Jag hller med om din beskrivning av trenden, jag tror dessutom att det r en s kraftig medvind att vad Silicon Valley n gr s kommer de inte kunna stoppa Trump. Dock om det stod och vgde s r jag rdd att otillbrligheter och regelrtt fusk skulle tippa segern ver till Biden.
Sjlvklart kommer IT-giganterna att gra allt i sin makt fr att rigga/vikta/pverka valet s gott det gr. Vem kan glmma den lckta inspelningen av Googles toppar efter Trumps vinst 2016?
Begrunda ngra av fljande Google rster i toppen:
Sergey Brin (En av grundarna till Google)
"I know this is probably not the most joyous TGIF we have had, and, you know, let's face it, most people here are pretty upset and pretty sad because of the election. Myself, as an immigrant, as a refugee, I certainly find this election deeply offensive, and I know many of you do, too. And I think it's a very stressful time, and it conflicts with many of our values. I think it's a good time to reflect on that, and we're going to hopefully share some thoughts today.
Kent Walker (Google VP of Global Affairs)
"That fear, I think, not just in the United States but around the world, is what's fueling concerns of xenophobia, hatred, and a desire for answers that may or may not be there. It's fueling distrust of experts and disregard of traditional institutions." And we're trying to figure out, how do we respond to that? What are the next steps for us before the world comes into this environment of tribalism that's self-destructive on the long-term? There are cycles of these things that can often last five, 10 years before people feel as though they've had a chance to vent that anger. And yet, we do think that history is on our side in a profound and important way."
Ruth Porat (Googles CFO - Chief Financial Officer). Som p valkvllen/natten messade en helt knckt personlig vn till Hillary Clinton som var p plats p Hillarys valvaka.
"I just sent him(vnnen) a note and said, 'Are you OK? It looks like it's going the wrong way.' And I got back a very sad, short text that said, 'People are leaving. Staff is crying. We're going to lose.' That was the first moment I really felt like we were going to lose. It was this massive, like, kick in the gut that we were going to lose, and it was really painful."
Ingen tror p fullaste allvar att vrldens kanske mktigaste fretag idag kommer att vara neutrala i sina algoritmer, skresultat och annat nr det kommer till valet.