2021-11-23, 12:22
baggebo1s avatar
Intressant samtal mellan två av de största nu levande tänkarna - E Michael Jones och Kevin MacDonald:


Programledaren är ingen höjdare men väldigt intressant samtal, och kul att se respekten dessa två giganter, med olika utgångsperspektiv, har för varandra.
2022-03-19, 17:33
Offerviljas avatar
I kriget om verkligheten står Informationskriget.se på den lilla fria människans sida mot de korporativa auktoritära globalisterna.
2022-04-21, 15:37
Offerviljas avatar
Det fria Sverige-profilen Tage Koolanders ganska roliga Youtubekanal:

2022-05-19, 06:15
Z-Librarys avatar
RT News på Rumble

RT News mirror
2022-07-18, 19:35
Offerviljas avatar
Politisk satir med skådespelaren, komikern, antisemiten, NMR-sympatisören och geniet Jonas Inde:


Det finns några avsnitt av "Hockeygänget" som är helt galet bra. Min favorit just nu är dock "Jonas klassiker".

Jonas framför Tommy Körbergs låt "Judeflickan" (börjar vid 4:30):


Förintelsen hej!
Förintelsen nej!
När ska vi utrota judar?
Aldrig mer!

Tack till Frida och Herr D, jag älskar er!
2022-09-24, 13:43
Nyreggadjudes avatar
"Nationella" amerikaner är överlag väldigt dåliga.

Kommentarer om valet i Sverige ger en vink om hur hopplöst det är på den fronten, som den här från Kevin MacDonald på Occidental Observer:

The electoral replacement of Whites is essentially irreversible at this point barring a political cataclysm—and to be sure, there is no shortage of talk about a civil war. (The Left, which always plays for keeps, is well advanced in purging the military and security agencies in anticipation of such an eventuality.) But even assuming the GOP benefits enough to do well in November, it doesn’t change the reality that the GOP is worse than useless as far as seriously trying to change the present trajectory. (It’s the same in Sweden where a conservative coalition will form a government but exclude the further-right Sweden Democrats, whose main issue is immigration and its disastrous effects, from ministerial positions. The cordon sanitaire in Europe is alive and well.)


MacDonald har i sina intervjuer och böcker som Västerlandet och dess fiender klargjort att han omfamnar det här systemet, önskar counterjihadistiska partier framgång och verkar vara oklar med vad sådana partier egentligen erbjuder för politik.
Det räcker med att deras "main issue is immigration" så är det = "bra", en lika vag uppfattning som valfri svensk invandringstrött normis bär på.

Man kan titta på hur det ser ut i kommentarfältet till artikeln:


All you guys are way too pessimistic. The Sweden Democrats received 20% of the vote – the second most of all political parties – in what is reputed to be the most cucky nation on earth. Soon Italy will have a far right government. All this is certainly dramatic progress by any metric. And we haven’t even gotten to the real havoc that the Russia sanctions will wreak on the industrial economy of Western Europe yet, particularly in Germany. There are many more gains for the political far right in Western Europe to come in the near future.

K M Landissays:

You are right. The items you listed are all reasons for optimism. It would be great if Sweden and Italy could lead the way to White Nationalism.

Your last item is the best one. The economy of Western Europe could be devastated by their own sanctions against Russia, as well as Russia’s reactive sanctions against them. (((America))) is to blame for provoking war with Russia.

Eller varför inte kika på hur The Real History Channel beskriver valet och dess påverkan på världen och framtiden:

The Swedish "far right" and "regular right" coalition now effectively rivals the once all-powerful Left of that severely libtarded (even by Scandinavian standards) nation of 10 million people -- so many of them being balled-up feminists and neutered male pussies. Though it remains difficult to conceive of such a mentally damaged people ever being fully rehabilitated; just the once unimaginable thought of a right wing / anti-migrant invasion coalition actually gaining such a formidable foothold in Sweden is yet another sign that the New World Order crime syndicate is dying.

Åh, verkligen?

Det fortsätter:

The Sweden Democrats Party was created in 1988 out of what Ms. Asbrink refers to as a "neo-Nazi group" called B.S.S., or Keep Sweden Swedish. Of the party’s 30 founders, 18 had what she refers to as "Nazi affiliations." According to one former party member, some of the founders had even served in Hitler’s Waffen SS during World War II -- a war in which Sweden -- despite the best efforts of Churchill -- maintained its neutrality. Of course, the party has long since shed its somewhat overt "Nazi" and "racist" image; but as far as we in our limited judgement from across the pond can tell, these folks seem like our kind of people.

