Ursprungligen postat av snigelfalafel
det är väl ändå datorn som exekverar koden, inte människor? kod != källkod.
Du får nog ursäkta mig. För mig så är "kod" bara ett kortare sätt att skriva "källkod" på, i ett sammanhang som detta.
Som du själv nämnde: "en bra kodare skriver bra kod"
Googlar man på "good code" så diskuteras det om kvaliteten på källkoden och inte direkt om applikationens kvalitet (även om båda oftast är starkt relaterade till varandra).
För att citera denna sida:
There is a big difference between
- working code
- correct code
- good code
Good code is abstract, straightforward, and efficient enough to do the job. Good code is easy to understand and to maintain. Good code evolves as requirements change. It doesn't have to be thrown away when a new feature is added.
Not all correct code is good code. It might be unnecessarily inefficient or overly complicated or insufficiently abstract. Poor code is hard to maintain. When requirements change, it is often easier to replace poor code with newly written code than to try to understand and to modify the poor code.
Not all code that works is correct. It might happen to work when it is linked together with one particular implementation of an abstract data type that it uses, but not when it is linked together with an alternative but equally correct implementation of that data type. It might happen to work when presented with ordinary data, but not with unusual data.
Not all correct code works, but it is far more likely to work than incorrect code. Compiler bugs sometimes prevent correct code from working as it should. More often, some other module may contain a bug that prevents a correct module from working. With good code, we can isolate these bugs. With poor code, it is harder to determine which module is at fault.
Not all good code is correct, but good code is much more likely to be correct than poor code. It's hard to convince anyone that poor code is correct even when it is. What's more, any attempt to add new features to poor code is likely to introduce bugs that are hard to find and to fix. With good code, you can find and fix any bugs. In the long run, good but incorrect code is more valuable than poor but correct code.