Det r ju
samma fel som nr raketen exploderade 2016.
(Inga mnniskor skadades. Vill minnas det var judarna som skulle skicka upp ngot. Frmodligen en spionsatellit maskerad som "Facebook" 😁 )
That SpaceX explosion blew up one of Facebooks most ambitious projects
Ultimately, it concluded there was a problem with a pressure vessel in the second-stage liquid oxygen tank. The FAA ruled out sabotage -- by rifle shot or any other means -
FAA trodde inte p SpaceX teori att ngon skjutit gevr mot raketen! SpaceX hade ven skjutit mot modeller av sin raket fr att prva teorin. 🙂
So, instead, they got a rifle, and we shot it, Shotwell said. And the signature on the bottle was just like the signature on the bottle that we recovered. That was an easy test to do. Its Texas, right, everybodys got a gun and you can blow stuff up.
(Men uppskjutningen var nog i Florida.)
Denna gng:
SpaceX said the second stage's failure occurred after engineers detected a leak of liquid oxygen, a propellant.
SpaceX har inte fixat felet med syretanken i andrasteget nnu.
2016 skickade ven SpaceX en medarbetare till Boeing/ULA. SpaceX misstnkte att ngon skjutit frn konkurrenternas omrde mot SpaceX raket 🤣🤣🤣
The SpaceX employee who showed up at ULAs facility had an odd request: Could he have access to the roof?
The reason, the employee explained, was that SpaceX had still images from a video that appeared to show a shadow, then a bright white spot, coming from the roof. ULAs building was about a mile away from the launchpad and had a clear line of sight to it.
ULA was incredulous, and refused to let the SpaceX employee into the building. Instead, it called Air Force investigators, who inspected the roof and found nothing amiss.
Bezos tidning har sina ponger 😁 Bezos vxte ju upp i Texas och anvnder ofta cowboyhatt.