2022-07-07, 21:48
Här kommer två länkar som handlar om Federal Reserve och kopplingen till John F Kennedy.

Här kommer den första länken:

För den som har bråttom eller inte orkar läsa finns det en kort sammanfattning i början.

Experts who have studied economics and President John F. Kennedy’s policies said there was no evidence he was planning to end the Federal Reserve.

An executive order that has been cited as support for this theory in the past did not limit the power of the Federal Reserve.
Den andra länken är mera ingående i redogörelsen kring hur Federal Reserve fungerar:

Där punkteras även det vanliga missförståndet att Federal Reserve skulle vara privatägt.

The Federal Reserve is not a private corporation. It is part private and part public, with the Board of Governors an agency of the United States government.
2022-09-01, 21:14
Intervju med Walter Herbst i Black Op Radio:

Aktuell med böckerna, It Did Not Start with JFK: Vol 1 & Vol 2
Why have historians treated the assassination of JFK as if it occurred in a vacuum?

Within twenty-six months of John F. Kennedy’s murder, there were fifteen attempted assassinations and government overthrows of leftist leaders and regimes throughout the world. All were perpetrated by right-wing anti-Communists.

A right-wing, anti-Communist movement emerged with the election of Franklin Roosevelt and grew with each passing decade. It consisted of military, intelligence members, and business leaders who looked to change America's progressive direction. The military even resorted to treason, as many believed their duty was to obey the Constitution, not the President. They later turned their sights on JFK.

Här får du Vol 1 gratis mot din e-mailadress: https://www.herbstbooks.com/

Kontext, som sagt.
2022-09-01, 21:48
Ursprungligen postat av onopono
Här får du Vol 1 gratis mot din e-mailadress: https://www.herbstbooks.com/
Sorry, såg nu att det 'endast' var "excerpts" ----> introduktioner till bokens respektive kapitel, ca 100 sidor.
2022-09-02, 14:11
Ursprungligen postat av EmmanuelGoldstein
Jag lyckas inte betala för denna i Sverige, denna gång måste "billing address" vara i USA . Vet ej när den släpps i EU.
Nu finns den korta versionen (Through the Looking Glass) att köpa/hyra på YouTube.


Jag har nu läst boken om de båda versionerna och det är den längre versionen (Destiny Betrayed) som är den klart bättre.

Här får vi svenskar vänta ett tag till verkar det som.
2022-11-07, 16:10
JFK Records Lawsuit

On October 19, 2022, the Mary Ferrell Foundation, a non-profit archive with the internet's largest collection of searchable JFK records, filed a lawsuit against President Biden and the National Archives for failing to implement the 1992 JFK Records Act. These failures have resulted in confusion, gaps in the records, over-classification, and outright denial of thousands of assassination-related files, five years after the law's deadline for full disclosure.

2022-12-15, 22:03
Love.Thy.Neighbor.s avatar
JFK Assassination Records - 2022 Additional Documents Release:

2023-01-25, 23:04
diakos avatar
Laurent Guyénots dokumentär om JFK-mordet.


Läs även hans forskning i ämnet i diverse artiklar på Unzreview. Senaste artikeln
JFK and America’s Destiny Betrayed
A Review of DiEugenio’s “Foreign Policy Coup” Theory


Artikeln vill påvisa hur CIA hade mindre att göra med mordet. Och Mossad var de egentliga regissörerna.

Artikeln avslutar med delge hur det skedde koordinerade och synkroniserade attacker på båda broders eftermälen, att svartmåla och håna dom efter deras död. Flera artiklar (alla av "amerikanska" judar som hånar t o m när barnen till Kennedybröderna tragiskt omkommer).

Läs mera utav hans verk & artiklar här:

2023-01-27, 04:58
diakos avatar
Dagens L O L

2023-01-29, 06:18
diakos avatar
Söndagslektyren serveras av den eminente Laurent Guyénot.

2023-01-31, 07:00
diakos avatar
Fällde en tår under denna artikeln.

The Broken Presidential Destiny of JFK, Jr.


On July 16, 1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior was flying his private Piper Saratoga II, with his wife Carolyn Bessette and his sister-in-law Lauren Bessette. He was to drop Lauren off at Martha’s Vineyard, then fly on with Carolyn to Hyannis Port for the wedding of his cousin, Rory Kennedy, the following day. At 9:39, as he was approaching Martha’s Vineyard airport, John radioed the control tower for landing instructions, giving no sign of difficulty. At 9:41 p.m., witnesses heard and saw an explosion in the sky, at the precise moment when John’s plane suddenly plummeted into the ocean at the radar-recorded speed of 4,700 feet per minute. The next day, pieces of luggage from the plane were found floating nearly two miles away from the point of last radar contact.

Läs vidare på

Senast redigerad av diako 2023-01-31 kl. 07:40.
2023-04-14, 21:28
Dave Emory's 27-part series on JFK Revisited, with Jim DiEugenio

Dave Emory's Record Breaking 27-part Salute to Oliver Stone's JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Featuring Jim DiEugenio, David Talbot, John Newman, Gary Aguilar, Lisa Pease, and Paul Bleau.

2023-09-22, 00:48
Satuanuss avatar
Det finns en youtube video av och med Michael Franzese. Michael Franzese är en fd maffia boss från New York. I videon redogör han maffians inblandning i mordet på JFK. Väldigt intressant video

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