Köpare av Hunter Bidens konst fick toppjobb av Joe Biden:
Exclusive: Hunter Biden's gallery sold his art to a Democratic donor 'friend' whom Joe Biden named to a prestigious commission
That buyer, Insider can reveal, is Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Los Angeles real-estate investor and philanthropist. Hirsh Naftali is influential in California Democratic circles and a significant Democratic donor who has given $13,414 to the Biden campaign and $29,700 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee this year. In 2022, she hosted a fundraiser headlined by Vice President Kamala Harris
In July 2022, eight months after Hunter Biden's first art opening, Joe Biden announced Hirsh Naftali's appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad. It is unclear whether Hirsh Naftali's purchase of Hunter Biden's artwork occurred before or after that appointment.
And did Hirsh Naftali buy Hunter Biden's art before or after she was appointed?
Insider asked these questions.
Neither the White House nor Hunter Biden's counsel could offer an answer.
This story will be updated should that change.
Hirsh Naftali did not respond to requests for comment.
En okänd köpare la beslag på 11 målningar för ett belopp närmare 1 miljon USD. Troligast är väl någon som genom köpen mutat Biden-klanen och förväntat sig gentjänster från Joe Biden.
Internal Georges Bergès Gallery documents obtained by Insider, a selection of which are published below, show that a single buyer purchased 11 Hunter Biden artworks for a total of $875,000.
Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali blev efter sitt "konstköp" en frekvent besökare till Vita Huset:
Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali has visited the White House at least 13 times since December 2021, according to a Washington Free Beacon review of White House visitor logs. Naftali attended several large events at the White House but has also had several more intimate visits. She met White House senior adviser Neera Tanden on March 21, the visitor logs show.
All of Naftali’s White House visits occurred after Hunter Biden’s first art show opened in New York City in November 2021.