The SD party is openly and aggressively anti-Fake News and (reservedly) Russia-friendly, anti-immigration and anti-Climate Con. Unfortunately -- due to political realities in this libtard-infested nation which gave us Greta Gloomberg Inc. -- the party does, out of necessity in a democrazy, publicly "acknowledge" the "Putin-bad" narrative and accepts that Climate Change is real -- just not catastrophic.


De är helt styrda av samma etiketter som resten av fårskocken där "far right" och "anti-immigration" räcker för att man ska avgöra om de är bra eller dåliga.

De här kommentarerna om att SD tvingas hålla låg profil, en kritisk hållning till klimatagendan kombinerat med rysskramande, visar också på en usel vägvisare. Därtill kommer det faktum att skribenten ifråga har författat böcker om hur fantastisk Putin är som han säljer, så förutom förlorat anseende finns det även finansiella intressen som kan skadas om han skulle behöva backa från sin tidigare hållning.
Även Daily Stormer har lyft fram SD.

Jänkarna är på många sätt klart undermåliga som politiska ledsagare, men har nog tyvärr influerat mycket av "den nationella rörelsen" i den här delen av världen.
2022-09-28, 21:03
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Här är ett bra exempel på att man kan ägna sitt liv åt att granska och kritisera judar utan att förstå judefrågan.

Kevin MacDonald kommenterar valet i Italien:

The EU is a good idea gone bad. Run by globalist, multiculturalist elites with financial power over members. Von der Leyden: "“If things go in a difficult direction — and I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland — we have the tools.”


Han inser inte varifrån en skapelse som EU kommer, hur och i vilken form de judiska visionerna under historiens gång förverkligats.
2022-10-11, 18:33
Nyreggadjudes avatar
Högermannen Frodi talar ut:

It’s not the Jews, stupid!

It’s convenient to blame Jews, isn’t it?

It’s convenient to blame the Left, the LGBT lobby, the “GAE”, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, Ukraine or Russia, Zelensky or Putin… right?

Not to mention Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.

Anything that lets you off the hook.

But here’s the thing…

You can’t blame a mule for kicking.

Jews will support Jewish causes. (It would be crazy if they didn’t.)

The Left will attack the Right. (Isn’t that their job?)

All God’s creatures will do what they do.

The only question that matters is… what are you doing?

Are you supporting the cause that’s in your interest?

I was reminded of this yesterday when I saw a fundraising appeal by Kevin MacDonald.

A disgrace

Prof. MacDonald has been talking for decades about how Jews are advancing Jewish interests at the expense of Europeans. He has described exactly in detail how this is done — through well-funded and well-organized lobby groups and intellectual movements.

Still, it hasn’t occurred to wealthy white people that they need to be serious about supporting operations advancing white interests…

Isn’t that astonishing?

MacDonald is too generous in saying that “things are tough in the economy right now”.

That’s beside the point.

Yes, some are struggling to pay their electricity bills this winter — but they aren’t the ones we should depend on for funding!

Those who have a below-average income should contribute in other ways, while those who have money should contribute money. That’s how it should be. Too often it’s the opposite…

No need to be careless

Of course you have to be cautious about who to support. You can’t be careless about throwing money around.

But with regard to someone like Prof. MacDonald… someone who brings unquestionable value to the table… someone who is obviously not involved for reasons of ego or self-aggrandizement… someone who has proven his worth over decades… there should be no question.

It’s a disgrace that we have wealthy people who supposedly agree with us, but Kevin is struggling to keep his operation going after all these years.

If The Occidental Observer doesn’t have a reasonable budget, it’s only because people on the Right don’t bother supporting it.

No one else can be blamed.

Anti-Semitic escapism

That brings me to the Right’s obsession with Jews (and other “villains”).

This fixation usually amounts to nothing more than escapism… Because unless you’re serious about your own cause, your talk about Jews is not a political diagnosis; it’s intellectual masturbation.

At the end of the day, the main reason for the failure of the Right… is a lack of support from the Right.

The point is that it’s futile to blame anyone else as long as we don’t do our own job properly.

In other words, 90% of our problems come from a lack of devotion in our own people… but we focus on the 10% of problems that come from the outside.

Yes, a rival tribe can set up obstacles in your path. Political enemies can lobby to have you cancelled and banned and beaten. So what?

If you are passive, the result is the same. Obstacle or no obstacle. Nothing happens.

The final responsibility is yours. It is up to you to do something.

I’m afraid the old leftist cliché is true… You can’t blame the Jews for your problems.

If we fail to keep serious nationalist efforts going, how can we blame anyone else?

In other words:

Ask not…

Ask not why Jews support their own cause.

Ask instead why our people aren’t doing the same.

No magic is needed to explain why they are more successful. They support their own cause wholeheartedly. That’s it. Simple as.

