2021-12-05, 13:09
Fastnat och fr inte vrden att uppdatera.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* Constants, representation of states */
#define ALIVE 'X'
#define DEAD '.'

/* Declaration of data structure */
typedef struct{
    char current;
    char next;
} cell;

/* Declaration of functions */
void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
int getState(int rows, int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]);
char getStartStateChoice(void);

/* Function:    main
 * Description: Start and run simulations, interact with the user.
 *              Lets the user choose initial structure and whether to step
 *              or exit. Writes information to the user, and the game field
 *              in each step.

 int main(void) {

   const int rows = 20;
   const int cols = 20;
   cell field[rows][cols];

   initField(rows, cols, field);
   printField(rows, cols, field);

       return 0;
/* Function:    initField
* Description: Loads a structure that the user selects
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
     char choice;



        switch (choice) {
                  case 'g':
                  case 'G':
                      loadGlider(rows, cols, field);
                  case 's':
                  case 'S':
                      loadSemaphore(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'r':
                  case 'R':
                      loadRandom(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'c':
                  case 'C':
                      loadCustom(rows, cols, field);

/* Function:    getStartStateChoice
* Description: Lets the user choose starting state
* Input:
* Output:      The users choice. Should be one of the letters G,S,R or C.

char getStartStateChoice(void) {

      printf("Select field spec to load ([G]lider, [S]emaphore, [R]andom ");
      printf("or [C]ustom): ");

      int ch = getchar();

      /* Ignore following newline */
      if (ch != '\n') {
        return ch;

/* Function:    clearField
* Description: Initialize all the cells in the field to dead
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      for (int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++) {

        for (int c = 0 ; c < cols ; c++) {
            field[r][c].current = DEAD;

/* Function:    loadGlider
* Description: Inserts a glider into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[0][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[1][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][0].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][2].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadSemaphore
* Description: Inserts a semaphore into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array * Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[8][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][3].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadRandom
* Description: Inserts a random structure into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated. There is a 50 % chance that a cell
*              is alive.

void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
  for (int r = 0;r < rows ; r++){
  for (int c = 0;c < cols ; c++){

    int temp = rand() % 2;
    if(temp == 0){
      field[r][c].current = DEAD;
      field[r][c].current = ALIVE;


/* Function:    loadCustom
* Description: Lets the user specify a structure that then is inserted into
*              the field. * Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      printf("Give custom format string: ");
      do {
        int r, c;
          scanf("%d,%d", &r, &c);
          field[r][c].current = ALIVE;
        } while (getchar() != '\n');

void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]){

  for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    if(r != 0){
  for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
    if (field[r][c].current==ALIVE) {
      printf(" X ");
  printf(" . ");

printf("Select one of the following options:\n (enter) Step\n");
printf(" (any) Exit \n"); //Kolla

} while (getchar() == '\n');

/* Function: countNeighborhood
* Description: Counts the number of live cells one cell is surrounded by.
* Input: The field array and its size.
* Output: The neighborCount array.

void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){

  for (int r = 0; r <= rows; r++){
  for (int c = 0; c <= cols; c++) {
array[r][c] = countNeighbors(rows, cols, field, r, c);

int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col){

  int count = 0;

  for (int r = row - 1; r <= row + 1; r++) {
    for (int c = col - 1; c <= col + 1; c++) {
      if ((row != r || col != c) &&
      getState (rows, cols, field, r, c) == ALIVE) {
  return count;

int getState(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col) {

  if (row >= 0 && row <rows && col >= 0 && col < cols){
    return field[row][col].current;
  return DEAD;

void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){
  countNeighborhood(rows, cols, array, field);

  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      if (field[r][c].current == ALIVE && array[r][c] == 2){
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;
      else if (array[r][c] == 3) {
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;

      field[r][c].next = DEAD;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
      printf("%d ", array[i][j]);
      updateWorld (rows, cols, field);

void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]){
  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      field[r][c].current = field[r][c].next;
2021-12-05, 13:14
Trollfeeders avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Hafsat
Fastnat och fr inte vrden att uppdatera.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* Constants, representation of states */
#define ALIVE 'X'
#define DEAD '.'

