Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2023-06-27, 10:41
Iradeorums avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Nyreggadjude
Att nationella framstår som ignoranta pajasar borde vara klart för varje individ med nyfikenhet på världen. Vill man veta hur det här systemet fungerar bör man inte vända sig till dessa subkulturellt insnöade virrpannor utan istället lyssna till hästens mun.

Tidigare i tråden har Kinas kopplingar till det internationella samfundet tagits upp.
Kina har visat sin positiva inställning till detta samfunds önskningar, såsom att styra migration globalt, och en av organisationerna för sagda ändamål, International Organization for Migration (IOM), beskriver hur väst och Kina/öst samarbetar internationellt för att realisera världsplanerna:

EU och Kina i samarbete för migration och rörlighet mellan kontinenterna:

Mer om samarbetet:

Fortsättning och avslutning nedan

Kan vi inte återkoppla till när du försökte påskina att olika experttyckare hos Valdai Discussion Club representerade Kreml?

(FB) Världsordningen - dåtid, nutid, framtid
2023-07-31, 21:39
Fler exempel på planering av den multipolära världsordningen från 1900-talet

1956 realiserade Rockefellers och Henry Kissinger projektet Special Studies Project.
1961 presenterade de idén om en regionalisering av världen i boken "Prospect for America: the Rockefeller Panel reports", som baserades på nämnda projekt.
1973 släppte Rockefeller-anknutna Club of Rome ett dokument, "Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System", där man delar in världen i 10 delar - "10 kingdoms":

In September 1973, the Club of Rome issued a report entitled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System. It proposed partitioning the planet into ten kingdoms. Yes, it really utilized the expression 10 kingdoms. While the verges of these 10 kingdoms are liable to transform, it is their recommendation that is the focus. Since that proposal in 1973, the planet is continuously separated into ten Kingdoms. It began with the European Union. It is proceeding with the African Union. It is currently here with the North American Union, or NAU. Our chose political pioneers in North America preclude the presence from securing the NAU, calling it a paranoid idea. They do so while the Queen’s illustrative in my region of Manitoba lays out its infrastructure.


Did you know that the European Union was an experiment that had long been planned by those behind a one world government? The idea is that if the European Union proved the success of political and economic integration then this model could be repeated across other world regions. Now we have the Africa Union and the coming North American Union. Other regions are still at the economic union-only stage but it is much easier to start off with economic union followed by political union rather than the other way around.

EU har tydligen också presenterat denna struktur mer tydligt:

The Club of Rome in 1973 proposed that the new global order include dividing the world into 10 economic trading blocks. Today, the European Commission includes a world map on their web site that shows 10 groups of nations, which would be designed to consolidate regional control. The first map of a 10-region division was done by the Club of Rome in their 1973 report “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System, and the EC map alters these divisions only slightly based upon changes over several decades of economic growth.
2023-08-19, 16:47
Sinestros avatar
Den här tråden pockar på en fråga.

En väsentlig poäng som skiljer de som tror på den stora teaterföreställningen från de som tror på att Ryssland/Kina ska "befria" Västerlandet är att de som tror på det senare har något legitimt att hoppas på. Dvs det kan inte uteslutas att de har rätt, och de har själva också insett att det är den enda möjligheten till "befrielse/räddning".

De som tror på den stora teaterföreställningen (och som samtidigt menar att Sverige kan "räddas" ändå) blir däremot svaret skyldiga. Vad ska rädda Sverige? Flygbladsutdelning? Delning av information på Flashback om den stora konspirationen (för att ytterligare understryka hur kört det är)? Vad?

Trollar de? Logiken lyser med sin frånvaro ..

(Själv står jag utanför som betraktare och emellanåt debattör, men jag kan ju se att den ena sidan har en poäng, medan den andra helt saknar poäng .. om det inte handlar om att det är kört.)
Senast redigerad av Sinestro 2023-08-19 kl. 16:50.
2023-10-15, 21:26
Medan de subkulturella fantiserar om den mörka kristallen "sionism", som ska krossas med svärdet för att friheten ska infinna sig, ångar makthavarna på med sina planer:

While you were watching Israel…
Just like Ukraine, the latest war is perfect camouflage for the Great Reset

We need a new approach to digital identity”, so say the authors of an “Agenda Article” for the World Economic Forum, published on the 28th of September.