So unless you give adequate and sufficient support to your own cause, there is no point in looking for an external scapegoat.

In the end, the one thing that determines the success or failure of the Right… is the Right.

Does the Right take itself seriously enough to support its own cause? That’s the main question.

And I’m sorry to tell you, that’s not a problem with the Jews or the Left or Klaus Schwab. That’s a problem with the Right.

If the Right fails, the Right is to blame.

No one else is to blame

If you are in the know, you have no excuse for neglecting your duty.

I have zero respect for people who know about our problems but remain passive. And I admire everyone who is actively fighting the good fight in whatever way he can. That’s all that matters.

No one is preventing you from making sure high quality Right-wing operations thrive. There are numerous ways for you to help.

It’s like being in a car race and not even bothering to fill up with gas. You’re just complaining that the other team is cheating.

Well, that’s a moot point as long as your car isn’t even running.

As long as you’re too passive to enter the race, you have no right to complain that the other team is winning.

A sobering thought…

You may be upset that I’m taking away your safety blanket…

I know this doesn’t stroke your ego.

But it should be a sobering thought. It means you’re in control of your destiny.

All you have to do is stand up and actively take your own side. That alone will improve your chances 100x.

The path is right there. But you have to walk it.

The bad guys will set up obstacles and we’ll continue moving past them.

The only obstacle we can’t get past is internal weakness… a lack of faith.

Blaming Jews in this situation is like saying:

“It’s unfair that Jews are energetic in supporting their cause when we are so lazy in supporting ours.”

If you don’t support the Right, the Right will not succeed.

No matter what Jews do… no matter what the Left does… no matter what the globalists do… no matter what anyone else does.

So you have to decide for yourself if this is a serious cause or if it’s just casual entertainment in the Metaverse.

But if we don’t make it, I don’t blame the Jews. I blame the Right.

Fróði Midjord

I need your help to continue this educational work.


Dan Eriksson gillade artikeln och tar tillfället i akt att göra reklam för DFS:

Istället för att bara klaga på att andra folk tar ansvar för sin gemenskap och sin framtid, måste vi fråga varför vi svenskar inte gör samma sak? En som har skrivit bra om detta i dagarna är min vän Frodi Midjord i artikeln "It's not the jews, stupid".

Frodi hänvisar ofta till och beundrar Kevin "Heja Jimmie!" MacDonald, vars beskrivning av judeproblemet är ungefär den att judar har lyckats armbåga sig fram och varit resultatrika i ett för övrigt neutralt system, och det är ungefär så Frodi beskriver det här också.

Det är lustigt att han och MacDonald, som har studerat den rent etniska grupputvecklingen hos judar, i analysen utelämnar den fundamentala faktor om över längre tidsperioder särskilda utvecklade samarbetsförmågor och plötsligt intar en rent judisk rasrelativistisk syn där vita "borde" stötta varandra så effektivt som judarna gör. Frodi tycker det är "astonishing" att förmögna vita inte hjälper andra vita. En rent absurd slutsats från de som är "intellektuella".
Det fungerar inte så, inte inom grupperna och inte i det här judisk-universalistika politiska systemet som, mig veterligen, varken Frodi eller MacDonald har sagt sig vilja göra upp med.

Frodi påpekar att man ska vara noggrann med vilka man ger sitt finansiella stöd till, föga förvånande är de som beskrivs som pålitliga förutom han själv MacDonald och Occidental Observer.

Budskapet är klart: Allt handlar om de här herrarna. De vill kunna syssla med sin verksamhet och tigger donationer till den desperata nivån att man skyddar fiender. Skyll inte på motståndare, om allt går utför är det ert eget fel för att ni inte donerade tillräckligt.
2023-10-21, 22:26
Offerviljas avatar
Urban Skriftställares hemsida:

2024-03-12, 06:19
Offerviljas avatar
WarStrike - webbtv-program med Joseph Jordan och Warren Balogh:

Littoria - Joseph Jordans Substack-kanal:

Martin Saxlinds Telegram-kanal:

Simon Holmqvists Telegram-kanal:

Klaus Bernpaintners Youtube-kanal:
2024-09-09, 02:06
Nazistisk montagepornografi

Hej på er nipsters. Droppa era hådaste ww2-edits nedan. Man ska känna adrenalinet pumpa. Man ska kunna lyfta tyngre på gymmet. Har man tappat livslusten och känner sig deppig så ska man bli glad igen, om bara för en millisekund.

Jag börjar:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0uug21MrYk
Kort bit med Goebbels
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGLIEsStLA
3. https://odysee.com/@Volkmann:c/waitingbetweenworlds:a
Journalfilmer till bra beat

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