Åklagaren(?) försöker förvägra Varg en seriös chans att försvara sig, lyckligtvis var domaren lyhörd:
Yesterday, on Thursday, the judge postponed the case against me, to June 2014. She did because my lawyer, Mr. Freyssinet, asked her to, because he didn’t receive the more than 900 documents in the case until Monday. Three days to prepare a case with more than 900 documents was naturally not nearly enough for Mr. Freyssinet and me to prepare a proper defense.
Mr. Freyssinet didn’t receive the documents apparently because the “other side” deliberately wanted to sabotage our defense. He began asking for the documents in late August, when the media (and not my lawyer or me) was told that I would stand trial the 17th of October, and in the end – in late September I think – after numerous phone-calls and letters they all of a sudden in a letter (that he received 8 days after it had been written…) demanded that he sent them the stamps to cover the expenses they would have for doing so. He had to send them those stamps himself, via snail mail (I guess because the French economy has suffered so much under the Socialist rule of Mr. Hollande that the French judicial system now for the apparently first time in history could not afford to do this themselves…). He finally received letter with a CD-rom with the evidence on Monday, after yet another phone call on Friday. He then had to start the process of printing out the files, etc.
Many of you ask for the evidence they have against me. Well, so did we, from late August and until mid October…