Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2024-11-06, 11:28
RobbanUCs avatar
Tom. Polen Ukrainas närmaste granne har tröttnat på den gröne tiggaren Zelenski och hans ständiga krav på mer, mer, mer.
“Zelensky wants to drag Poland into war with Russia,” says Polish deputy PM Nov 6, 2024
A deputy Polish prime minister, Krzysztof Gawkowski, has accused Volodymyr Zelensky of seeking to “drag Poland into war” with Russia.
He also called on the Ukrainian president to stop “pestering” Poland for more support.
“I have the impression that the recent words that fall from the lips of President Zelensky are unworthy of a politician who owes Poland a lot,” said the deputy prime minister.
2024-11-06, 12:09
RobbanUCs avatar
Dima berättar mera om det senaste dygnets utveckling.
Zelenski desperat.
Breakthrough To Velyka Novosilka⚔️ Kurakhove Endgame🔥 Military Summary For 2024.11.06
2024-11-06, 14:20
Pilla74s avatar
Ursprungligen postat av RobbanUC
Zelenski tvärvänder och gratulerar Trump (rättare slickar i röven) till valsegern.

Det gäller att vara snabb med smickret i förhoppning att få framtida vapen.
Detta visar att Z gett upp hoppet att Biden & Co kommer hjälpa Ukraina till seger eller en för Kiev fördelaktig fred.
Ett utdrag:

Att den där lilla Zigge inte skäms..Snacka om att leka i storpolitiken 😁
2024-11-06, 22:12
Ursprungligen postat av RobbanUC
Zelenski tvärvänder och gratulerar Trump (rättare slickar i röven) till valsegern.

Det gäller att vara snabb med smickret i förhoppning att få framtida vapen.
Detta visar att Z gett upp hoppet att Biden & Co kommer hjälpa Ukraina till seger eller en för Kiev fördelaktig fred.
Ett utdrag:

Ja, tiggaren Zelensky var tidigare uttalad Trump-hatare. Men nu minsann beskriver han Trump i mycket positiva ordalag.

Zelensky slickar röv. Han tigger tusentals miljarder dollar till. Igen, och igen... och igen.
2024-11-06, 22:13
Ursprungligen postat av RobbanUC
Tom. Polen Ukrainas närmaste granne har tröttnat på den gröne tiggaren Zelenski och hans ständiga krav på mer, mer, mer.

Polen börjar inta en allt mer nykter inställning till kriget. Snart lär även de inse att man måste stoppa alla tiotusentals miljarder dollar till Ukraina, för att få slut på det förlängda lidandet.
2024-11-06, 23:47
RobbanUCs avatar
Alexander Mercouris berättar att det Ukrainska motståndet har minskat betydlig och att de Ryska styrkorna allt mer kan röra sig fritt och därmed med större hastighet driva fronten framåt.
Zelensky Despondent, EU Shocked, Russia Confirms Continue SMO
2024-11-07, 04:52
MuhammedSvensks avatar
RT rapporterar att Ukrainas ledare Zelensky förlänger krigstillståndet och mobiliseringarna till och med februari.

"Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has extended the period of martial law and mobilization until February 2025, according to a government report published on Wednesday. This is the 13th time since the start of the conflict with Russia that the relevant legislation has been amended to keep both measures in place.

The measures are to stay in force for another 90 days, until at least February 7 of next year, according to documents published by the Ukrainian parliament. The measures were last extended in August and were to run through November 10. All extensions must be approved by lawmakers.

Zelensky imposed martial law across the country almost immediately after the start of the conflict in February 2022. A general mobilization was announced soon thereafter."
2024-11-07, 04:54
MuhammedSvensks avatar
Sputnik skriver om Rysslands försvarsministeriums rapportering om Ukrainas sanslösa förluster i Kursk regionen.

"In total, Ukraine has lost 30,050 servicepeople and 184 tanks during operations in Kursk direction, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday."
2024-11-07, 04:57
MuhammedSvensks avatar
TASS skriver att en parlamentsledamot Ukraina, Maryana Bezuglaya, informerat om att deras ÖB, Alexander Syrsky, förbereder ett tillbaka dragande från Kursk. Samtidigt tycker parlamentsledamoten att han kan åka till Kursk och stanna där.

"Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief Alexander Syrsky is preparing the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Russia’s borderline Kursk Region, Verkhovna Rada lawmaker Maryana Bezuglaya said on her Telegram channel on Wednesday.

The lawmaker made this conclusion from a series of Syrsky’s posts on Facebook (banned in Russia, owned by Meta Corporation deemed as extremist in Russia) where he discussed the results of the Ukrainian army’s attack on the Kursk Region and claimed that it had diverted Russian forces from other frontline areas.

