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2011-10-17, 22:01
Ursprungligen postat av marcus90_kung
Jag tvivlar inte p att du har bttre insikt i hur det fungerar i KRG, drfr r jag glad att det r du och inte jag, eller andra diskutionskta FB-are, utan egentlig koll, som driver den hr trden framt.
Jag har inget emot kritik, jag uppskattar de s lnge den hller ett stabilt mtt.

Ursprungligen postat av marcus90_kung
Jag syftar absolut inte p att du tror p ngra frsknande historier, och jag kan frst om det jag skrev knns provocerande. Det jag frsker f fram i min kritik r att, bara fr att det gr bra fr KRGs utveckling idag s behver inte det betyda att det hller i sig fr framtiden, och i vrsta fall s kommer ngot(eller ngra) av grannlnderna att brja kriga mer aggresivt igen, antingen av avundsjuka eller rent maktbegr. Och d gissar jag p att flertalet stora byggprojekt blir avbrutna, om inte kasserade.
Haha, jo... men allts, om vi bortser frn dessa tankar om att ett stort krig kommer att ga rum frr eller senare, vilket r ganska osannolikt fr tillfllet, finns det inget annat som ppekar att utvecklingen i KRG inte kommer att fortstta.

Ursprungligen postat av marcus90_kung
Jag lovar att lsa lnkarna och stta mig in mer i KRGs utveckling av bde infrastruktur(vilket du grna fr upplysa mig om) och stora byggen, nr jag har mer tid till frfogande. Om de verkligen satsar p skyskrapor som du sger s ligger de ju otroligt mycket bttre till n Sverige.
Jo, jag gjorde en underskning fr ett tag sedan om Skyskraporna i KRG, visade sig att 90% av de moderna skyskraporna och byggnaderna var byggda efter 2003. Sger vl en hel del. Sverige r ju inte heller knd fr sina skyskrapor direkt, ganska torrt skulle jag vilja pst.

Ursprungligen postat av marcus90_kung
Det var fina skyskrapor p bilderna. Mitt tvivel ligger ju lite i att de planerna du(eller ngon annan?) lnkat till tidigare i trden har varit ganska enkla, och har byggena kommit igng s borde det finnas mer detaljerade planer att lnka till.
Texten p hemsidorna r inte s detaljerat, men som man sger ''En bild sger mer n 1000 ord''.
Senast redigerad av WipeAwayYourTears 2011-10-17 kl. 22:50.
2011-11-04, 18:13
Tnkte fylla trden med fler uppdateringar - frmst inom infrastrukturen;

- Frslaget om tglinje mellan Slemani-Kerkuk har skickats till planeringsministret tillsammans med designen, frhoppningsvis kommer frslaget g igenom.

550 blocks of land were suppose to be given to people in chamchamal but the distribution has come to a halt after the mayor has announced that these lands will be located in the train line that is going to be build from kerkuk-Slemani . he also confirmed the design has completed which was sent to him by the planning ministry .

- Ny universitet hller p att byggas i Koya, vilket r frbryllande nyheter med tanke p hur mnga studenter som finns.

- Fler satsningar inom turismen i KRG;

SULAIMANI, Iraqi Kurdistan -- Iraqi Kurdistan has launched a US$5 million plan to boost tourism by building resorts and tourist infrastructure in the regions three provinces.

This plan aims to compensate for years of neglect of the sector, according to officials.

Mawlawi Jabar, head of the Kurdistan Regional Governments (KRG) tourism department, told Rudaw, The government plans to build around 40 tourist resorts in all three of the Kurdistan Regions provinces, as well as a massive resort project on Safin Mountain.

According to Jabar, more than half of the projects will be built in Sulaimani province which boasts many beautiful natural resorts.

The projects will include service centers and accommodations in villages in Garmian, Halabja, Rania, Dukan, and Qashqolly.

Erbil provinces popular mountainous holiday resorts such as Rawanduz, Shqlawa and Choman will also be revamped under the plan.

Jabar said, My department intends to build a tourism museum and a resort village for treating skin diseases along with other advanced resort villages in Erbil next year.

Kurdistan is home to several natural springs where locals and tourists from across Iraq visit the year round.

Among the biggest projects is the resort community in Safin Mountain, Erbil province. Jabar told Rudaw, It will be similar in size and beauty to Sharm el-Sheikh resort in Egypt.

According to Jabar, a Lebanese company has offered the blueprint for the project and another company will build the project.

