Om vi tar en tillbakablick till Gretas toolkitcase där hon stod upp för bondeupproret i Indien. Så blev F4F medlemmen Disha Ravi släppt mot borgen såsom jag förutspådde.
Polisen och den inledande rättsprocessen var löjeväckande, korrumperad där polisen åkte på flertalet motcases för sin usla hantering.
Trots att Disha fick inte de advokater som hon önskade utan blev tilldelad ett par stolpskott som inte ens hade satt sig in i fallet. Vid flera tillfällen så fick journalister fylla i deras kunskapsluckor. Vid ett möte till rätten, så blev advokaterna skickade till fel domstol, och Disha fick försvara sig själv, vilket hon gjorde med stolthet. Hon var redo att krypa tillbaks till cellen igen om det var det som krävdes.
Hon fick senare stöd av domaren i fallet Judge Rana .
"Judge Rana stated, "Considering the scanty and sketchy evidence on record, I do not find any palpable reason for keeping a 22-year-old in custody." In the order, the judge said, "Citizens are conscience keepers of government in any democratic Nation. They cannot be put behind the bars simply because they choose to disagree with the State policies." The judge further said, "This 5000 years old civilization of ours has never been averse to ideas from varied quarters. The following couplet in Rig Veda embodies our cultural ethos expressing our respect for divergent opinions", quoting a translation, "Let noble thoughts come from all direction"
Nu har Greta blivit hyllad utav Högsta domstolens, Supreme Courts Judge Chandrachud i ett tal.
SC judge Chandrachud hails Greta Thunberg, says nobody is too young to bring big change
Speaking at a public event, the Judge said that the danger to freedoms may originate from those who are tasked to govern as well as from intolerance of people in society.
The judge also held up Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg as an example of engaged citizenry. “Her example, in addition to that of many others, shows us how nobody is too young or too insignificant to effectuate a big change,”
“Greta Thunberg, who is one of the strongest voices in civil society against climate change, began her journey, as a lone 15 year old, sitting outside the Swedish Parliament demanding governmental action against the imminent risks of global warming,” he said.