May not be appointed to sit, and may not sit, as members of the boards or committees (including sub-committees) of any Signatory (or its members) or association of Signatories during the Two-Year Period.
May not be issued accreditation by or for any Signatory for any of the following events held during the Two-Year Period:
The Olympic and Paralympic Games (winter or summer);
Any World Championships
The Russian Federation (or any Russian Signatory or Russian national federation) may not host in the Two-Year Period, or bid for or be granted in the Two-Year Period the right to host (whether during or after the Two-Year Period), any editions of:
Where the right to host any such event in the Two-Year Period has already been awarded to the Russian Federation, the Signatory in question must withdraw that right and re-assign the event to another country, unless it is legally or practically impossible to do so.
Subject to the provisos set out below, the flag of the Russian Federation (current or historical) may not be flown or displayed in any official venue or area controlled by a Signatory or event organise
Russian Athletes/Athlete Support Personnel shall participate in a uniform to be approved by the relevant Signatory which shall not contain the flag of the Russian Federation (current or historical), or any national emblem or other national symbol of the Russian Federation. If the uniform contains or displays the name “Russia” (in any language or format), the words “neutral athlete” (or an equivalent) must be displayed in English in a position and size that is no less prominent than the name “Russia”.
Subject to order (iv), Russian Athletes/Athlete Support Personnel shall not display publicly the flag of the Russian Federation (current or historical), the name “Russia” (in any language or format), or any national emblem or other national symbol of the Russian Federation, including without limitation, on their clothes, equipment or other personal items or in a publicly visible manner at any official venues or other areas controlled by the Signatory or its appointed Event organiser.
The Russian national anthem (or any anthem linked to Russia) shall not be officially played or sung at any official event venue or other area controlled by the Signatory or its appointed event organiser (including, without limitation, at medal ceremonies and opening/closing ceremonies).
RUSADA shall pay to WADA a contribution of USD 1,270,000
RUSADA shall, under supervision of the WADA Intelligence and Investigations department (WADA I&I) or the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) of World Athletics (as applicable), conduct investigations into any cases impacted by the deletions
RUSADA shall, as soon as possible and in good faith, provide any other support (including locating and providing any further data or information, and/or carrying out interviews or other investigative measures) as required by WADA or any other Anti-Doping Organisation to assist in determining whether Russian Athletes whose samples are listed in the Moscow Laboratory LIMS database provided to WADA by a whistle-blower in or around October 2017 have a case to answer for breach of the anti-doping rules
RUSADA is to pay a fine to WADA of 10% of its 2019 income or USD 100,000 (one hundred thousand United States dollars) (whichever is lower) within 90 (ninety) days from the notification of the present arbitral award. Such amount shall accrue interest at a rate of 5% per annum in case of non-timely payment.
The costs of the arbitration, to be determined and served to the parties by the CAS Court Office, shall be borne 80% by RUSADA and 20% by WADA.
RUSADA is ordered to pay WADA a total amount of CHF 400,000 (four hundred thousand Swiss francs)
CAS har minskat tiden för bestraffningar från 4 till 2 år, jämfört med vad WADA tidigare dömt ut. Så The Guardian ser situationen så här
Decision to halve Russia’s Wada doping ban met with disbelief and anger
The Guardian noterar också att de idrottare som påstås ha fått manipulerade värden i databasen nu tillåts delta. Putin och andra får dessutom komma till OS om de bjuds in av landets ledare.
De får delta med restriktioner i Tokyo och Peking 2022. Tydligen sparkas de ut från fotbollsVM i Qatar, 2022. De arrangerade ju VM 2018.