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Det verkar som om du har läst Albert Engström. Han tog ofta upp det där med spritsmugglingen till Sverige för hundra år sedan. Allt berättar han på sitt humoristiska sätt.
Nope. Yes those old stories are very much exaggerated afterwards, good stories none the less. A thread here on the forum about Algoth Niska if you find it interesting.
(FB) Smugglarkungen Algoth Niska (1888 - 1954)
Ursprungligen postat av
Bekvämlighetsflaggade fartyg i östersjön är knappast någon nyhet.
Så då är det alltså möjligt!
I do seem to think you wonder mostly about the question of legality more than anything, for that look under 'Samhälle-->Juridik'.
Då gör man så här:
1. Köper en pråm av bordershopmodell
2. Registrerar den under italiensk flagg (liten eller obefintlig alkoholskatt)
3. Ankrar den 21 km väster om gotland, jag har hittat ett ställe med endast 20 meters djup.
4. Låter gotlandsfärjorna åtnjuta ett litet stopp i mitt skatteparadis!
Isn't international waters like 12nm off shore? Wiki says so as well as economic zone up to 200nm.
I believe 12nm was the rule back in the days when ships anchored to serve local smugglers.
Just lease the damn thing in Putgarden and call a pair of tugboats to push her up by the end of next week. A makeshift dock for small boats and a few generators for electricity and you're in buisness.
Theres also Sealand for you to research, about the topic of territorial waters.
Edit: Now I got it
"ISIS of the seas/oasis of the seas" is probably gotten a bit cheaper by now, maybe you can get started without much money down but doing it together with the current shipowner.