Digital ID has been in the news a lot lately, obscured for the past week in the mist of the Israel-Hamas situation.

Last month the United Nation Developments Programme published its legal guidelines for digital IDs as well as “mobilizing” global leadership with a $400mn fund to “empower” digital identity programmes in over 100 countries.

Olika delar av världen går i samma riktning, USA, Afrika, Asien, Europa:

Various nations are already making steps in that direction. Multiple US states are either already issuing digital IDs or planning to in the near future, as are Kenya, Somalia, Bhutan and Singapore. Austria’s system is going online in December.

Just last week, Forbes Australia published it’s guide to what “Australians need to know” about digital IDs, and 9News reported that they could be in place as soon as next year.

Just two days ago, the Journal of Australian Law Society predicted the same thing.

Det australiska bankväsendet klargör:

Meanwhile, also in Australia, the world’s 21st largest bank is changing its terms and conditions to allow it to “de-bank” customers.

The National Australian Bank’s “revised” terms and conditions go into force on November 1st and include, in clause 11: “NAB may close your account at any time at its discretion”.

The reasons NAB would consider enforcing clause 11 make for interesting reading [emphasis added]:

NAB can take a range of things into account when exercising its rights and discretions. These can include:
(e) NAB’s public statements, including those relating to protecting vulnerable persons, the environment or sustainability;
(f) community expectations and any impact on NAB’s reputation;

So – as of November 1st – NAB reserves the right to de-bank you if you get cancelled, or say something they don’t approve of about climate change or “vulnerable people”.

I Storbritannien:

In the UK, just two days ago, it was reported the government is planning to upload every passport photo in their records to a facial recognition database. Big Brother Watch reports:

We did NOT consent to this!

The Government plans to put your passport photo on a giant facial recognition database.

At the same time, despite “record profits” for energy companies last winter, the UK government reports they may need to further increase energy bills to “prevent energy companies going bust”.


Two days ago Japan announced it would be trading carbon credits on its stock exchange, and some Japanese firms are introducing a digital currency specifically for the settlement of “clean energy certificates”.

Indien, Kina:

Just yesterday India announced the launch of trial wholesale digital currency, and the South China Morning Post reported a new “hard-wallet” for SIM-based CBDC payments, a joint project between the Bank of China and Chinese telecommunications giants.

Back to Australia, where it was reported on October 12th that Mastercard and the Reserve Bank of Australia had “successfully trialled” the interoperability of CBDC systems, whilst ensuring that “the pilot CBDC can be held, used, and redeemed only by authorised parties“.

Mastercard’s report also notes that the benefits of CBDCs are “programmability, transparency, and compliance”.

…Oh, and a new study says eating bugs is good for your metabolism.

So that’s progress on…

Global digital IDs
Debanking for wrong-think
Mass surveillance and facial recognition
Inflated energy prices
Carbon credits
Programmable digital currency
Eating ze bugs.

…all from the last couple of weeks, mostly from the last few days.

Just a reminder – or a series of reminders – that the Great Reset didn’t stop, it just faded into the background. It’s what they’re doing with the hand behind their back, while they wave the other in front of our faces.
2023-10-15, 21:27
Exempel från ovanstående länkar om FN och inblandade länder/aktörer:

UN Digital event mobilizes global leadership and US$400 million to support digital public infrastructure

New York - As part of the SDG Action Weekend led by the United Nations, countries, leaders, philanthropies and multilateral organizations pledged their support to build a safe and inclusive digital public infrastructure (DPI) for 100 countries by 2030. Co-sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations Development Programme as part of SDG Digital, the high impact initiative session on DPI kicked off efforts to secure financing and technology for DPI design, development and implementation at scale.

