Ursprungligen postat av
Ryssland ör motparten, och påskrivet av dem, den som skrev på nämns som position. I avtalet benämns temporärt ockuperade områden. Två "separatister" närvarade som privatpersoner utan position i avtalet, den ene dog senare i bilbomb, den andre sitter i fängelse i ST Petersburg. Påskrivet av president Poroshenko, denna har dock inte befogenhet, då parlamentet styr. Avtalet är flummigt minst sagt. Inte minst hur områdena ska kontrolleras inom Ukraina. Det är liksom inte ett ukrainsk område längre när Ryssland håller det.
Så, NS2 stoppat, nu lär sanktionerna regna över Putler.
Många skrev på Minsk-avtalet, flera länder plus OSSE. Ryssland var inte inblandad mer än de andra länderna.
Från WIKI:
The Minsk Protocol is an agreement which sought to end war in the Donbas region of Ukraine. It was written in 2014 by the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine, consisting of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE),[1][2][3] with mediation by the leaders of France and Germany in the so-called Normandy Format.
After extensive talks in Minsk, Belarus, the agreement was signed by representatives of the Trilateral Contact Group and, without recognition of any status, by the then-heads of the Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic.
The agreement, which followed multiple previous attempts to stop the fighting in the Donbas, aimed to implement an immediate ceasefire. It failed to stop fighting in Donbas,[4] and was thus followed with a new package of measures, called Minsk II, which was signed on 12 February 2015.[5] This too failed to stop the fighting, but the Normandy Format parties agreed that it remains the basis for any future resolution to the conflict.