Ursprungligen postat av
Sluta trolla, din fjant.
Ja. Putin borde stänga av kranen till hela Europa så att finansieringen till hans våldtäktsarmé upphör.
EU (Ursula von der Leyen, no less) anklagar nu Ryssland för
utpressning och ett otillständigt försök att att använda gasen som...Jaha, eh, vad är det USA och väst gör med dollarn och bankerna som påtryckningsmedel då?
Svinhugg går igen,säger jag. Och reaktionen visar också att Rysslands tilltag visste var det tog...
Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, has condemned Russian for seeking to “blackmail” Europe after Russian energy giant Gazprom confirmed that it had cut gas supply to Poland and Bulgaria.
She said: “The announcement by Gazprom that it is unilaterally stopping delivery of gas to customers in Europe is yet another attempt by Russia to use gas as an instrument of blackmail.
“This is unjustified and unacceptable. And it shows once again the unreliability of Russia as a gas supplier.
“We are prepared for this scenario. We are in close contact with all member states. We have been working to ensure alternative deliveries and the best possible storage levels across the EU.”
Von der Leyen said the EU had made contingency plans for such a situation and that crisis talks were taking place in Brussels.
She said: “Member states have put in place contingency plans for just such a scenario and we worked with them in coordination and solidarity. A meeting of the gas coordination group is taking place right now. (från Guardian)