DPI is a critical accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and was selected by the UN Secretary-General as one of 12 high impact initiatives with potential to get the SDGs back on track. The recently issued G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration further echoes this vision, emphasizing the opportunity for entire communities to benefit from a growing array of life-changing digital solutions.

Key contributions and highlights:

Brazil reiterated its commitment to inclusive DPI development and shared three of its examples: CadUnico, the unified registry that identifies low-income families; CAR, the rural environmental registry for regulating sustainable land use; and, a digital ID that facilitates access to 5,000 digital services.

Egypt discussed the need for exponential impact, while pledging to undertake green transition initiatives and create a better structure for DPI strategy aimed at transforming our relationship with the environment so that communities and economies can effectively address the global environmental crisis.

Estonia announced 20 million euros for open-source, reusable artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and building blocks as digital public goods (DPGs).

Finland highlighted its leadership of the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation and pledged its commitment to supporting the advancement of DPI as an important enabler of people’s welfare.

India announced its commitments to global financing and technical assistance support via the One Future Alliance, as outlined in the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration that calls on countries to take collective action to support low- and middle-income countries.

Malawi committed to be one of the first countries in Africa to achieve SDG target 16.9 (providing legal identity for all, including birth registration), thereby providing the foundation for building the country’s DPI.

Sierra Leone announced its commitment as part of the upcoming 50-in-5 Campaign, a global advocacy effort with the goal of bringing 50 countries together over the next five years to share learnings and best practices, as well as leverage built-for-purpose technologies - including DPGs - to develop their DPI capabilities.

Spain announced a $300 million Green & Digital Fund for Technological and Knowledge Transfer for Latin America, to fund connectivity, digitalization of companies, digital skills and prepare for new and emerging technologies such as AI, prioritizing rights-based approaches.

The Inter-American Development Bank’s President pledged to lead dialogue and actions among Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to combine their financial instruments to increase the mobilization of capital to finance public infrastructure gaps.

Patrick J. McGovern Foundation committed $75 million through to 2023 and called on philanthropies to expand their toolkit to support frontline communities and civil society in order to lay the foundation for representation and diversity in AI and data models that can create transformative DPI for trust and service delivery.

Nandan Nilekani, Chair and Founder of Infosys and Founding Chair of UIDAI, called for more actions on DPI for green transitions, highlighting five areas of action by COP30. Namibia is an early adopter of DPI for green transitions, implementing one of the five areas, i.e. the DPG-based carbon registry to strengthen access to carbon markets.

United Cities & Local Governments constituency, representing 240,000 towns, cities, regions and metropolises, committed to working together with all stakeholders to accelerate DPI approaches and ensure that data and AI in DPI is safe for people.

The Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology and UNDP launched the ‘Universal Safeguards for Digital Public Infrastructure’ initiative, including the 2030 Safeguards Action Hub. The initiative brings with it a commitment to protecting everyone, everywhere, as well as the planet, while accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. It unifies and builds upon the work done in this critical area by the ecosystem of experts and institutions globally, leading into the Summit of the Future in 2024 and beyond.

Launch of the Model Digital ID Framework: Developed with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the Model Digital ID Governance Framework was built with 30 experts and more than 80 ID governance best practices made accessible for the first time through a Chatbot. The plan is to make it available across all countries.

These initial commitments were made towards the five priority areas identified by the UN around safe and inclusive DPI for the 2030 Agenda. These include: universal safeguards, innovations for last-mile inclusion, DPI that is affordable and open; DPI that is sustainable and green; and financing DPI for sustainable development.

Inclusive and rights-based DPI can deliver value and high impact that leaves no one behind. By 2030, the High Impact Initiative on DPI aims to empower 100 countries with DPI solutions that are safe, accessible, affordable, green, fully-funded and future-ready,” said Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, ITU Secretary-General further highlighted that, “combining technology and public-private innovation, DPI offers countries unprecedented agency over their digital journeys.”

Participating stakeholders at the kick-off of the UN High Impact Initiative on DPI included Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development), high-level representatives from the governments of Brazil, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, India, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Togo, and leaders from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, United Cities & Local Governments (UCLG) network, Coalition for Digital Environment Sustainability (CODES), Linux Foundation, the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, Indigenous AI, Carnegie India.