/* Declaration of data structure */
typedef struct{
    char current;
    char next;
} cell;

/* Declaration of functions */
void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
int getState(int rows, int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]);
char getStartStateChoice(void);

/* Function:    main
 * Description: Start and run simulations, interact with the user.
 *              Lets the user choose initial structure and whether to step
 *              or exit. Writes information to the user, and the game field
 *              in each step.

 int main(void) {

   const int rows = 20;
   const int cols = 20;
   cell field[rows][cols];

   initField(rows, cols, field);
   printField(rows, cols, field);

       return 0;
/* Function:    initField
* Description: Loads a structure that the user selects
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
     char choice;



        switch (choice) {
                  case 'g':
                  case 'G':
                      loadGlider(rows, cols, field);
                  case 's':
                  case 'S':
                      loadSemaphore(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'r':
                  case 'R':
                      loadRandom(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'c':
                  case 'C':
                      loadCustom(rows, cols, field);

/* Function:    getStartStateChoice
* Description: Lets the user choose starting state
* Input:
* Output:      The users choice. Should be one of the letters G,S,R or C.

char getStartStateChoice(void) {

      printf("Select field spec to load ([G]lider, [S]emaphore, [R]andom ");
      printf("or [C]ustom): ");

      int ch = getchar();

      /* Ignore following newline */
      if (ch != '\n') {
        return ch;

/* Function:    clearField
* Description: Initialize all the cells in the field to dead
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      for (int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++) {

        for (int c = 0 ; c < cols ; c++) {
            field[r][c].current = DEAD;

/* Function:    loadGlider
* Description: Inserts a glider into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[0][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[1][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][0].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][2].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadSemaphore
* Description: Inserts a semaphore into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array * Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[8][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][3].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadRandom
* Description: Inserts a random structure into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated. There is a 50 % chance that a cell
*              is alive.

void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
  for (int r = 0;r < rows ; r++){
  for (int c = 0;c < cols ; c++){

    int temp = rand() % 2;
    if(temp == 0){
      field[r][c].current = DEAD;
      field[r][c].current = ALIVE;


/* Function:    loadCustom
* Description: Lets the user specify a structure that then is inserted into
*              the field. * Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      printf("Give custom format string: ");
      do {
        int r, c;
          scanf("%d,%d", &r, &c);
          field[r][c].current = ALIVE;
        } while (getchar() != '\n');

void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]){

  for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    if(r != 0){
  for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
    if (field[r][c].current==ALIVE) {
      printf(" X ");
  printf(" . ");

printf("Select one of the following options:\n (enter) Step\n");
printf(" (any) Exit \n"); //Kolla

} while (getchar() == '\n');

/* Function: countNeighborhood
* Description: Counts the number of live cells one cell is surrounded by.
* Input: The field array and its size.
* Output: The neighborCount array.

void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){

  for (int r = 0; r <= rows; r++){
  for (int c = 0; c <= cols; c++) {
array[r][c] = countNeighbors(rows, cols, field, r, c);

int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col){

  int count = 0;

  for (int r = row - 1; r <= row + 1; r++) {
    for (int c = col - 1; c <= col + 1; c++) {
      if ((row != r || col != c) &&
      getState (rows, cols, field, r, c) == ALIVE) {
  return count;

int getState(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col) {

  if (row >= 0 && row <rows && col >= 0 && col < cols){
    return field[row][col].current;
  return DEAD;

void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){
  countNeighborhood(rows, cols, array, field);

  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      if (field[r][c].current == ALIVE && array[r][c] == 2){
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;
      else if (array[r][c] == 3) {
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;

      field[r][c].next = DEAD;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
      printf("%d ", array[i][j]);
      updateWorld (rows, cols, field);

void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]){
  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      field[r][c].current = field[r][c].next;

Du fr nog beskriva problemet lite mer detaljerat n s om det ska finnas ngon chans att ngon ska bemda sig att hjlpa dig.
2021-12-05, 18:32
Ursprungligen postat av Hafsat
Fastnat och fr inte vrden att uppdatera.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* Constants, representation of states */
#define ALIVE 'X'
#define DEAD '.'