"Syrsky has made remarks indicating the withdrawal of troops from the Kursk Region," she said, stressing that over that period the Kiev forces had left some territories in the Donetsk and Kharkov Regions.

The Ukrainian lawmaker also proposed that Syrsky himself stay in the Kursk Region. "And we will breathe a sigh of relief," she wrote.

Bezuglaya has long been criticizing the Ukrainian army’s chief amid Kiev’s failures on the frontlines and heavy casualties."
2024-11-07, 05:02
MuhammedSvensks avatar
TASS rapporterar att Ungerns utrikesminister Peter Szijjarto menar att sannolikheten för en fredlig lösning av Ukraina konflikten ökar med President Trump i Vita Huset. Detta då erfarenheten visar att Trumps modus operandi för att lösa problem är förhandlingar och diplomati.

"Republican candidate Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election increases the chances for a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said, commenting on the vote count in the US election.

"Politics is a field that requires experience. During Donald Trump's first presidency, Hungarian-US political relations reached their peak, with dialogue and negotiation at the forefront in addressing conflicts that threaten global security. The decision by US voters gives us great hope that Hungarian-American political cooperation will resume, as we share similar views on peace, illegal immigration, and family protection. There is also a greater chance than ever that, after almost a thousand days, peace will finally return to Ukraine!" the foreign minister wrote on his Facebook page (banned in Russia, owned by Meta Corporation, deemed extremist in Russia).

Earlier, the Hungarian government repeatedly said that it attributed hopes for a settlement of the conflict in Ukraine to Trump's possible return to the White House. Trump has promised to address this issue if he wins the presidential election."
2024-11-07, 18:57
MuhammedSvensks avatar
South Front laborerar med valresultatet i USA visavi Ukraina kriget. Man beskriver också hur det gått fel i Kursk, där Ukraina tänkt angripa kärnkraftverket, och att man försöker beskriva operationen som en seger i Ukraina. Kiev tycks, menar man, mest kriga i medierna, medan Ryssland går framåt.

"Trump is back in the White House. With his victory in the US elections, the West gained the possibility to revise its support for Ukraine. The new old president promises to end the conflict by the time of his inauguration, but the price of peace may be too high for Kiev. Ukraine fell into a trap set by the puppet regime, while Moscow publicly declares its commitment to the primary goals which do not exclude its readiness for negotiations. However, the Russian elites are famous for the ‘concessions’ they make to their dear Western ‘partners’.

The international scene is frozen in anticipation, but fire on Ukrainian frontlines does not subside.

So far, it has been clear that Kiev’s only victory was the glorious incursion into Russian territory in the border Kursk region that turned into a strategic disaster.

Kiev is trying its best to hide another defeat with perverted assertions. According to Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Syrskyi, the attack in Kursk was aimed at preventing the opening of a new front and the alleged Russian offensive in the Ukrainian border Sumy region. Voilà, the disaster is turned into a strategic move of Kiev’s military genius.

Such media stuffing usually marks the upcoming deterioration of Ukrainian position if it can be worse. Ukrainians are threatened that Kiev may be preparing for withdrawal from Russian territory.

In fact, Ukrainian operations in Russia were of purely offensive nature. One of its goals was to commit an act of nuclear terrorism against the entity ofEurope.

The Russian military revealed the report of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, which formed one of the pillars when planning the operation. 20000 Ukrainian troops with dozens of tanks rushed towards the Kursk nuclear power plant naively assured that the disaster would only affect the Russian territory.

Ukrainian operations in the Kursk region are accompanied by numerous fakes. Everyone and their sister are commenting on the first alleged battles against the North Korean soldiers, but no one dares to declare Ukrainian victory in this fighting.

Busy revealing Russian secrets, Kiev failed to secure their own.

Leaked documents of the Ukrainian military confirmed the first deployment of the US-made 155-mm correctable projectile M712 Copperhead in the Kursk region. But their deliveries were never officially reported.

While Kiev is fighting in the media, the Russian army is steadily moving forward. In total, 539 sq km came under the control of the Russian army in October, 86 square km were liberated in the Kursk region. This week, Russian forces restored full control of the state border in the Glushkovsky district and continued grinding Ukrainian reserves in cauldrons around Sudza."
2024-11-07, 23:17
RobbanUCs avatar
Alex Christoforou berättar om olika nyheter som påverkar kriget, och om Bidens sista drag att skicka så mycket pengar/vapen som det går till Ukraina innan han avgår.
Elensky curse strikes German coalition. WSJ, dumb plan wait out Putin. Macron cozies up to Trump

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