using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Joppes_djurfamilj { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Petowner Joppe = new Petowner(25); Joppe.Menu(); } } class Petowner { private int age { get; set; } private List<Animal> animal_List = new List<Animal>(); public Petowner(int age) { animal_List.Add(new Cat("Oscar", 15, "fish")); animal_List.Add(new Dog("Fido", 10, "meat")); animal_List.Add(new Puppy("Wilbur", 6, "dogtreats")); animal_List.Add(new Animal("Sven", 40, "pizza")); } public void List_Animals() { Console.WriteLine("These are Joppe's animals:\n"); foreach (var animal in animal_List) { Console.WriteLine(animal); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any button to go back to the menu."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); } public void Play() { Console.WriteLine("Which animal do you want to play with?"); int i = 1; foreach (var animal in animal_List) { Console.WriteLine(i + " - " + animal); i++; } Console.Write("Your choice: "); int Answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (Answer == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Joppe is playing with {0}", animal_List[0]); animal_List[0].Interact(); } if (Answer == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Joppe is playing with {0}", animal_List[1]); animal_List[1].Interact(); } if (Answer == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Joppe is playing with {0}", animal_List[2]); animal_List[2].Interact(); } if (Answer == 4) { Console.WriteLine("Joppe is playing chess with {0}", animal_List[3]); animal_List[3].Interact(); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any button to return to the menu."); Console.ReadKey(); Menu(); } public void Feed() { Console.WriteLine("Which animal do you want to feed?"); int i = 1; foreach (var animal in animal_List) { Console.WriteLine(i + " - " + animal); i++; } int answer = 0; try { answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You must choose a pet from one of the numbers."); } Food_Menu(answer - 1); void Food_Menu(int animal) { Console.WriteLine("What do you want to feed {0}?", animal_List[animal]); Console.WriteLine("1 - Fish"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Meat"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Dogtreats"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Pizza"); try { answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("You must choose a pet from one of the numbers."); } if ((answer == 1 && animal == 0) || (answer == 2 && animal == 1) || (answer == 3 && animal == 2) || (answer == 4 && animal == 3)) { Console.WriteLine(animal_List[animal] + " eats the food and get full."); animal_List[animal].Eat(); } else { Console.WriteLine(animal_List[animal] + " doesn't eat much."); animal_List[animal].Hungry_Animal(); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any button to return to the menu."); Console.ReadKey(); Menu(); } } public void Menu() { Console.Clear (); int menu = 0; do { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Joppe's friendly animal family.\n" + "Please choose an option from the menu."); Console.WriteLine("1 - Play with animals"); Console.WriteLine("2 - Feed animals"); Console.WriteLine("3 - Show a list of the animals"); Console.WriteLine("4 - Exit program"); menu = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (menu) { case 1: Play(); break; case 2: Feed(); break; case 3: List_Animals(); break; case 4: Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Press any button to exit the program..."); Console.ReadKey(); break; default: break; } } while (menu != 4); } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Joppe"); } } class Animal { protected int age { get; set; } protected string name { get; set; } protected string fav_food { get; set; } protected string breed { get; set; } protected bool hungry { get; set; } = true; public Animal(string name, int age, string fav_food) { } public virtual void Interact() { if (hungry == true) { Console.WriteLine("Sven can't focus because of hunger, and loses the game.\n" + "He proceeds to remind you that starving pets is illegal."); } if (hungry == false) { Console.WriteLine("Sven wins the game, since he is by nature a logical thinker."); } } public void Eat() { hungry = false; } public virtual void Hungry_Animal() { Console.WriteLine("Sven reminds you that it is customary to feed your pets."); } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Sven"); } } class Cat : Animal { public Cat(string name, int age, string fav_food) : base(name, age, fav_food) { = name; this.age = age; this.fav_food = fav_food; } public override void Interact() { if (hungry == true) { Console.WriteLine(name + " is too hungry to play."); } if (hungry == false) { Console.WriteLine(name + " zooms back and forth, chasing a laser dot."); } } public override void Hungry_Animal() { Random random = new Random(); int hunt = random.Next(0, 2); if (hunt == 0) { Console.Write("{0} found a mouse and is now full!", name); hungry = false; } if (hunt == 1) { Console.Write("{0} did not find any mouse, and is still hungry.", name); } } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Oscar"); } } class Dog : Animal { public Dog(string name, int age, string fav_food) : base(name, age, fav_food) { = name; this.age = age; this.fav_food = fav_food; } public override void Hungry_Animal() { Console.WriteLine(name + " whimpers because he is hungry."); } public override void Interact() { if (hungry == true) { Console.WriteLine(name + " is too hungry to play."); } if (hungry == false) { Console.WriteLine(name + " chases the ball you threw, and return with it."); } } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Fido"); } } class Puppy : Dog { public Puppy(string name, int age, string fav_food) : base(name, age, fav_food) { = name; this.age = age; this.fav_food = fav_food; } public override void Hungry_Animal() { Console.WriteLine(name + " whimpers because he is hungry."); } public override void Interact() { if (hungry == true) { Console.WriteLine(name + " is too hungry to play."); } if (hungry == false) { Console.WriteLine(name + " runs around so fast he stumbles on his big ears."); } } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Wilbur"); } } }
if (foodItems[answer] == animal.fav_food)
Console.WriteLine("What do you want to feed {0}?", animal_List[animal]);
Console.WriteLine("1 - Fish");
Console.WriteLine("2 - Meat");
Console.WriteLine("3 - Dogtreats");
Console.WriteLine("4 - Pizza");
answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("You must choose a pet from one of the numbers.");
if ((answer == 1 && animal == 0) ||
(answer == 2 && animal == 1) ||
(answer == 3 && animal == 2) ||
(answer == 4 && animal == 3))
Console.WriteLine("What do you want to feed {0}?", animal_List[animal]);
Console.WriteLine("1 - Fish");
Console.WriteLine("2 - Meat");
Console.WriteLine("3 - Dogtreats");
Console.WriteLine("4 - Pizza");
answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("You must choose a pet from one of the numbers.");
if ((answer == 1 && animal == 0) ||
(answer == 2 && animal == 1) ||
(answer == 3 && animal == 2) ||
(answer == 4 && animal == 3))
if (myBoolean)
if (myBoolean == true)
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