Visst, demokratiskt kan man ju kalla ett land som delar upp människor i rang och bestämmer att folk ska leva i fattigdom. Kineser har enormt mycket mera friheter, lägre analfabetism och större möjligheter till jobb och karriär. Kina är ett enormt mera rättvist och jämlikt land.
Folkmordsdiktaturen Kommunistkina delar upp människor i rang och bestämmer att folk ska leva i fattigdom. Har du inte hört talas om hukou-systemet (户口)?
Chinese Apartheid and the Fragile Communist State
Let’s not forget that, amid its other abuses, the CCP maintains a rigid system of forced internal inequality.
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has institutionalized discrimination by an elite, relatively wealthy minority against the rest of the population on a scale and with a degree of deliberation unseen since the apartheid-era in South Africa.
China’s apartheid system is based on the longstanding practice of hukou, a ruthless permanent caste system maintained with vigor by the party. Hukou has in common with South African apartheid decades of social and economic domination by an entrenched minority — in this case, the urban political and economic class of the Chinese Communist Party — over the majority population.
The CCP depends on hukou to control the 900 million rural poor while relying on their cheap labor to keep so-called first-tier cities afloat. The urban elite and middle class in Beijing, Shanghai, and other tier-one cities accept the system without reservation or even much recognition, much as their South African counterparts did.
China’s apartheid relies on an internal-passport system that follows the bearer for his or her life.
Let’s not forget that, amid its other abuses, the CCP maintains a rigid system of forced internal inequality.
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has institutionalized discrimination by an elite, relatively wealthy minority against the rest of the population on a scale and with a degree of deliberation unseen since the apartheid-era in South Africa.
China’s apartheid system is based on the longstanding practice of hukou, a ruthless permanent caste system maintained with vigor by the party. Hukou has in common with South African apartheid decades of social and economic domination by an entrenched minority — in this case, the urban political and economic class of the Chinese Communist Party — over the majority population.
The CCP depends on hukou to control the 900 million rural poor while relying on their cheap labor to keep so-called first-tier cities afloat. The urban elite and middle class in Beijing, Shanghai, and other tier-one cities accept the system without reservation or even much recognition, much as their South African counterparts did.
China’s apartheid relies on an internal-passport system that follows the bearer for his or her life.