As the 1980s continued, the relationship between the U.S. and Iran worsened. In 1983, the U.S. was actively involved in preventing arms sales to Iran, a country it accused of supporting terrorists. (...) However, at the same time, National Security Council (NSC) members began to look into covert operations that could lead to a better relationship with Iran.Sammanfattning "Affärsplan": Vapen från USA till Iran via mellanhänder ( Khashoggi & Ghorbanifar). Gisslan friges. Logistik i nästa sammanfattning.
According to him, Adnan Khashoggi met with National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane beginning in 1983 to discuss U.S.-Iran relations. Meanwhile, former CIA Associate Director of Operations Theodore Shackley was introduced to General Manucher Hashemi, a former head of the Shah's secret police, SAVAK. Hashemi then introduced Shackley to other Iranians, including Manucher Ghorbanifar and Hassan Karoubi, who became infamous during the ensuing investigation as the “first Iranian.” (...)
In 1985, Ghorbanifar and Khashoggi came into contact in Hamburg, Germany, and began devising the skeletons of the plan that would eventually become the Iran side of the Iran/Contra Affairs.
Three Israelis were drawn into the discussion in the summer of 1985. A number of stories exist regarding the exact time, place, and specifics of these meetings. However, from these meetings came the idea to sell U.S. arms to Iran via Israel and the suggestion that, to gain the U.S.'s approval for the scheme, American hostages in Lebanon could be released. At the same time this was happening, the NSC was searching for new ways to deal with Iran.
Southern Air Transport (SAT) (1947–1998), based in Miami, Florida, was a cargo airline best known as a front company for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (1960–1973) and for its crucial role in the Iran-Contra scandal in the mid-1980s. During the affair, Southern Air transported arms to Iran and to the US-backed stateless mercenary army in Central America known as the Contras, which were fighting the revolutionary Sandinista government in Nicaragua. (..)Sammanfattning Logistik:
As part of Oliver North's activities to trade arms for hostages with Iran and to support the contra rebellion in Nicaragua, Southern Air carried four loads of US weapons bound for Iran from the US to Israel, and on the return flights carried weapons destined for the US-backed right-wing Contra rebels in Nicaragua from Portugal. (...)
The shooting down of an SAT flight helped expose the Iran-Contra scandal. Logbooks retrieved from the wreckage linked SAT to a history of involvement with the CIA, cocaine and the Medellin drug cartel. The logs documented several SAT flights to Barranquilla, during October 1985.
In the same time period Wanda Palacios told the FBI that SAT was running drugs. She worked in the early 1980’s for Colombia’s Medellin Cartel and had direct knowledge of the cartel’s dealings with the CIA and the Contras. She brought her testimony to US Senator John Kerry.
Wanda Palacios had witnessed in 1983-1985 in Barranquilla, the arrival of SAT planes loaded with weapons for the cartel, which would then send them to the Contras. The planes would return to the US loaded with cocaine.
Palacio stated that Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez himself explained to her the guns-for-drugs deal with the CIA to supply the Contras.
While Iran Contra was in operation Southern Air Transport had attained a hangar at Dover Air Force Base a United States Air Force base located 2 miles (3.2 km) southeast of the city of Dover, Delaware.
After leaving Bear Stearns in 1981, #Epstein became a “financial bounty hunter” where he tracked down and hid funds for powerful people, including Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.MintPress News - Aug 29, 2019 (4)
At the time, Khashoggi was on the payroll of #Mossad and playing banker for CIA-Contra arms deals using BCCI and (likely) the help of #Epstein.MintPress News - Aug 29, 2019 (5)
#Epstein later became deeply connected to Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner who's linked to organized crime (who isn't in this story?) and CIA-front company Southern Air Transport. #MenaAirport #ClintonMintPress News - Aug 29, 2019 (6)
Ohio's Inspector General at the time David Sturz believed that both Wexner and Epstein were working with the CIA and using the airline for smuggling and other criminal activities.Det är mot denna bakgrund Gene Tatums kommentarer om MOP och OSG1-3 skall ses då han själv flög kokainleveranser till USA från Sydamerika. Han är inte trovärdig. Lägg märke till hur Gene Tatum skickligt utelämnar Israels roll och pekar ut USA's statsledning som anstiftare.
Tatum has now revealed the existence of three OSGs. OSG-1 was headed by Ted Shackley and was "our anti-narcotics group". OSG-2 was the anti-terrorism group and OSG-3 was "our 'alignment' group". Tatum was originally posted to OSG-2 which was commanded by Oliver North. The third group, OSG-3, was commanded by Richard Secord. Following the exposure of Oliver North's role in Contragate in 1987, North resigned as head of OSG-2 and his spot was taken over by Secord. Tatum moved up to command OSG-3 at the same time.
Peter Ford: - Where Bush involved ... in some sort of complications ... it was not a foreign minister or? Who was it who was murdered in Sweden?
Gene Tatum: Olof Palme. Sweden's prime minister ... I was informed that it was the OSG was behind and used the "assets" (professional killer) in South Africa.
Ford:-Well ... and why he was "neutralized"?
Tatum: - User certificates (end-user certificates to countries that it was legal to export arms to) was very important to "Contra Gate" / "Iran-Contra" could carry weapons around the world. Without the certificate, it was very hard to carry around weapons without violating international law and end up in fängelse.Så they needed these to ship out weapons (the call is about arms shipments to Iran and the Contras). Sweden was a country whose arms manufacturers (Bofors) had access to the legal beneficiary and that the North wanted to make use of. So what I understand he revealed the whole plan of the Prime Minister (here he is referring to Oliver North, who on Bush's behalf according to other sources had direct contact with Olof Palme. He thought Bofors illegal sales through among others, South Korea and Nigeria, to further to Iran, the case with the Swedish government good memory) But the prime minister had nothing to do with this and was going to leave this over to "The International Community" (UN) because it was illegal.
Ford: - ... but it did not happen ..
Tatum:-That's the end of the story.
Peter Ford: - Where Bush involved ... in some sort of complications ... it was not a foreign minister or? Who was it who was murdered in Sweden?
Gene Tatum: Olof Palme. Sweden's prime minister ... I was informed that it was the OSG was behind and used the "assets" (professional killer) in South Africa.
Ford:-Well ... and why he was "neutralized"?
Tatum: - User certificates (end-user certificates to countries that it was legal to export arms to) was very important to "Contra Gate" / "Iran-Contra" could carry weapons around the world. Without the certificate, it was very hard to carry around weapons without violating international law and end up in fängelse.Så they needed these to ship out weapons (the call is about arms shipments to Iran and the Contras). Sweden was a country whose arms manufacturers (Bofors) had access to the legal beneficiary and that the North wanted to make use of. So what I understand he revealed the whole plan of the Prime Minister (here he is referring to Oliver North, who on Bush's behalf according to other sources had direct contact with Olof Palme. He thought Bofors illegal sales through among others, South Korea and Nigeria, to further to Iran, the case with the Swedish government good memory) But the prime minister had nothing to do with this and was going to leave this over to "The International Community" (UN) because it was illegal.
Ford: - ... but it did not happen ..
Tatum:-That's the end of the story.
Det är mot denna bakgrund Gene Tatums kommentarer om MOP och OSG1-3 skall ses då han själv flög kokainleveranser till USA från Sydamerika. Han är inte trovärdig. Lägg märke till hur Gene Tatum skickligt utelämnar Israels roll och pekar ut USA's statsledning som anstiftare.så menar jag inte att Israel skulle vara anstiftare utan att de var delaktiga i ett nätverk som begick MOP.
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