/* Declaration of data structure */
typedef struct{
    char current;
    char next;
} cell;

/* Declaration of functions */
void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
int getState(int rows, int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]);
char getStartStateChoice(void);

/* Function:    main
 * Description: Start and run simulations, interact with the user.
 *              Lets the user choose initial structure and whether to step
 *              or exit. Writes information to the user, and the game field
 *              in each step.

 int main(void) {

   const int rows = 20;
   const int cols = 20;
   cell field[rows][cols];

   initField(rows, cols, field);
   printField(rows, cols, field);

       return 0;
/* Function:    initField
* Description: Loads a structure that the user selects
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
     char choice;



        switch (choice) {
                  case 'g':
                  case 'G':
                      loadGlider(rows, cols, field);
                  case 's':
                  case 'S':
                      loadSemaphore(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'r':
                  case 'R':
                      loadRandom(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'c':
                  case 'C':
                      loadCustom(rows, cols, field);

/* Function:    getStartStateChoice
* Description: Lets the user choose starting state
* Input:
* Output:      The users choice. Should be one of the letters G,S,R or C.

char getStartStateChoice(void) {

      printf("Select field spec to load ([G]lider, [S]emaphore, [R]andom ");
      printf("or [C]ustom): ");

      int ch = getchar();

      /* Ignore following newline */
      if (ch != '\n') {
        return ch;

/* Function:    clearField
* Description: Initialize all the cells in the field to dead
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      for (int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++) {

        for (int c = 0 ; c < cols ; c++) {
            field[r][c].current = DEAD;

/* Function:    loadGlider
* Description: Inserts a glider into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[0][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[1][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][0].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][2].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadSemaphore
* Description: Inserts a semaphore into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array * Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[8][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][3].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadRandom
* Description: Inserts a random structure into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated. There is a 50 % chance that a cell
*              is alive.

void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
  for (int r = 0;r < rows ; r++){
  for (int c = 0;c < cols ; c++){

    int temp = rand() % 2;
    if(temp == 0){
      field[r][c].current = DEAD;
      field[r][c].current = ALIVE;


/* Function:    loadCustom
* Description: Lets the user specify a structure that then is inserted into
*              the field. * Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      printf("Give custom format string: ");
      do {
        int r, c;
          scanf("%d,%d", &r, &c);
          field[r][c].current = ALIVE;
        } while (getchar() != '\n');

void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]){

  for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    if(r != 0){
  for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
    if (field[r][c].current==ALIVE) {
      printf(" X ");
  printf(" . ");

printf("Select one of the following options:\n (enter) Step\n");
printf(" (any) Exit \n"); //Kolla

} while (getchar() == '\n');

/* Function: countNeighborhood
* Description: Counts the number of live cells one cell is surrounded by.
* Input: The field array and its size.
* Output: The neighborCount array.

void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){

  for (int r = 0; r <= rows; r++){
  for (int c = 0; c <= cols; c++) {
array[r][c] = countNeighbors(rows, cols, field, r, c);

int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col){

  int count = 0;

  for (int r = row - 1; r <= row + 1; r++) {
    for (int c = col - 1; c <= col + 1; c++) {
      if ((row != r || col != c) &&
      getState (rows, cols, field, r, c) == ALIVE) {
  return count;

int getState(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col) {

  if (row >= 0 && row <rows && col >= 0 && col < cols){
    return field[row][col].current;
  return DEAD;

void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){
  countNeighborhood(rows, cols, array, field);

  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      if (field[r][c].current == ALIVE && array[r][c] == 2){
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;
      else if (array[r][c] == 3) {
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;

      field[r][c].next = DEAD;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
      printf("%d ", array[i][j]);
      updateWorld (rows, cols, field);

void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]){
  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      field[r][c].current = field[r][c].next;

Specificera vilka variablar, var de anropas etc.
2021-12-30, 01:02
2022-04-10, 03:36
Du fr ge oss mer om vi ska hjlpa dig...
2022-04-10, 09:23
Protons avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Hafsat
Fastnat och fr inte vrden att uppdatera.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* Constants, representation of states */
#define ALIVE 'X'
#define DEAD '.'

