2010-05-31, 00:10
Men kommer dom att klara det.
Eller blir ohörsamma personer utbytta mot mer dynamiska individer.
Speech by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB
at “The Group of Thirty”, 63rd Plenary Session, Session I: The Crisis of the Eurosystem,
Rabat, 28 May 2010
Och så markerar man mot de som ser inflation tax som en väg att gå.
Så ta i tu med butgetunderskotten! Det finns inget alternativ.
Så vad innebär nu det här?
Ingen Keynes i Euro-land?
Minskade statsbudgetar och mindre offentlig konsumtion/bidrag?
Lågkonjunktur en tid?
Eller blir ohörsamma personer utbytta mot mer dynamiska individer.
Speech by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB
at “The Group of Thirty”, 63rd Plenary Session, Session I: The Crisis of the Eurosystem,
Rabat, 28 May 2010
Dvs låt bli budgetunderskott.
This implies that the ECB will not use an inflation tax to reduce the real value of government debt. Euro area governments have thus to rely on budgetary measures to address their own fiscal problems.
Och så markerar man mot de som ser inflation tax som en väg att gå.
In short, the impossibility of resorting to an inflation tax is forcing euro area countries to tackle the burden of public debt sooner rather than later. In other countries the illusion of being able to resort to the inflation tax might delay the adjustment, but the longer the treatment is postponed the harsher it’s likely to be. End of digression.
Så ta i tu med butgetunderskotten! Det finns inget alternativ.
Let me conclude. What we are currently experiencing is a crisis of public finances in advanced economies. It started with Greece, and the euro, because of the specific institutional framework which prevents Greece and the other euro area countries from using the inflation tax to overcome their budgetary problems. This will force euro area countries to address their fiscal positions earlier. It’s not easy. But it will be done, because it can be done and it has to be done in any case. And, last but not least, because there are no alternatives.
Så vad innebär nu det här?
Ingen Keynes i Euro-land?
Minskade statsbudgetar och mindre offentlig konsumtion/bidrag?
Lågkonjunktur en tid?