Ursprungligen postat av spottkobran
Berätta gärna på vilket sätt det hindrade ett införande av principen att alla makthavare ska kunna avsättas omedelbart.
Vidare, enpartidiktatur är kanske inte heller den bästa lösningen för en isolerad arbetarstat ? med tanke på den albanska "arbetarstatens" öde
Och ändå kunde det kollapsa p.g.a x antal revisionsiter ? ändå fanns grogrund för så starka anitsocialsitska missnöjesytringar att "arbetarstaten" utplånades ?
tänk att ett sånt öde kunde ligga latent hos en sund "arbetarstat"...
eller så var kankse inte albalnien en sund arbetarstat ?
Hur många trotskister, anarkister, vänsterkommunister och syndikalister har sammantaget åstadkommit något sånt här:
Hoxha remained a loyal Marxist-Leninist to the end of his life.
Hoxha defeated Mussolini’s fascist forces and lead the Albanian liberation movement to victory against occupation and colonialism.
Hoxha led the world’s longest-lasting and most advanced socialist state for almost 40 years.
Socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat were established under Hoxha’s rule. His economic revolution was even more advanced than Stalin’s, with even more working class control over production centers.
Albania was industrialized and turned into an almost entirely self-sufficient country, despite being the poorest and most backward nation in Europe (it was a tribal society until the 50s) and being a fascist colony with only 1.5 million people.
Life expectancy under Hoxha went from 32 in the tribal days to 76.
Illiteracy before Hoxha was 90-95% in 1939, which by 1950 went down to 30% and by 1985 was equal to that of the United States.
Women’s rights were increased greatly, when in the former tribal days they were literally considered property.
Tribal warfare and honor killings were ended.
Hoxha consistently fought against imperialism and particularly U.S. imperialism in Vietnam, Cuba, Indonesia, Africa, Latin America and everywhere else.
Hoxha was the most consistent fighter against revisionism the world has ever known, exposing revisionism wherever it might be, from within his own party to the Soviet Union, China, Korea, Cuba, Yugoslavia, Italy and onwards. He exposed revisionism on principle even when it was in his best interests to keep his mouth shut, such as with China and the Soviet Union.
Hoxha made an in-depth analysis of imperialism and social-imperialism, and explained in numerous works the connection between the two.
Hoxha was the first socialist leader to recognize Khrushchev’s revisionism and was the first to publically speak out against it.
Hoxha consistently fought against the renegade Tito and the Yugoslav revisionists.
Hoxha fought against the Greek monarcho-fascists.
Hoxha defeated coup attempts by the US, Tito, the Soviets and the Greeks.
Hoxha was the first, even before Mao, to offer a correct analysis of Khrushchev’s invasion of Hungary.
Hoxha was the first to offer an analysis of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia as well.
Although he originally supported it, Hoxha later spoke out against the Cultural Revolution as anti-Marxist after it became clear it was a struggle between rightist factions.
Hoxha recognized the nature of the Chinese state and, though he had spent decades praising it, decided to bravely push forward with his findings once and for all and declare Maoism a revisionist ideology.
Hoxha spoke out against the “Three Worlds Theory.”
Hoxha refuted the idea put forward by Mao that Soviet social-imperialism was somehow “more dangerous” than U.S. Imperialism.
Hoxha was the first to speak out against Eurocommunism and wrote an entire volume refuting it.
Hoxha condemned Nixon’s visit to Beijing and China’s collaboration with US imperialism.
Hoxha condemned the fascist coup in Chile by Pinochet and the mass slaughter of communists in Indonesia by US imperialism.
Hoxha condemned the genocidal acts in Kosova by Tito.
Hoxha created an International based solely on his own prestige.
Hoxha developed Marxism-Leninism further by exposing where revisionism comes from and how it can be fought.