Media contacts

Victor Garrido Delgado (UNDP). E-mail: Tel: +1 212 906 5310 (New York)

David Hirsch (ITU). E-mail:​​. Tel: +41 22 509 2730 (Geneva)

About UNDP

UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet. Learn more at or follow at @UNDP.

About ITU

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), driving innovation in ICTs together with 193 Member States and a membership of over 900 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations. Established over 150 years ago, ITU is the intergovernmental body responsible for coordinating the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoting international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, improving communication infrastructure in the developing world, and establishing the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. From broadband networks to cutting-edge wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, oceanographic and satellite-based earth monitoring as well as converging fixed-mobile phone, Internet and broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world. For more information, visit:

Men om bara Hamas får fart på bössorna så kommer allt det här snart vara bortsvept, var så säkra.
Glöm inte att följa NMRs media så att ni kan hänga med i vad som händer här i världen!
2023-10-16, 06:48
Iradeorums avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Nyreggadjude
Exempel från ovanstående länkar om FN och inblandade länder/aktörer:

Men om bara Hamas får fart på bössorna så kommer allt det här snart vara bortsvept, var så säkra.
Glöm inte att följa NMRs media så att ni kan hänga med i vad som händer här i världen!

FN har anordnat den här typen av grupprunkarsessioner sen bildandet vid slutet av andra världskriget. Med en uppsjö olika mål. Hur många dokument tror du inte författats och skrivits under av alla FN-länder om t.ex mänskliga rättigheter men som i praktiken inte betyder ett jota för många av länderna? Man ska alltid titta på vad länder gör i verkligheten istället.
2023-10-17, 13:34
Det är intressant med planeringen kring att utöka BRICS och SCO, samt att, vad det verkar, ena dessa två. Häromåret höll ryska Valdai discussion club en diskussion kring detta:

BRICS and SCO: Inclusive Cooperation in the Face of Global Challenges

On September 29, the Valdai Club, together with the CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development Studies of China, held an expert discussion, titled “Main Directions and Prospects for the Expansion of the BRICS and SCO”.

Discussion moderator Andrey Sushentsov, Programme Director of the Valdai Club, stressed that discussions on the expansion of the BRICS and SCO have recently gained more intensity. China’s presidency of the BRICS provided dynamism to the development of this format, and a number of countries have applied to join the group, or announced such plans. In turn, at the SCO summit in Samarkand, Iran joined the organisation, while Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia received the status of dialogue partners. In this regard, the moderator raised the question of the convergence of the two formats and the formation of a single platform.

Yaroslav Lissovolik, Programme director of the Valdai Discussion Club, noted the importance of the BRICS+ format. “Against the backdrop of the successful steps that China has taken to develop the BRICS, it probably makes sense to talk about more ambitious tasks for the long term,” he said, naming the creation of a free trade area for the entire Global South based on BRICS+ as one such task. He added that in order to develop the interface between the SCO and BRICS or BRICS+, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation must move towards a more economic orientation. According to Lissovolik, a possible step could be the creation of the SCO Development Bank or even several institutions with such tasks.

Här kan nämnas att också Israel har nämnts som möjligt land att ingå i denna krets.

Wang Xiangxuei, Deputy Secretary General of the CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development Studies of China, said that Russia and China have high hopes for the development of the BRICS and BRICS+ formats. BRICS, according to him, brings together regional and sub-regional powers; large and fast-growing players who are not comfortable in a monocentric global system dominated by the United States. “We cannot develop in this system and must unite to develop,” he said. He added that BRICS+ accounts for more than half of the world’s population, and these people should benefit from globalisation, which should become polycentric. Speaking about the SCO, he stressed that although it was originally created to ensure security, it is not a traditional Western-style alliance, but rather a common security community aimed at repelling global challenges. And since development and security are closely interrelated, this means the need for the simultaneous future development of both formats.

