Det talas ju mycket om detta med det "multipolära" nu för tiden. Bland så kallade systemkritiker, dissidenter, nationalister, nynazister osv beskrivs det inte sällan som "anti-globalistiskt" och används därför ofta i hoppfulla ordalag. Det är därför intressant att syna hur det illustreras, det här med det multipolära, när man läser exempelvis kinesisk statsmedia.
I artikeln "
Premier Li kicks off trip to Germany, France; China, Europe 'need each other for multipolar world order'" som publicerats på Global Times meddelas att den kinesiske premiärministern Li Qiang ska åka till Tyskland och Frankrike för att knyta närmare band:
Chinese Premier Li Qiang kicked off on Sunday his five-day trip to Germany and France, two major European powers and leading members of the EU. On the same day, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Beijing for a visit that was long-expected by the US side.
This is Li's first foreign trip since taking office in March to be the Chinese premier, with experts saying it shows that China attaches great importance to the bilateral ties with the two European countries and to the China-EU strategic ties. They noted that Li's visit will bring more certainty for the China-Europe cooperation and will benefit the global economic recovery when the world is still in turbulence caused by the Ukraine crisis and when the US unilateralism and hegemony threaten the trend of multipolarization.
Både Frankrike och Tyskland vill verka för en multipolarisering av världen sägs det:
Especially amid the Ukraine crisis, Paris and Berlin find that neither has enough leverage to independently deal with Washington's bullying and pressure, so France and Germany want to find a solution by deepening cooperation with China to jointly push the multipolarization of the world order, Song noted.
With France, a permanent member of the UN Security Council and nuclear-armed power, starting to call for strategic autonomy after Macron's visit to China earlier this year in April, Germany also stressed the importance of the multipolar world order.
According to the DW on May 9, Scholz called for "an enlarged and reformed" EU. Speaking to the European Parliament, the German chancellor said the "European Union need to change," adding "Europe must turn to the world." He said the world is increasingly becoming multipolar and that Europe should look for more global cooperation on equal terms.
Avslutningsvis menar Global Times att Frankrike med Macron i spetsen vidtar en konkret åtgärd för att främja multipolaritet genom att anordna toppkonferensen "
the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact" med underrubriken "Building A New Consensus For A More Inclusive International Financial System". Bland andra ska EU-toppen von der Leyen, FN-toppen Guterres, IMF-toppen Georgieva, Världsbankstoppen Ajay Banga och Rockefeller-ordföranden Rajiv Shah delta:
France is now taking concrete step to promote multipolarization. From June 22 to 23, France is set to host the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact. The greatly ambitious event, which Li will also attend, is initiated by Macron, and it eyes on issues including climate change, energy, public health and how to deal with potential economic crises, according to the website of the summit.
The summit will be attended by many influential figures including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, German Chancellor Scholz, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and many leaders from African countries. Experts said the attendance of Premier Li shows China's strong support to France's effort in pushing the multipolarization of the world order.
Spännande att alla dessa figurer alltså har blivit "antiglobalister" genom sitt stöd för det multipolära. Jag måste ha missat rapporterna om en återuppstånden Hitler i Tyskland och hur Édouard Drumont och Maurras citeras dagligen i det franska parlamentet.