2011-07-15, 21:32
import sys import socket import threading import time PORTSTATUS_OPEN = 1 PORTSTATUS_CLOSED = 0 class PortScan(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, host, port): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.host = host self.port = port self.port_status = PORTSTATUS_CLOSED def run(self): # We have to use reliable data transfer (RDT) which exists in SOCK_STREAM (TCP) # so we can be notified if connection failed. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # The socket has 10 seconds to figure out if port is open or not. # Port is open if a connection could be established. s.settimeout(10) try: t = s.connect((self.host, self.port)) except: pass else: self.port_status = PORTSTATUS_OPEN s.close() host = "www.aftonbladet.se" start_port = 25 end_port = 5500 threads = [] max_thread_count = 300 for port in xrange(start_port, end_port + 1): # Never have more than 300 threads active at same time... while threading.activeCount() > max_thread_count: sys.stdout.write("Too many threads active. Waiting for threads to terminate... ") sys.stdout.flush() for t in threads: t.join() sys.stdout.write("[done]\n") sys.stdout.flush() portscan_thread = PortScan(host, port) threads.append(portscan_thread) try: # thread.start() calls the run() method in PortScan instance portscan_thread.start() except: # Should not happen.... If this error occurs try lowering max_thread_count print "Unexpected thread error: start(). [port ", port, "]" # For every 1000th port we have processed, print the port number # in order to overview progress if port % 1000 == 0: print port # Make sure all threads have been terminated # (complete with checking port status) for t in threads: t.join() # Open a file in which we will write all open ports # Let's also make the terminal happy by printing them output = open("test", "w") output.write("Host: " + str(host) + "\n") for t in threads: if t.port_status == PORTSTATUS_OPEN: print "Port", t.port , " is open" output.write(str(t.port) + "\n") output.close()
import sys import socket import threading import time PORTSTATUS_OPEN = 1 PORTSTATUS_CLOSED = 0 class PortScan(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, host, port): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.host = host self.port = port self.port_status = PORTSTATUS_CLOSED def run(self): # We have to use reliable data transfer (RDT) which exists in SOCK_STREAM (TCP) # so we can be notified if connection failed. s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # The socket has 10 seconds to figure out if port is open or not. # Port is open if a connection could be established. s.settimeout(10) try: t = s.connect((self.host, self.port)) except: pass else: self.port_status = PORTSTATUS_OPEN s.close() host = "www.aftonbladet.se" start_port = 25 end_port = 5500 threads = [] max_thread_count = 300 for port in xrange(start_port, end_port + 1): # Never have more than 300 threads active at same time... while threading.activeCount() > max_thread_count: sys.stdout.write("Too many threads active. Waiting for threads to terminate... ") sys.stdout.flush() for t in threads: t.join() sys.stdout.write("[done]\n") sys.stdout.flush() portscan_thread = PortScan(host, port) threads.append(portscan_thread) try: # thread.start() calls the run() method in PortScan instance portscan_thread.start() except: # Should not happen.... If this error occurs try lowering max_thread_count print "Unexpected thread error: start(). [port ", port, "]" # For every 1000th port we have processed, print the port number # in order to overview progress if port % 1000 == 0: print port # Make sure all threads have been terminated # (complete with checking port status) for t in threads: t.join() # Open a file in which we will write all open ports # Let's also make the terminal happy by printing them output = open("test", "w") output.write("Host: " + str(host) + "\n") for t in threads: if t.port_status == PORTSTATUS_OPEN: print "Port", t.port , " is open" output.write(str(t.port) + "\n") output.close()
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