The Kurdistan Regions stability and security has over the past several years drawn tens of thousands of tourists from Iraq and neighboring Iran. Last year alone, more than 150,000 tourists visited the Kurdistan region, according to tourism department officials.

However, the lack of housing and particularly rest areas for the massive flood of travelers --especially in the summer and spring seasons -- has been a major challenge for Kurdistan authorities and tourists. Now, according to Jabar, rest areas and travel guides will be built across Kurdistan as part of the new master plan.

We intend to build rest areas all over Kurdistan including in small towns and villages by next year, Jabar said. We will build rest areas every 20 kilometers. The rest areas will have maps and guides in different languages and include cafs, car maintenance and restrooms. We will build rest areas on every main road between the cities and towns.

According to tourism department officials, Kurdistan authorities aim to bring at least 5 million tourists to the region annually by 2016.

Jabar said that based on feedback from foreign tourists, the Kurdish government may introduce horse tracks, golf courses and swimming pools.

An official from Sulaimanis local administration who spoke to Rudaw on condition of anonymity praised these projects but he blamed some government officials for affecting the tourism sector.

The land in most beautiful natural resorts has been occupied by officials where they have built their villas, said the official who asked to remain anonymous. If the land in Qaradax and Sytak werent taken, they could have been the most suitable places for tourism projects. But now the government has to use other lands for the projects.

nnu en nyhet som berr turismen;

Erbil, Oct. 31 (AKnews) - The Kurdistan Region will open every archaeological site in the region for tourism, Kurdistan Region's Minister of Municipality and Tourism, Samir Abdullah, said.

Abdullah spoke at the opening of the convention "New discoveries, new projects", organized by the Institut Franais du Proche-Orient (IFPO), or French Institute of the Near East, in front of more than 200 international and local archaeologists.

"All archaeological sites in the Kurdistan Region will be turned into tourist attractions," Abduallah said

It is unclear, how archaeologist will be able to continue their work, if all the sites are crowded with tourists.

The three-day conference, the first of its kind in Erbil, seeks to find ways to protect Iraq's and Kurdistan's cultural wealth.

Qays Hussein, head of the Iraqi Board for Archeology and Culture, told the audience that historic heritage of the country is being stolen. He hoped that the conversion could design measures for the protections of the Iraqi archeology and antiques.

The recommendations of the congress will be forwarded to the Iraqi and Kurdistan governments.

By Rebin Hassan


- Stor sockerfabrik hller p att byggas i Duhok

Erbil / AKnews

Agricultural Minister Jamil Sleman announced told a Sugar factory to be built in Duhok. he said a Brazilian company will build a sugar producing factory .
he said the company requested permission to build the factory and we accepted their request , we have already allocated land for the project.


Bra nyheter, flertals produkter har blivit bannade frn att exporteras till KRG p sistone eftersom KRG kan producera tillrckligt fr att frsrja sin egen befolkning. Planen med dessa stora fabriker r att det ska rcka till folket och samtidigt importeras till andra lnder.

- Nya projekt inom stadsplanering:

November 2, 2011

NEW YORK, The Claremont Group has expanded its international development operations into the rapidly growing commercial and residential real estate market in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq.

The New York-based real estate firm has launched construction on a major modern residential community in the region's capital of Erbil, Iraq's most secure and fastest-growing city. The Atlantic, a 1,600-unit, mixed-use gated community of apartments and villas, will be built near the city's central business district and international airport to meet the demand for quality new housing for middle income families.

This announcement comes on the heels of a recent partnership between Claremont and Hilton Worldwide to open a western style, suites hotel to accommodate booming international
business and tourist travel to Erbil and the region. The 200-room DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Erbil is expected to open in 2013.

"Kurdistan's surging growth and development has been making headlines lately, but none of this is news to The Claremont Group," said Claremont Principal and Founder, A. Alexander Lari. "As one of the first western developers in Iraq,www.ekurd.net we are uniquely situated to help meet the rising demand for commercial and residential properties in Kurdistan. As more people learn about the region's growth potential, we will be there to welcome them with open arms."

The Kurdistan Regional Government estimates that there is demand for more than 100,000 such housing units. The Atlantic will be one of the few new projects of this type to be licensed in Erbil.

"We'd like to commend President Barzani and the leadership of the Kurdistan Regional Government for fostering a secure, stable and pro-investment environment," Claremont Group Principal Stephen Lari said. "As tourist and business travel to the region continues to grow, we look forward to a continued partnership that opens the doors of this beautiful and historic destination to the rest of the world."

