Ursprungligen postat av
Det är i princip bara ”nazister” som genomskådar judarna. Vi vet exakt vad de är ute efter. De vill ha kontroll över historieskrivningen och därmed också nuet och framtiden. Kommunism ska petas ned i det orwellianska minneshålet eftersom kommunismen är judisk. Genom lagstiftningen vill judarna ge förintelsen en särställning. Endast judiskt lidande ska uppmärksammas och det ska göras enligt närmast religiösa riktlinjer. Det är inte fel att kalla förintelsen för religion.
Njae, vi är nog några till. Fast vi kallas förstås också nazister och antisemiter, så vi kättare får väl hålla ihop.
För visst finns det stora likheter mellan förintelsekulten och religion. Synen på förintelsen som syndafallet och Hitler som djävulen, skolungdomarnas rituella vallfärder till Auschwitz (ett slags sekulär konfirmation), katekesliknande skrifter som "Om detta må ni berätta", överlevare och barn till överlevare som reser runt och vittnar, fördömandet av kättare/förnekare, inkvisitionsdomstolar, "du skall inga andra gudar hava jämte mig" (förintelsen och det judiska folkets lidande som unikum i världshistorien), synd och skuld o.s.v.
Förintelsen används även som ett slags politisk myt eller ursprungsmyt för EU på ett sätt som tangerar det religiösa. Helmut Dubiel, sociologiprofessor och expert på Frankfurtskolan och kritisk teori, har i The Lesser Evil: Moral Approaches to Genocide Practices (s. 217 ff.) träffande beskrivit hur denna myt konstruerades och hur den s.k. Stockholmsdeklarationen kom till.
The most spectacular effort to construct a European foundation myth founded on the Holocaust was the turn-of-the-century Forum at Stockholm.
Modern political myths of foundation are constructed narratives which extract an important event of the common past from the historical continuum in which it is embedded, endow it with mythical qualities, and turn it into a starting point of communal history. Their essence is therefore not the recollection of the actual past but the construction of a narrative that shores up collective feelings and identities in difficult times. Myths of foundation can be discovered as well as invented. They are not constructed from scratch, but contain an element of historical occurrences preserved in the collective memory - otherwise the myth would not work. They are, in other words, true inventions, at one and the same time ideological creations and expressions of an authentic desire to make sense of one's existence.
Om Stockholmsdeklarationen:
“The Holocaust (Shoah) fundamentally challenged the foundations of civilization. The unprecedented character of the Holocaust will always hold universal meaning.”
– Article 1 of the Stockholm Declaration
The Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust (or “Stockholm Declaration”) is the founding document of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and it continues to serve as an ongoing affirmation of each IHRA member country’s commitment to shared principles.
The declaration was the outcome of the International Forum convened in Stockholm between 27-29 January 2000 by former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson. The Forum was attended by the representatives of 46 governments including; 23 Heads of State or Prime Ministers and 14 Deputy Prime Ministers or Ministers.
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances (IHRA:s) teser om förintelsen:
The members of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance are committed to the Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, which reads as follows:
1. The Holocaust (Shoah) fundamentally challenged the foundations of civilization. The unprecedented character of the Holocaust will always hold universal meaning. After half a century, it remains an event close enough in time that survivors can still bear witness to the horrors that engulfed the Jewish people. The terrible suffering of the many millions of other victims of the Nazis has left an indelible scar across Europe as well.
2. The magnitude of the Holocaust, planned and carried out by the Nazis, must be forever seared in our collective memory. The selfless sacrifices of those who defied the Nazis, and sometimes gave their own lives to protect or rescue the Holocaust's victims, must also be inscribed in our hearts. The depths of that horror, and the heights of their heroism, can be touchstones in our understanding of the human capacity for evil and for good.
3. With humanity still scarred by genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, antisemitism and xenophobia, the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils. Together we must uphold the terrible truth of the Holocaust against those who deny it. We must strengthen the moral commitment of our peoples, and the political commitment of our governments, to ensure that future generations can understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflect upon its consequences.
4. We pledge to strengthen our efforts to promote education, remembrance and research about the Holocaust, both in those of our countries that have already done much and those that choose to join this effort.
5. We share a commitment to encourage the study of the Holocaust in all its dimensions. We will promote education about the Holocaust in our schools and universities, in our communities and encourage it in other institutions.
6. We share a commitment to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and to honour those who stood against it. We will encourage appropriate forms of Holocaust remembrance, including an annual Day of Holocaust Remembrance, in our countries.
7. We share a commitment to throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust. We will take all necessary steps to facilitate the opening of archives in order to ensure that all documents bearing on the Holocaust are available to researchers.
8. It is appropriate that this, the first major international conference of the new millenium, declares its commitment to plant the seeds of a better future amidst the soil of a bitter past. We empathize with the victims' suffering and draw inspiration from their struggle. Our commitment must be to remember the victims who perished, respect the survivors still with us, and reaffirm humanity's common aspiration for mutual understanding and justice.
Sverige skrev under IHRA:s antisemitismdefinition förra året. Som antisemitism och "Holocaust distortion" räknas bland annat kritik av judiskt historiebruk kring förintelsen.
Accusing Jews of “using” the Holocaust for some manner of gain.
Claims that the Jewish people “use” the Holocaust for the purposes of financial gain or to justify the establishment of the state of Israel are antisemitic conspiracies, and suggest that the Jewish people have used this history in order to secure particular or nebulous ends.