An "informer", I could potentially buy into if it wasn't for how this case has turned out. As it is, there is a huge difference between a paid informer and getting a women to whore herself out in her own home town and turn it into a rape scandal.
Ursprungligen postat av Kattafanken
Angående SW och SÄPO-tanken, sådd av hennes "jag jobbar statligt" kommentar någonstans, en fotograf som "informer" är inte ett nytt grepp direkt.
Ursprungligen postat av DanceBaby
Men jag är lite mer nyfiken just nu på om SW är med i PP. Hur kan man ta reda på det?
Sofia had a large number of interests in her twitter account & a large selection of photos in her flikr account. Absolutely none of it had anything to do with the Pirate Party. You are welcome to look yourself in her twitter account if it is still visible.
But at the end of the day, when you are faced with such an overwhelming lack of evidence supporting an Pirate Party connection, when so much of her other interests were visible, you have to admit that your suspicion in this case lacks merit & you are barking up the wrong tree.
If you seriously want to try to pursue this line of investigation, about the only stone left to turn over would be for you to start hanging out on Pirate Party forums & discussion groups to see if there was any involvement. No one else here is going to do it because they already view it as a dead end. But by all means, knock yourself out.
The Swedish brotherhood hosted the event and has a slightly higher resolution copy of the media event on one of their video hosting websites (for a limited time). I don't recall the name of the website off the top of my head. Maybe someone else can help you out.
Ursprungligen postat av kaxium
Jag håller på att gå igenom videomaterialet från JA framförande men hittar bara lågupplösta videor. Vet någon om det finns mer högupplöst material?
I went through those videos with a fine tooth comb to identify Sofia. There is no indication of any verbal communication (or non verbal communication) between Sofia & Anna in those videos. And I am sure I am not the only one who has looked closely at those videos. It just isn't there.
Ursprungligen postat av kaxium
Jag vill gå igenom allt material för att se om det förekommer någon form av dialog/tecken mellan AA och SW. Så kan ni hjälpa mig så bring it on.
Honestly the best I think you can possible do is to obtain that police interview that the UK's Daily Mail obtained.