About The Claremont Group
A global leader in real estate development, The Claremont Group is a New York-based, family owned firm specializing in office, residential, lodging, student housing, and international projects. For more information, please visit http://www.theclaremontgroup.com.

Source: The Claremont Group
2011-11-05, 20:51
Bra video hr fr samtliga som inte orkar lsa igenom allt och som r intresserad av att se en sammanfattning p det hela, alla projekt finns inte med hr. Det finns tillrckligt fr att man ska f en uppfattning om hur Erbil ser ut och lgg grna mrke till hur mnga stora byggnader som r under process; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v7wz54P5-w
2011-11-10, 18:10
Jamaicamans avatar
Nytt stort projekt planeras i Erbil. Frutom all korruption s ser framtiden riktigt ljus ut fr irakiska Kurdistan.

2011-11-13, 21:25
Ursprungligen postat av Jamaicaman
Nytt stort projekt planeras i Erbil. Frutom all korruption s ser framtiden riktigt ljus ut fr irakiska Kurdistan.

Jag hade redan med den ifall du blddrar upp. Skyscrapercity r riktigt segt p uppdateringar, drfr r den bttre att g efter autentiska kllan.

Jo, korruptionen bland PUK r stor, man kan bara hoppas p reformer som jag r vertygad att det kommer ske den nrmaste tiden.
2011-11-13, 23:51
TheSituations avatar
Fr det frsta r det kul att se att regionen utvecklas!

Jag stller mig dremot frgande det extensiva byggandet av skyskrapor. Det knns nstan, frdomsfullt kanske, som att man i Mellanstern stter ett likhetstecken mellan ekonomisk tillvxt och hga hus. Vilka r incitamenten fr att bygga p hjden i dessa stder? Erstter man ldre bebyggelse med nya moderna hus eller bygger man nya stadsdela la La Defence?

Personligen tycker jag att man ska vara stolt ver den gamla bebyggelsen i stderna i Mellanstern. Hur jvla spnnande r det egentligen med dessa moderna hus? Jag har gtt i gamla grnder och knt dofterna och hrt ljuden av en stad som frvaltat ett tvtusenrigt arv. Jag hoppas fr Guds skull inte att man r lika huvudls som socialdemokraterna var i Sverige p 60- och 70-talet.

Men annars var ju husen faktiskt tilltalande. Stillvida att de byggs p rtt platser.
2011-11-14, 16:23
Ursprungligen postat av TheSituation
Fr det frsta r det kul att se att regionen utvecklas!

Jag stller mig dremot frgande det extensiva byggandet av skyskrapor. Det knns nstan, frdomsfullt kanske, som att man i Mellanstern stter ett likhetstecken mellan ekonomisk tillvxt och hga hus. Vilka r incitamenten fr att bygga p hjden i dessa stder? Erstter man ldre bebyggelse med nya moderna hus eller bygger man nya stadsdela la La Defence?

Personligen tycker jag att man ska vara stolt ver den gamla bebyggelsen i stderna i Mellanstern. Hur jvla spnnande r det egentligen med dessa moderna hus? Jag har gtt i gamla grnder och knt dofterna och hrt ljuden av en stad som frvaltat ett tvtusenrigt arv. Jag hoppas fr Guds skull inte att man r lika huvudls som socialdemokraterna var i Sverige p 60- och 70-talet.

Men annars var ju husen faktiskt tilltalande. Stillvida att de byggs p rtt platser.
Skyskraporna som byggs r till stor del business-byggnader eller hotel och annat t de hllet. KRG r en region som nyss har tagit sig upp p ftterna, det byggdes aldrig ngot frnn efter Saddam Hussiens fall. Drav denna snabba utveckligen, eftersom KRG inte behver stdja sig p araber lngre och vara rdda fr att gasas till dds ifall man gr ngot dumt. Vissa av stderna (Arbil t.ex.) har tusenriga historier och den antika delen av KRG kommer aldrig frsvinna, de r turist-attraktioner snarare. Annars har vi andra stder som Slemani som r ungefr 200 r gammal och modern redan.

90% Av de moderna byggnaderna byggdes efter 2003, s du kan tnka dig hur outvecklat SI:t i KRG var innan Saddam Hussiens fall. Man satsar mycket p stderna i sin helhet, ser till att ver 20% av de strsta stderna r grnska etc, det kommer bli finemang om 10-20 r skall du se.
2011-11-20, 21:48
Kommer med frscha nyheter nu.

KRG vill skra militren med materialen som behvs och bestmmer sig fr att satsa p Air Force - Represetanter fr KRG planerar att kpa stridsflygplan nu.

