Du ”glömde” en ”liten detalj", nämligen att presidenten uppfyllde alla oppositionens krav och den 21 februari 2014 signerade han avtalet med kuppmakarna och Frankrike, Tysklands och Polen som garanter, men kuppmakarna struntade fullständigt i att dra tillbaka sina medbrottslingar från stadens gator.
Hade Yanukovych alla ”packningar” med sig när han signerade avtalet?? Konstigt nog, inga av dig påstådda säkerhetsvideon har läckt ut på internet?!
Går du inte händelserna i förväg??
Krim var inte återanslutet till Ryssland den 21 februari 2014, inte heller kunde man betrakta Ryssland som "fiendeland" vid den tidpunkten som du hävdar!! Det verkar som du har stora svårigheter med det som kallas "FAKTA"
Blanda inte ihop äpple med päron. Presidentens immunitet hade ingenting att göra med svårigheten att göra reformer.
Kuppmakarna struntade fullständig i konstitutionen.
Det är ett allvarligt brott att bryta mot landets konstitution, oavsett hur mycket du försöker slätar över. Det finns klara regler hur en president skall avsättas, man kan inte hitta på
Som du ser, finns ingenting som heter: «self-withdrawal from implementing the constitutional powers».
Article 108 of the Constitution of Ukraine carries rationale for early termination of the powers of the President of Ukraine:
1. resignation;
2. inability to exercise his or her powers for reasons of health;
3. removal from offi ce in the case of impeachment;
4. death.
Articles 109,110, 111 of the Ukrainian Constitution strictly regulate the procedure of removing the President from performing the duties pursuant to the above mentioned grounds. None of those falls within the Regulation adopted.
1. resignation;
2. inability to exercise his or her powers for reasons of health;
3. removal from offi ce in the case of impeachment;
4. death.
Articles 109,110, 111 of the Ukrainian Constitution strictly regulate the procedure of removing the President from performing the duties pursuant to the above mentioned grounds. None of those falls within the Regulation adopted.
Det handlade aldrig om 90%, det är rent av ytterligare en av dina lögner.
Så vit jag vet har Rada ingen dömande funktion, det är bara en domstol som kan döma till fängelse.Dessutom, dina påstådda 90% (eller 405 röster) är i själva verket endast 328 som inte räcker till för avsättning av presidenten, ännu mindre att sätta honom i fängelse. Däremot, räcker gått och väl att demokratiskt sätta kuppmakarna bakom galler.
Enligt Svd från den 22 februari 2014, fastslog Rada med rösterna 328 (eller knappt 73%) mot 0 (noll) avlägsnande av Yanukovych från makten. Trots att det behövdes hela 338 röster eller tre fjärdedelar för detta.
Även Porkishenko erkände kuppen i en tweet den 22 aug 2016
«First we overthrew Yanukovych’s marionette regime…»
"In accordance with article 109 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the actions aimed at violent alteration or overthrowing the constitutional system or at seizing governmental power (a coup) are felonious."
Ytterligare övertramp av kuppmakarna, några ex:
1. Kuppmakarna har blandat friskt, efter behov, konstitutionen som gällde fram till den 1 mars 2014 med konstitutionen som skulle gälla från och med 2 mars 2014.
2. Redan den 21 februari 2014, (trots att Y var kvar i landet) la Rada fram: “The law of Ukraine On revival of some provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine” signerad av Turchinov både som "acting president" samt "Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada", trots att han inte hade lagligt rätt att göra detta.(det skulle ha varit premiärminister!)
3. Lagen nr 2222IV från den 8 dec 2004, har tidigare deklarerats av Constitutional Curt" som okonstitutionell:
Acting President of Ukraine
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Kiev, February, 21, 2014
№ 742-VII
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Kiev, February, 21, 2014
№ 742-VII
1. To recognise as non-conforming with the Constitution of Ukraine (unconstitutional) the Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine” No. 2222-IV dated December 8, 2004 in view of the violation of the constitutional procedure for its review and adoption.
2. The Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine” No. 2222-IV dated December 8, 2004 recognised as non-constitutional loses its legal force from the day the Constitutional Court adopts this Decision.
3. According to Article 70.2 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” to oblige the state bodies to ensure the immediate execution of this Decision on bringing the normative legal acts in conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine dated June 28, 1996 in the wording that had existed before it was amended by the Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine” No. 2222-IV dated December 8, 2004.
2. The Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine” No. 2222-IV dated December 8, 2004 recognised as non-constitutional loses its legal force from the day the Constitutional Court adopts this Decision.
3. According to Article 70.2 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine” to oblige the state bodies to ensure the immediate execution of this Decision on bringing the normative legal acts in conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine dated June 28, 1996 in the wording that had existed before it was amended by the Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine” No. 2222-IV dated December 8, 2004.
Enligt artikel 158:
Within the term of its authority, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall not amend twice the same provisions of the Constitution.
According to the article 150 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are final, binding for fulfillment on the territory of Ukraine, and cannot be disputed.
4. Valet av Yatsenyuk som premiärminister tog ändå priset av kuppmakarnas brottslighet.
In accordance with article 114 of the Constitution valid until March, 1, 2014, the President of Ukraine appoints both the Prime Minister and the members of the Cabinet of Ministers. In accordance with article 154 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a Constitution alteration bill can be introduced to the Verkhovna Rada by the President of Ukraine or by not less than one third of the membership of the deputies (150 persons)
Trots konstitution, och trots påstådda stöd i Rada av 90 %? blev endast 3 personer, Yatsenyuk, Klichko and Tyagnibok som la fram lagen.
Artiklarna 154-159:
In accordance with Article 155 of The Constitution of Ukraine a draft law on introducing amendments to the Constitution must be under voting of the Verkhovna Rada twice: first time it must be preliminarily approved by a majority of the constitutional composition (226 members) and later, to be concerned as adopted, not less than 2/3 of the constitutional composition of the parliament (more than 300 members) must vote for it at the regular session. But there was a voting only in the first reading and the Law was adopted at once.There were neither a second consideration nor a second voting.
«The statements of Article 159 of the Constitution of Ukraine should be interpreted so as a draft law on introducing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in accordance with Articles 154 and 156 of the Constitution of Ukraine can be considered by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ONLY with the presence of a conclusion of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine which states that the draft complies the requirements of Articles 157 and 158 of the Constitution of
This very decision of the Court was included in the text of the Constitution in accordance with Article 150 of the Constitution of Ukraine and it is binding for fulfi llment on the territory of Ukraine,final and cannot be disputed.
Therefore, for the first time in history of Ukraine the Parliament introduced amendments to the Constitution according to the Act, but not to the Law, which is the violation of the article VII of the Constitution of Ukraine. It is a serious violation of the special procedure in adopting such changes according to the articles 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 of the Ukrainian Constitution.
Samtliga tillägg/lagar tagna av kuppmakarna i Rada innan den 2 mars 2014 var okonstitutionella.
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