Så här går ett professionellt mord till efter en bio i en storstad:
“After careful analysis, they selected Wael Zwaiter as their first target. The group determined that Zwaiter was a soft target, living and operating in Rome…The weapons specialist made arrangements to have five Beretta .22 caliber, semi-automatic pistols with extra ammunition and magazines transported into Italy through his own established network of arms’ suppliers… The lobby was dimly lit and as Zwaiter entered, Avner switched on additional lights to positively identify his target…the second shooter asked the target if he was Wael Zwaiter. With positive identification established, the two commandos quickly drew their weapons and shot 14 rounds into Zwaiter.
“The target and a female companion exited the movie at approximately 2235 hours and took a bus to an area just a short walk from their flat. As they began their walk from the bus stop to the flat, two members of the action team exited a Mazda and began firing into the man believed to be Salameh with Beretta .22 pistols.
“Former officers of the Mossad have also verified the firearms methodology utilized by Mossad specialists, to include their preference for the Beretta .22 caliber pistol.”
“After careful analysis, they selected Wael Zwaiter as their first target. The group determined that Zwaiter was a soft target, living and operating in Rome…The weapons specialist made arrangements to have five Beretta .22 caliber, semi-automatic pistols with extra ammunition and magazines transported into Italy through his own established network of arms’ suppliers… The lobby was dimly lit and as Zwaiter entered, Avner switched on additional lights to positively identify his target…the second shooter asked the target if he was Wael Zwaiter. With positive identification established, the two commandos quickly drew their weapons and shot 14 rounds into Zwaiter.
“The target and a female companion exited the movie at approximately 2235 hours and took a bus to an area just a short walk from their flat. As they began their walk from the bus stop to the flat, two members of the action team exited a Mazda and began firing into the man believed to be Salameh with Beretta .22 pistols.
“Former officers of the Mossad have also verified the firearms methodology utilized by Mossad specialists, to include their preference for the Beretta .22 caliber pistol.”
Ska man studera morden som utförs inom ramen för Operation Guds Hämnd så utförs nästintill samtliga mord i anslutning till eller i offrets bostad. Antingen med skjutvapen, två skyttar, totalt cirka 12 skott i offret/offren, eller med sprängmedel, bilbomb, bomb under sängen eller under skrivbordet. Dessutom är Lillehammer vare sig då eller nu någon storstad.
Äldre inlägg i samma ämne.
(FB) Mordet på Olof Palme - 28 februari 1986