Offensiven fick ett abrupt slut på de Ukrainska stepperna, ca 2000 KIA och 3000-5000 WIA.. alla lik är inte insamlade (PM om du vill ha länk till Telegramkanaler med lite klipp och bilder på just dessa lik som ligger och ruttnar på den Ukrainska steppen)
❗Russian armed forces liberated Blagodatnoe
"Our army has reached the administrative border of the Nikolaev area," Shoigu said.
🇺🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧Ukrainian Counteroffensive Has Failed, And This May Explain Why: A leaked US Army document says the Ukrainian troops that were trained in the UK by our fellow NATO instructors under performed. They never had good results in tactics and weapons training. The data given explains all those rumors about heavy losses and almost no advance onto Russian positions.
🇷🇺/🇺🇦🇳🇱Russian T-90M towing a captured Dutch armored personnel carrier YPR-765
Another video of a Dutch YPR-765 armored personnel carrier captured yesterday in the Kherson region. The Russian military is towing it with a T-90M tank.
Det är dock sant att UAF gjorde en viss "vinst" när de otränade och oerfarna, följde efter Ryska styrkor som "retirerade".. bara det att UAF hamnade i en killzone där de, som så många gånger förr, omringades och slaktades.
UAF är verkligen inte de skarpaste knivarna i kanoten dock;
🇺🇦A child fired a new RPG-18 grenade launcher at a weapons exhibition in Chernihiv, Ukraine. At least seven were injured, four were children.
Guests could calmly twist weapons in their hands. Including minors. A 10-year-old boy took an RPG-18 to play with and fired from it - he wounded his 12-year-old brother, two other children and sent a two-year-old kid to intensive care, who just happened to be nearby. Three adults were also injured. Local channels write that the event raised money for new aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Offensiven fick ett abrupt slut på de Ukrainska stepperna, ca 2000 KIA och 3000-5000 WIA.. alla lik är inte insamlade (PM om du vill ha länk till Telegramkanaler med lite klipp och bilder på just dessa lik som ligger och ruttnar på den Ukrainska steppen)
❗Russian armed forces liberated Blagodatnoe
"Our army has reached the administrative border of the Nikolaev area," Shoigu said.
🇺🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧Ukrainian Counteroffensive Has Failed, And This May Explain Why: A leaked US Army document says the Ukrainian troops that were trained in the UK by our fellow NATO instructors under performed. They never had good results in tactics and weapons training. The data given explains all those rumors about heavy losses and almost no advance onto Russian positions.
🇷🇺/🇺🇦🇳🇱Russian T-90M towing a captured Dutch armored personnel carrier YPR-765
Another video of a Dutch YPR-765 armored personnel carrier captured yesterday in the Kherson region. The Russian military is towing it with a T-90M tank.
Det är dock sant att UAF gjorde en viss "vinst" när de otränade och oerfarna, följde efter Ryska styrkor som "retirerade".. bara det att UAF hamnade i en killzone där de, som så många gånger förr, omringades och slaktades.
UAF är verkligen inte de skarpaste knivarna i kanoten dock;
🇺🇦A child fired a new RPG-18 grenade launcher at a weapons exhibition in Chernihiv, Ukraine. At least seven were injured, four were children.
Guests could calmly twist weapons in their hands. Including minors. A 10-year-old boy took an RPG-18 to play with and fired from it - he wounded his 12-year-old brother, two other children and sent a two-year-old kid to intensive care, who just happened to be nearby. Three adults were also injured. Local channels write that the event raised money for new aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Nu är ju du den du är, men det går inte att avgöra om Ukrainas offensiv är lyckad eller ej såhär snart efter att den inleddes. Att du sitter och påstår något annat betyder endast att du förmedlar rysk propaganda.