After been official invited by the Romanian Government, a delegation from Peshmerga Ministry participates in Romanian weapon exhibition in Bucharest . the delegation was consisted of Peshmerga officials and headed by Halgurd (director of Pesh awareness department) , Sarbast Omer (director of the ranks) and MuQadam 3ata ( deputy director of arms deal contracts).

The delegation was received by the finance ministry and later participated in the weapon exhibition , the Pesh. delegates closely saw some heavy and light weaponry , and information was exchanged , then the delegate paid a visit to a local weapon factory .

the Peshmerga delegate stayed for 10 days and met with 19 weapon producing companies , and they discussed buying Tanks armed vehicles and fighter jets and negotiations are still on going .

Klla: http://wpeshmerge.org/attachment/PDF...25159_2651.pdf (Texten r skriven p kurdiska, sg till s skall ja frska verstta s gott det gr.)

Arbil - Royal apartments. Ni hr p namnet vad det r, designen finner ni p dessa sidor tillsammans med hur lngt projektet har kommit:

Arbil - Northfields Mall
Submitted by ubholding
on Sun, 04/10/2011 - 10:48

UB Holding plans to establish a state of the art Shopping Mall in Erbil

UB Holdings newest subsidiary, Legacy Construction, has announced that it will soon begin work to establish a state of the art shopping mall in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, called Northfields Mall. It will have an array of the worlds top fashion brands, in addition to shopping-related goods and services, ranging from watches and jewellery, electronics and computers, home furnishing and a supermarket.

It will also include numerous cafes, restaurants and fast food places for customers to dine at. Legacy Construction will ensure that Northfields Mall becomes the number one shopping experience for its customers, and the wealth of retail expertise within UB Holding, and the business contacts it has developed over the years in the retail industry will ensure that Northfields Mall will be an enormous success.


Arbil - Roj Tower (Uppdatering p projektet, designen finns redan men dessa bilder r p bygget:

Slemani - Shopping malls

Slemani - German Village 2

This project is located behind the German Village one, which is comprised of 424 resident units, in which is 104 of them is villas, and the other 320 are flats.

The villas are made of four different types and surface of (1410 square meter) and (742 square meter ) and ( 360 square meter ) the flats are built on ( 220 square meters) and ( 145 square meters) . working on this project began on 01- 05- 2009 and the duration of this project is for two years.
This project will implemented with 62 million Dollars and on the surface of 100 Dunim peace of land, 250000 square meter.

Bilder: http://www.naliagroup.com/germany2/Sereta.aspx

Slemani - Chave Tourist City

This project will be implemented on the surface of ( 750,000 square meter) and with the budget of ( 200) million Dollars.
This includes several units , where most of them are to implemented with a good quality and hugely in Kurdistan region.

Nalia is now engaged in the implementation of the biggest tourism project through KRG in the name of (Chave Tourist City)
This project will be implemented on the surface of ( 750,000 square meter) and with the budget of ( 110) million Dollars.
This includes several units , where most of them are to implemented with a good quality and hugely in Kurdistan region, including :

1- Cable car, where its length reaches ( 2040 meter) which extends from top of Goizha mountain to Maleek Mahmoud Circle Road, and contains 32 Cabines with the capacity of 8 people for each cabinet. This is implemented by the Austrian Doplimar company.

2- Wax Museum: where the statues of 43 Kurdish, Arabic and International well known personalities are shown.

3- Amusement city: includes tens of indoor and outdoor games and plays, all of them are brought from outside Kurdistan region, and have durability and safety terms ( % 100).

4- 4D Cinema.

5- Scary Movie ( house)

6- A 105 meter high tower: will be built on the top of Goizha mountain, and there is a restaurant on the top of this power.

7- Fountain and water fall: water will dance based on the music tunes and will raise two times of 10 storey building.

8- Hotel, Kiosk and Tourist Cabinet.

9- A social club that has the space to hold 1200 people.

10- Restaurants and green area for sitting

Bilder finns hr: www.naliagroup.com
2011-12-18, 19:00
Jag gillade uppdateringarna hr, TS r avstngd. Ngon annan fr ta ver nu.

Kommer KRG kunna fortstta blomstra nu nr oroligheterna brjar i Irak?
2011-12-31, 19:06
Bra dokumentr p 22 minuter om utvecklingen i KRG - de flesta projekten syns p nrmare hll p den.


