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The climate deniers and delayers are so desperate and feel so threatened that they simply make up their own quotes from pure lies and fantasies. This is what I have said about systems and ideologies:
(Text som jag dessvärre inte kan kopiera, där hon skriver att "all current political ideologies - socialism, liberalism, communism, conservatism, centrism, you name it. They all have failed".
Men då "glömmer" hon alla gånger då det är enbart kapitalismen hon attackerar som företeelse. Hur ofta hör man henne kritisera socialism?
Och vilken politisk ideologi vill hon ha i stället? Platta nätverk ā la Fridays for Future?)
MS (mina fetningar):
In response to criticism, Thunberg once again scapegoats her critics as deniers, and claims they misquoted her, but the passage she shares from her forthcoming book confirms that she is indeed calling for an end to capitalist consumerism and market economics.
Greta Thunberg used to say her goal was to protect the planet from climate change but she now admits it's to overthrow "the whole capitalist system," which she says is responsible for "imperialism, oppression, genocide.. racist, oppressive extractionism"
For years, the media told us that Greta Thunberg was driven by a love of nature. It's now clear she is driven by a hatred of capitalism. Overconfident and smug, Thunberg inadvertently let her green mask slip. Now, the media is turning against her.
The "whole capitalist system" has resulted in declining emissions thanks to the transition from coal to natural gas, and to less deforestation for agriculture. This is proof that Greta hates capitalism for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with climate change.
Thanks to Greta's war on natural gas, this year will be a record year for coal, globally, Europeans are burning garbage and wood to stay warm, and governments are nationalizing failing electricity consumption.
But her claims are absurd. The "whole capitalist system" has, over the last 200 years, allowed for the average life expectancy of humans to rise from 30 to 70 years of age. The "whole capitalist system" produces larger food surpluses than any other system in human history. And the "whole capitalist system" has resulted in declining greenhouse gas emissions in developed nations over the last 50 years.
Tänk om hon kunde bemöta kritiken för en gångs skull istället för att spela in dans-, klädbytes- och sångvideor åt Inspiratoeren ...