Kirill Babaev, Acting Director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia at the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, believes that both the SCO and BRICS reflect the hope of some of the world’s states to create a system of inclusive and mutually beneficial cooperation, free of pressure from Western structures, both in security and economics. At the same time, in his opinion, while the level of integration in both structures is too low, their expansion demonstrates that many countries continue to hope for the emergence of real parallel development models. He believes that now, thanks to the geopolitical situation, the SCO and BRICS could become a hub for the formation of new structures that will provide the world with its next cycle of stable, secure and peaceful development, but it is important not to miss this historic chance.

Wang Xiaoquan, Executive Director of the Center for Strategic Cooperation between China and Russia at the CITIC Foundation, pointed out that we are entering the era of the revival of continental powers, the platform for which is the SCO. He stressed that the SCO countries are mainly continental powers. He listed four aspects of this revival: technological development in the transport and information sphere, expansion of cooperation between continental powers, acceleration of the process of Eurasian integration through the SCO and grounded in the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, and the creation of a world international system focused on multilateralism and inclusiveness. “The countries of Eurasia recognise the concept of mutually beneficial cooperation and the joint inclusive concept of security. This is in stark contrast to the American approach and vision,” he added. “The time of a new continental power is a new time for the development of our planet.”

Ekaterina Arapova, Director, Senior Research Fellow, Sanctions Policy Expertise Center, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University, noted that within the new BRICS+ format, it is important to focus on common global challenges. Among these challenges, she named three main points: the crisis of global institutions, including economic and financial ones, in the global economic context (that is, the approaching global economic crisis, and the intensification of pro-American and US-promoted multilateral cooperation formats). She considers financial direction to be especially important, since de-dollarization looks like a hot topic for many countries. According to Arapova, it is also necessary to pay attention to the issues of food security, to cooperation in the field of healthcare and to the joint development of clean energy, which is likely to become a key area again in the medium and long-term.

Pavel Knyazev, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sous-Sherpa of Russia to the BRICS, pointed out the great interest of emerging economies and developing countries in BRICS and the SCO as platforms based on equal and inclusive cooperation without the imposition of certain models and confrontation. Describing the situation in the BRICS, he said that about a dozen states have shown an interest in joining the group — officially or unofficially — and now the guidelines for expanding the association are being worked out. In addition, within the framework of BRICS, internal mechanisms of interaction and for cooperation with third countries (BRICS+) are being strengthened.
2023-12-07, 17:22
Ursprungligen postat av Nyreggadjude
1919 Mao Zedong, 26 år, är i Peking och bekantar sig med de kommunistiska teorierna i marxistiska studiegrupper. The Student Union of Yale and China erbjuder senare Mao att ta över ledarskapet över deras tidsskrift. Mao tackar ja och sprider de nya teorierna i tidningen.
Han blir även dekan vid Yale in China.

Källor på detta?
2023-12-08, 00:32
Ursprungligen postat av ViktigSynpunkt
Källor på detta?

Kan inte finna länkarna till informationen jag använde.
Hittar nu vid en snabb sökning ingenting om att han skulle ha varit dekan. Möjligtvis har man blandat ihop hans position som grundare av det kommunistiska partiets gren i Changsha med tillhörande boksällskap och dess revolutionära litteratur som blev Fjärde maj-rörelsens föregångare, med hans förehavanden knutna till Yale.

The Chinese Communist Party was founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in the Shanghai French Concession in 1921 as a study society and informal network. Mao set up a Changsha branch, also establishing a branch of the Socialist Youth Corps and a Cultural Book Society which opened a bookstore to propagate revolutionary literature throughout Hunan.–1922

In 1920, General Zhang was ousted from power, and Mao returned to Changsha after a stint working in Beijing. He announced his plan to realize a long-time dream: founding a “Cultural Book Society.” This society was intended to spread ideas of New Culture, the intellectual and cultural precursor to the politically-charged May Fourth Movement promoted by the New Youth journal, throughout Hunan. The Society’s first venture was a collectively-owned, dividend-less bookstore stocking foreign and Chinese-language titles, and backed by wealthy business leaders who, along with Mao, supported the then-blossoming Hunan independence movement, which sought a separate constitution and self-governance for Hunan province.