Bttre kvalit:


KRG fortstter vara sker ven nr oroligheterna i Irak fortstter:

The view from the 23rd floor of the Divan, Erbils newest five-star hotel, which opens early next year, provides the perfect vantage point from which to survey the construction boom that is gripping the capital of Kurdistan, northern Iraqs semi-autonomous region.

In blocks immediately surrounding the Divan, some of the worlds leading international hotel groups are busy erecting new towers, including the Marriott Group and Kempinski.

Next to the hotels are two residential blocks, the Italian Village and the English Village, where expatriates most of them working in the oil industry and also for Turkish companies and wealthy locals live in neat, almost identical two-storey houses.

Cem Saffari, business development manager at the Divan who has been in Kurdistan since September, says there are not enough five-star hotel rooms available to meet demand. The room shortage is one of the most striking examples of the oil boom.

The economy of the small territory, sandwiched between the rest of Iraq to the south, Turkey to the north, Iran to the east and Syria to the west is growing so fast local officials venture a 12 per cent year-on-year rise that it is straining the infrastructure.

Barham Salih, prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), says that per capita income has risen from $375 in 2002, the year before the US-led invasion, to an estimated $5,500 in 2011. The region has seen a big improvement in living conditions, observers say.

Electricity, for example, runs 22 hours a day; in the rest of Iraq, and particularly in the south, shortages are so acute that most cities only receive four hours a day. The city has also opened an airport, with flights to European cities such as Vienna and Frankfurt, daily services to Istanbul, and links to Dubai and Amman, among others. Yet, the economic boom has been uneven. Health services, for example, cannot keep pace with peoples needs and truck traffic clogs the roads.

Mr Salih told a recent energy conference in Erbil that he is planning to tackle some of those problems with a huge expansion of the budget next year. Government expenditure is set to jump 30 per cent to $13bn, up from $10bn this year. Back in 2002, before the US-led invasion, the regions embryonic government had a budget of just $100m.

Kurdistan produces about 175,000 barrels a day of oil currently, but only exports about 100,000 b/d. Oil export revenues do not go directly to the region, but to the federal governments treasury. Since 2004, the regional government has received about 17 per cent of the federal budget of Iraq, although Baghdad deducts administrative costs from that amount.

As oil prices surge above $100 a barrel and the countrys overall production from the south and from Kurdistan increases, the regions budget has ballooned. The International Energy Agency, the western countries oil watchdog, estimates Iraqs oil production has recovered to the prewar level, reaching 2.8m barrels a day, up from 2.5m b/d in 2009 and less than 2.0m b/d in 2006.

The budgetary expansion looks likely to continue, as both Baghdad and Erbil plan a big increase in oil production.

Kurdistan itself is aiming to boost oil output from 175,000 b/d currently to about 1m b/d by 2015. Although oil executives say the target is ambitious and may take a couple more years to achieve, it would transform Iraqi Kurdistan into one of the leading oil producers in the world, on par with Opec cartel members such as Qatar and Ecuador.

In the meantime, Baghdad is aiming to boost production in the oil-rich south of the country to 12m b/d by 2017 with the help of international oil companies such as BP, Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil, although analysts believe a target of about 6m b/d by the same date is more realistic.

The proposed rapid increase in production means the oil boom should continue. But observers worry that Kurdistan, like many other countries rich in natural resources, could fall victim to the oil curse.

Erbil exhibits worrying signs already: Turkish exports, in particular, are flooding the market as a strong currency, sustained by oil revenues, encourages overseas buying. Costs and salaries are also increasing rapidly. So too, therefore, is inflation.

Oil executives say that a local qualified employee with three years experience could take home about $2,500 a month, up more than 50 per cent from five years ago. Housing costs, particularly for expatriates, have doubled also over the past five years. Small villas are rented for between $3,500 and $6,000 a month.

Besides oil, security is the other great economic engine of Kurdistan. While terror attacks in the Shia-Sunni conflict continue to be a daily routine in the rest of Iraq, the northern region, with its ethnically homogenous population and increased prosperity, has seen little violence over the past few years.

Mr Saffari, who previously worked in London where his family still resides, says: I was worried because of the bombings and violence in Iraq, but in Erbil I feel safer than in London. When I tell my family they think I am joking.

Senast redigerad av Rebax 2011-12-31 kl. 19:20.
2012-07-12, 05:18
TS kan vl skaffa ett nytt konto och brja uppdatera igen? Fr jag vill grna f mer info!
Ngon annan fr vl uppdatera tillsvidare?
Senast redigerad av AndersBack 2012-07-12 kl. 05:23.
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