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2024-04-17, 20:11
GreffueAnthoniuss avatar
Ursprungligen postat av Dornier
Vad tycker vi om filmen? Hur verkar sanningshalten i det de säger?

I sina memoarer som polackerna lät honom skriva i fängelset, skriver Rudolf Höss att i Bergen-Belsen berodde de vedervärdiga sanitära förhållandena som mötte britterna i huvudsak på en inkompetent kommandant, och att den kommandant som SS centralt (där Höss en tid var verksam som tillsyningsman) sent 1944 ersatte honom med i krigets slutskede hade mycket små möjligheter att förändra situationen.

Till skillnad från Auschwitz där de sanitära förhållandena berodde på ett mycket större tillflöde än lägret kunde "processa". Enligt Höss då (i engelsk översättning)

He ( Sturmbannführer Haas, a grim, taciturn man ) made no attempt to improve the state of the buildings or the grim hygienic conditions prevailing at Bergen-Belsen, ,,, He had to be relieved of his post in the autumn of 1944 because of the way he neglected the camp and carried on with women, and I had to go there and install Kramer, previously commandant of Auschwitz II, in his place.

Despite all his efforts, Kramer was not able to rectify the results of Haas’s negligence. Thus when Auschwitz was evacuated, and a large proportion of theprisoners came to Bergen-Belsen, the camp was at once filled to overflowing and a situation arose which even I, accustomed as I was to Auschwitz, could only describe as
Kramer was powerless to cope with it. Even Pohl was shocked when he saw the conditions, during our lightning tour of all the concentration camps which the Reichsführer SS had ordered us to undertake. He at once commandeered a neighboring camp from the army so that there would at least be room to breathe, but conditions
there were no better. There was hardly any water, and the drains simply emptied into the adjoining fields. Typhus and spotted typhus were rampant.

Höss är förstås ingen som man alltid kan lita på, men han hade insyn.
Senast redigerad av GreffueAnthonius 2024-04-17 kl. 20:24.
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