Ytterligare kopplingar till Yale var att profiler från Yale-China grundade Xiangya Hospital, Medical College som detta boksällskap hyrde utrymme av och studenter från Xiangya ingick i studiesällskap som också höll till i lokalerna.

The store space was rented from the Xiangya Medical College, and also hosted the New People’s Study Society, a study group of various local students and young people, including Xiangya students. The bookshop business flourished, with several branches spanning seven counties and various local outlets. By 1921, the main office of the company grew too cramped in the Xiangya building, so Mao was forced to move out. The success of the business was significant: Yale historian Jonathan Spence points out that thanks to, in part, the bookshop’s boom, Mao was chosen as one of the delegates at the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai in 1921.
2023-12-11, 12:08
baggebo1s avatar
Intressant inlägg på telegram:
Since the schizos have been invading my comment section lately, I figured I'd make a little outline that I can just forward every time they climb out of the woodwork.

-Agenda 2030 is a pie-in-the-sky plan to eliminate all poverty in the world within the next six years, while also promoting gender equality and a whole suite of liberal social/economic policies that have already been promoted by elite entities for the past six decades.

-The COP is a conference whose goals are never achieved, and the Kyoto Accords that were passed in the 1990s had to be reissued but with reduced targets, and most of the countries that reduced their carbon emissions did so by reducing their use of coal, which is a good thing if you like having clear skies and air that’s healthy to breathe. The Loss and Damage fund that they just agreed upon has no teeth and has only received a tiny fraction of the pledges (not received funds, just pledged funds, because there’s no actual mechanism to distribute) needed for one year of the program, and most of that was pledged by Arab countries and Asian banks (I.e.: not white people). They can’t even get the richest white countries to pledge enough to fund a tiny portion of one year’s budget for the program! If you want to complain about transferring wealth from white people to non-whites, worry more about the trillions in aid that has been sent to Africa and the rest of the Global South over the last two decades.

-The WEF is another spooky conference! Attendees booed and heckled Colin Powell when he went there to defend the Iraq War, but they were completely unable to influence one of the key events of the century thus far. The WEF was also rebuked and dismissed by the entire world when it tried to convince national governments not to use stimulus spending during Covid, and since then we’ve seen more tariffs, more protectionism, and more R&D spending (essentially we've seen the rise of a sort of diet nationalism). I shouldn’t even say “they” really, because it’s just a catered public symposium full of “thought gurus”, business leaders, and academics who often have conflicting opinions.

-Other boogie men that Schizos fixate on: The Real Estate industry -and the hedge funds that increasingly control it- definitely want us renting instead of owning, but they don’t want to transition everyone into Pod Living because the result would be cramming as many people into shared housing units as they can, which would leave most of their property assets empty. Bug Protein sounds gross, but if you don’t like the sound of that, then buy something else when you’re at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. The global food market totals about 11 trillion dollars per year, and the bug protein portion of that is about 1/12,000th, and market analysts and investors only project that to grow to 1/3,000th at most by the end of the decade. I don’t even think I should indulge the claims that elites want to depopulate the planet because that’s just “the satanic globalist lizards” screwball nonsense that doesn’t deserve a response.

By taking these supposed threats seriously while also talking about topics like immigration, HBD, the JQ, and LGBTP(edophile), the Schizo wing of the DR delegitimizes issues that are actually important by associating them with hairbrained conspiracies and are thus helping to turn away the kind of neurotypical and intelligent people that we need to recruit to our cause.

Bör läsas av den som av någon anledning tycker att den här tråden "verkar intressant"
2024-02-19, 19:16
Sinestros avatar
Den stora teaterföreställningen har nämnts i tråden och jag lutar nog alltmer mot att det faktiskt rör sig om en teaterföreställning. Kriget mellan Ryssland/Ukraina är en kuliss, liksom demokratin är en kuliss. Konflikten mellan Öst/Väst är också en kuliss.