/* Declaration of data structure */
typedef struct{
    char current;
    char next;
} cell;

/* Declaration of functions */
void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]);
void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]);
int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
int getState(int rows, int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col);
void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]);
char getStartStateChoice(void);

/* Function:    main
 * Description: Start and run simulations, interact with the user.
 *              Lets the user choose initial structure and whether to step
 *              or exit. Writes information to the user, and the game field
 *              in each step.

 int main(void) {

   const int rows = 20;
   const int cols = 20;
   cell field[rows][cols];

   initField(rows, cols, field);
   printField(rows, cols, field);

       return 0;
/* Function:    initField
* Description: Loads a structure that the user selects
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void initField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
     char choice;



        switch (choice) {
                  case 'g':
                  case 'G':
                      loadGlider(rows, cols, field);
                  case 's':
                  case 'S':
                      loadSemaphore(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'r':
                  case 'R':
                      loadRandom(rows, cols, field);
                  case 'c':
                  case 'C':
                      loadCustom(rows, cols, field);

/* Function:    getStartStateChoice
* Description: Lets the user choose starting state
* Input:
* Output:      The users choice. Should be one of the letters G,S,R or C.

char getStartStateChoice(void) {

      printf("Select field spec to load ([G]lider, [S]emaphore, [R]andom ");
      printf("or [C]ustom): ");

      int ch = getchar();

      /* Ignore following newline */
      if (ch != '\n') {
        return ch;

/* Function:    clearField
* Description: Initialize all the cells in the field to dead
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void clearField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      for (int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++) {

        for (int c = 0 ; c < cols ; c++) {
            field[r][c].current = DEAD;

/* Function:    loadGlider
* Description: Inserts a glider into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadGlider(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[0][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[1][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][0].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[2][2].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadSemaphore
* Description: Inserts a semaphore into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array * Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadSemaphore(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
      field[8][1].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][2].current = ALIVE;
      field[8][3].current = ALIVE;

/* Function:    loadRandom
* Description: Inserts a random structure into the field.
* Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated. There is a 50 % chance that a cell
*              is alive.

void loadRandom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {
  for (int r = 0;r < rows ; r++){
  for (int c = 0;c < cols ; c++){

    int temp = rand() % 2;
    if(temp == 0){
      field[r][c].current = DEAD;
      field[r][c].current = ALIVE;


/* Function:    loadCustom
* Description: Lets the user specify a structure that then is inserted into
*              the field. * Input:       rows - the number of rows in the field
*              cols - the number of columns in the field
*              field - the field array
* Output:      The field array is updated.

void loadCustom(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]) {

      printf("Give custom format string: ");
      do {
        int r, c;
          scanf("%d,%d", &r, &c);
          field[r][c].current = ALIVE;
        } while (getchar() != '\n');

void printField(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols]){

  for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    if(r != 0){
  for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
    if (field[r][c].current==ALIVE) {
      printf(" X ");
  printf(" . ");

printf("Select one of the following options:\n (enter) Step\n");
printf(" (any) Exit \n"); //Kolla

} while (getchar() == '\n');

/* Function: countNeighborhood
* Description: Counts the number of live cells one cell is surrounded by.
* Input: The field array and its size.
* Output: The neighborCount array.

void countNeighborhood(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){

  for (int r = 0; r <= rows; r++){
  for (int c = 0; c <= cols; c++) {
array[r][c] = countNeighbors(rows, cols, field, r, c);

int countNeighbors(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col){

  int count = 0;

  for (int r = row - 1; r <= row + 1; r++) {
    for (int c = col - 1; c <= col + 1; c++) {
      if ((row != r || col != c) &&
      getState (rows, cols, field, r, c) == ALIVE) {
  return count;

int getState(const int rows, const int cols, cell field[rows][cols], int row, int col) {

  if (row >= 0 && row <rows && col >= 0 && col < cols){
    return field[row][col].current;
  return DEAD;

void aliveOrDead(const int rows, const int cols, int array[rows][cols], cell field[rows][cols]){
  countNeighborhood(rows, cols, array, field);

  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      if (field[r][c].current == ALIVE && array[r][c] == 2){
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;
      else if (array[r][c] == 3) {
        field[r][c].next = ALIVE;

      field[r][c].next = DEAD;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
      printf("%d ", array[i][j]);
      updateWorld (rows, cols, field);

void updateWorld(const int rows, const int cols, cell field [rows][cols]){
  for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++){
    for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++){
      field[r][c].current = field[r][c].next;
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