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"Talibanerna och den afghanska regeringen har kommit verens om att dela upp makten, enligt Svenska dagbladet.
Enligt SvD ska ska regeringen verlmna 17 av landets 34 provinser till talibanrrelsen."
Talibanerna kontrollerar redan 18 provinser. Uppgrelsen handlar inte om att dela makten, den handlar om att erbjuda vissa ledamter i regimen mjligheten att ansluta sig till talibanerna. Detta rapporterade AL Jazeera om:
Al Jazeeras diplomatic editor James Bays reporting from the UN headquarters in New York said that Ismail Khan, the prominent local commander who fought on behalf of the Afghan government in Herat and was captured by the Taliban, is about to leave Herat on a plane and head to Kabul.
The latest development is according to colleagues in Afghanistan and a reliable source in Herat.
I am told he has a message from the Taliban that he is going to deliver in person in Kabul to senior figures in the administration in Kabul, Bays said.
The suggestion is that they want to avoid a battle in the capital city and the Taliban have some suggestions on how to avoid such a battle. They will be making representations to some senior figures on the government side to join with the Taliban, but Im told that offer doesnt extend to everyone and probably doesnt extend to President Ghani himself.