När tog de över världen? Den ryska revolutionen och ev. den kinesiska revolutionen (ev. konsoliderade man sin makt senare i Kina, kanske håller man på med detta ännu). USA hade de redan tagit över, och det var därifrån pengar och know how slussades för att ta över Ryssland.

Att den ryska revolutionen egentligen var en judisk revolution erkänns av Aron Flam i SWEBB TV. Intressant att Flam medger detta, det ger för handen att han inte anser sig skada något med erkännandet, och detta säger något om styrkeförhållandena i världen. (Jag skulle dock inte rekommendera någon goj att säga samma sak offentligt, det är naturligtvis förbehållet endast en part att säga detsamma offentligt.)

Att det förekommit en del stridigheter inom de ledande skikten i Ryssland betyder inte att de som tog kontroll via revolution inte fortfarande har kontroll eller att Putin inte är deras man. Nej jag inbillar mig inte att Putin är jude eller att NWO är en renodlad judisk struktur, men att de är mäktiga är odiskutabelt. Israel bedriver fullskalig etnisk rensning och världen tittar på utan att egentligen protestera. Elon Musk - världens rikaste man - får finna sig i att åka till Auschwitz och be om ursäkt via Ben Shapiro.

Samtidigt satsas enorma resurser på kriget mot Ryssland. En kuliss som upprätthålls för framför allt det militärindustriella komplexets (MIC) skull. Liksom man tidigare bombat sönder Europa under WWII, som också var en kuliss. Man bombar och förstör och bygger upp på nytt.

Nej jag tror inte att AH var en marionett, men jag tror att man eldade på Tyskland med vilje. Mot Tyskland slogs man på allvar, men när Patton ville fortsätta mot Moskva tog det stopp. Patton avskedades då på mycket märkliga grunder (en örfil). Etablissemanget höll redan såväl USA som Sovjet och de skulle inte strida mot varandra öppet utan istället blev det kallt krig = ytterligare en kuliss.

Kennedy försökte stoppa det militärindustriella komplexet (MIC) men blev själv stoppad, liksom Patton blev stoppad - och tidigare President Lincoln när den senare försökte stoppa bankernas övertagande av USA.

Samt det slutgiltiga beviset: När NWO stängde ner världen, stängde även Ryssland och Kina ner.

Edit: Tilläggas kan att en del motståndare till massinvandring såsom SD och Meloni radikalt byter fot när de får makt, de är plötsligt för massinvandring. De tillåts vara kvar. Belgien förbjöd sitt största parti Vlaams Blok år 2004, partiet gick tydligen inte med på att byta fot. Det största politiska partiet i ett europeiskt land förbjöds alltså rakt av, och vi får väl se hur det går för AfD? Apropå demokratin som kuliss.

/I hast.
Senast redigerad av Sinestro 2024-02-19 kl. 19:40.
2024-04-16, 23:44
Nya Dagbladet har publicerat en "debattartikel" där man låter röster för den multipolära världsordningen göra reklam för sina visioner och önskemål.

En viss Stephen Brawer, bosatt i Sverige och ordförande för BRIX Sweden, vill att Sverige lämnar NATO och istället går med i Belt and Road Initiatvie (BRI), som bidrar till globalisternas löften om att "utrota fattigdom". Detta skulle enligt Brawer ligga i svenska folkets intressen:

“En ny riktning för Sverige – gå med i Belt and Road och lämna Nato”
Kinas Belt and Road-initiativ, som handlar om att utrota fattigdom genom infrastrukturutveckling, ligger mer i linje med det svenska folkets intressen än Natos krigspolitik. Det är dags för Sverige och västvärlden att vakna upp och ansluta sig till BRI i en anda av samarbete och vänskap, skriver Stephen Brawer, ordförande för BRIX Sweden.

Brawer har talat på Forum on Global Human Rights Governance i Peking med globalisterna närvarande:

The Forum on Global Human Rights Governance, themed "Equality, Cooperation and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance," opened in Beijing Wednesday.

Jointly hosted by the Information Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the China International Development Cooperation Agency, the forum attracted over 300 participants from nearly 100 countries and international organizations, including United Nations (UN) agencies.

