The US has announced another $350m of “immediate support” for Ukraine, bringing the total amount of military aid in the last year to more than £1bn.
Secretary of State, Anthony J Blinken said that it would help fund defences for Ukraine, including against air and armoured units.
He said: “Today, as Ukraine fights with courage and pride against Russia’s brutal and unprovoked assault, I have authorized, pursuant to a delegation by the President, an unprecedented third Presidential drawdown of up to $350m for immediate support to Ukraine’s defense. This brings the total security assistance the United States has committed to Ukraine over the past year to more than $1bn.
“This package will include further lethal defensive assistance to help Ukraine address the armored, airborne, and other threats it is now facing. It is another clear signal that the United States stands with the people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereign, courageous, and proud nation.”
USA ganska långt från opartiska nu och detta är såklart särskilt spännande med bakgrund av att Putin tidigare gått ut med att alla som på något vis lägger sig i kommer att få se otänkbara konsekvenser.