Men det gller inte bara srskillda videos om Covid-19. Danskar har ingen mjlighet att se videor alls via videoplatformen Bitchute.
The National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) has blocked the homepage that your browser has tried to access contact as there is reason to assume that from the website commits a violation of criminal law, which has a background in or connection with the covid-19 epidemic in Denmark, states a message users see when trying to access Bitchute.
The block appears to be site-wide meaning that Danish citizens arent just being prevented from viewing alleged COVID-19 misinformation on BitChute theyre being blocked from viewing any BitChute videos, regardless of the topic, writes Tom Parker.
ven EU verkar aktivt fr att frska strypa europers mjlighet att ska information via Bitchute.
Authorities in the UK and the EU are also trying to get the site shut down, claiming it engages in incitement to hatred.
Varfr frsker Danmark (och snart hela EU) strypa folkets tillgng till information som inte kontrolleras av MSM och Tech-jttarna?