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Han var väl kär i henne. Kanske kan han bli ihop med henne igen och få en tryggad ålderdom. Pengarna finns ju kvar.
Ja de säger ju att kärleken är blind
Flodhästen har för övrigt gått och blivit kändis ända bort i USA:
Ms. Zettergren, by all accounts, was the highest paid physical therapist in the county. There is a good reason for this; for according to the article: “…she used to send fraudulent invoices to the county council (for physical therapy treatments) to the tune of 4.5 million kroner (about $700,000).” Adding insult to injury, she also stole about $54,000 from her former business partner’s bank account, who was apparently clueless as to what was occurring.
The politician did not stand up and admit her guilt during the first hints of an investigation. Indeed, realizing what the investigation would find, “Zettergren left all of her positions of responsibility within the county…she has served on the Värmland County Council, the board of a regional development body and the local police board.” She didn’t just resign her position, she disappeared!
For six months, this woman who was associated with the local police board, was “on the run” in Thailand. Actually, the “disappearance” was spent at a Thai resort. She also managed to get her nephew arrested for handling her stolen money.
Anything Can Be Funny, Until –
As mentioned, there is an element of humor to the story were it not for the fact that this woman stole three-quarters of a million dollars from both the county and her business partner.
She was apparently in her position of trust for many years and she re-paid them by violating that trust. The fact that she also cheated her business partner and then fled the country is further proof that ethically she had fallen off a cliff.
How could a person fall so far?