Vienna Declaration handlade bl a om "mänskliga rättigheter" och att stärka FNs roll över världen:

The World Conference on Human Rights took place in Vienna, Austria from 14-25 June 1993. A pivotal moment, the conference's main outcome was the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, a common plan for the strengthening of human rights work around the world.

The conference also made concrete recommendations for strengthening and harmonising the monitoring capacity of the United Nations system. It called for the establishment of the post of the High Commissioner for Human Rights by the General Assembly, which subsequently created it on 20 December 1993.

Forumet mottog ett gratulationsmeddelande från Xi Jinping där han återigen förklarade sin lojalitet till globalisterna:

In a congratulatory letter to the forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China stands for safeguarding human rights with security, advocates for promoting human rights with development, and stands for advancing human rights with cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect and equality...Addressing the opening ceremony of the forum, Fu Hua, president of Xinhua News Agency, noted that human rights are an achievement of humanity and a symbol of progress. Respect for and protection of human rights is a basic principle of modern civilization, and the unwavering goal of the CPC.

Jinping är redo att realisera visionerna i Vienna Declaration:

In his congratulatory letter, Xi said that China is ready to work with the rest of the world to act on the principles enshrined in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, push for greater fairness, justice, reason, and inclusiveness in global human rights governance, and promote the development of a human community with a shared future

I debattartikeln vill Brawer främja globalisternas mål att få bort imperialism/kolonialvälde, det blir omöjligt att återgå till sådant och Kina plus BRI har hjälpt till med detta:

En ny internationell ordning håller på att ta form. Världen rör sig från en unipolär världsordning till en multipolär ordning inom vilken enskilda länders självbestämmanderätt och suveräna intressen måste respekteras. Detta innebär en mycket positiv riktning för världshistorien, eftersom det betyder att det gamla koloniala system, som tyvärr har dominerat världen fram till idag, kommer att upphöra. Oavsett hur världen utvecklas framöver kommer det inte finnas någon plats för, och inget sätt att gå tillbaka till, den gamla sortens koloniala unipolära världsordning.

Kina har spelat en avgörande roll för att åstadkomma detta, tack vare den ekonomiska utveckling som har ägt rum i landet under de senaste 40 åren. Det är Kina och den globala utvecklingsplattformen BRI – Belt and Road-Initiativet som har spelat en avgörande roll för att förverkliga den nya världsordningen. I skrivande stund har över 150 länder, sammanlagt utgörande 75 procent av världens befolkning och 50 procent av dess ekonomiska kapacitet, anslutit sig till samarbetet.

Artikeln fortsätter med hyllningar till Jinping, Kinas utveckling, all kritik mot BRI är lögner och illasinnad propaganda från väst som vill bevara den unipolära ordningen:

Kritiken om BRI som en skuldfälla med anklagelser och beskrivningar av skuldtyngda länder som samarbetar med Kina riktas främst mot de västerländska befolkningarna. Den här typen av ryktesspridning är ett propagandaverktyg som syftar till att underminera Kina av geopolitiska skäl. De västerländska beslutsfattarna vill försvara den nuvarande unipolära ordningen, och vill därför demonisera Kina på det här sättet.

Belt and Road-Institutet i Sverige och min kollega, Hussein Askary, har forskat ingående i detta och visat att det inte finns någon som helst substans i de här anklagelserna – de är en bluff. Denna forskning är dokumenterad och går att ta del av på vår hemsida.

I BRIX Swedens styrelse hittar man förutom Brawer även Hussein Askary, Lydia Liu och Ulf Sandmark.
Palestinavännen Sandmark från Schillerinstitutet har getts uppmärksamhet hos kufgänget och synts i videor med Håkan Bergmark, Fritjof, Linus Noremalm, Insiktsfulla Stockholmaren, där han berättar hur dollarn rasar och hur världen skulle kunna utvecklas med BRI och den multipolära ordningen, "fred och samarbete" istället för att de gamla kolonialmakterna får fortsätta råda.

Det är intressant att se en i stort sett enad front av "systemkritiker" i väst ställa sig positiva till den nya världsordningen.

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