Fr du rtt svar efter 20 rundor utan divisionen? Det gr att kra ganska ltt p en vanlig maskin t.o.m. i Python
Dag 11, jag har sttt p patrull i del 2.
Del 1 gick bra, efter omfattande felskning, men instruktionerna p del 2 r i ett avseende luddiga och "open ended".
I del 1 skulle man berkna en worry-level enligt en given algoritm dr man bl.a. dividerade worry level med 3 fr varje runda, fr att denna inte skulle bli alltfr stor.
I del 2 ska man kra 10 000 rundor/iterationer och d anges att worry-level inte divideras med 3 i varje runda och att man istllet fr hitta p ett annat stt att hlla worry-level "hanterbar".
Det duger inte att bara ta bort heltalsdivisionen p 3, d gr det inte att kra 10 000 rundor, jag antar att s r fallet eftersom talen blir astronomiskt stora.
Jag har ocks provat att stta in andra tal fr heltalsdivision men resultatet verensstmmer inte med facit. Jag saknar uppenbarligen tillrcklig kreativitet fr att lsa del 2 av problemet, ven om jag tycker frgan r lite vl "open ended".
Edit: Efter att Googlat runt en hel del har jag lst mig till att lsningen r att kra en modulus-operation p worry-level med summan av divisorerna som man tester efter. Hittade en bra frklaring hr:
Trots denna utmrkta frklaring och liknande s fr jag fortfarande inte rtt svar. Frustrerande.
Del 1 gick bra, efter omfattande felskning, men instruktionerna p del 2 r i ett avseende luddiga och "open ended".
I del 1 skulle man berkna en worry-level enligt en given algoritm dr man bl.a. dividerade worry level med 3 fr varje runda, fr att denna inte skulle bli alltfr stor.
I del 2 ska man kra 10 000 rundor/iterationer och d anges att worry-level inte divideras med 3 i varje runda och att man istllet fr hitta p ett annat stt att hlla worry-level "hanterbar".
Det duger inte att bara ta bort heltalsdivisionen p 3, d gr det inte att kra 10 000 rundor, jag antar att s r fallet eftersom talen blir astronomiskt stora.
Jag har ocks provat att stta in andra tal fr heltalsdivision men resultatet verensstmmer inte med facit. Jag saknar uppenbarligen tillrcklig kreativitet fr att lsa del 2 av problemet, ven om jag tycker frgan r lite vl "open ended".
Edit: Efter att Googlat runt en hel del har jag lst mig till att lsningen r att kra en modulus-operation p worry-level med summan av divisorerna som man tester efter. Hittade en bra frklaring hr:
There's different levels of understanding, but... We can start from easy.
If we're testing for divisibility by 2
0 [2] 1 []
2 [2] 3 []
4 [2] 5 []
6 [2] 7 []
It's pretty easy to spot the pattern -- it repeats after 2 entries. So you can alter the dividend (worry) by adding or subtracting 2 as much as you like, and it won't affect the result of the divisibility test.
Then you have another monkey that tests for divisibility by three though, so adding or subtracting by 2 would affect the later disposition of that item if it ever goes to that monkey. So we need to find the number we could add or subtract by that won't affect divisibility by either
0 [2, 3] 1 [] 2 [2] 3 [3] 4 [2] 5 []
6 [2, 3] 7 [] 8 [2] 9 [3] 10 [2] 11 []
12 [2, 3] 13 [] 14 [2] 15 [3] 16 [2] 17 []
18 [2, 3] 19 [] 20 [2] 21 [3] 22 [2] 23 []
You can see there's a pattern and it repeats after 6 entries. So you can alter the dividend (worry) by adding or subtracting 6 freely and it won't affect the divisibility test for either monkey. Now 6 happens to be 2 x 3 so you might want to check that, say, using 3 and 5.
0 [3, 5] 1 [] 2 [] 3 [3] 4 [] 5 [5] 6 [3] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [3] 10 [5] 11 [] 12 [3] 13 [] 14 []
15 [3, 5] 16 [] 17 [] 18 [3] 19 [] 20 [5] 21 [3] 22 [] 23 [] 24 [3] 25 [5] 26 [] 27 [3] 28 [] 29 []
30 [3, 5] 31 [] 32 [] 33 [3] 34 [] 35 [5] 36 [3] 37 [] 38 [] 39 [3] 40 [5] 41 [] 42 [3] 43 [] 44 []
Sho nuff, the cycle is 15.
Now for certain pairs of numbers, the pattern will be shorter than the product of the numbers -- e.g. for 2 and 4, the pattern is 4 long, not 8 -- but the shorter pattern always fits evenly into the product, so using the product still works. So there's a lot of stuff you can uncover ( but you don't need it to get the right answer.
So at this point, you can solve the problem without using modulo at all -- get the cycle length for all 8 monkeys combined (the product of their divisors), then you could do something ghetto like
while worry > cycle_length:
worry -= cycle_length
and you know you haven't affected any of the divisibility tests.
Modulo worry = worry % cycle_length is just turning the loop above into a single operation. It's prettier, but it's the same thing.
If we're testing for divisibility by 2
0 [2] 1 []
2 [2] 3 []
4 [2] 5 []
6 [2] 7 []
It's pretty easy to spot the pattern -- it repeats after 2 entries. So you can alter the dividend (worry) by adding or subtracting 2 as much as you like, and it won't affect the result of the divisibility test.
Then you have another monkey that tests for divisibility by three though, so adding or subtracting by 2 would affect the later disposition of that item if it ever goes to that monkey. So we need to find the number we could add or subtract by that won't affect divisibility by either
0 [2, 3] 1 [] 2 [2] 3 [3] 4 [2] 5 []
6 [2, 3] 7 [] 8 [2] 9 [3] 10 [2] 11 []
12 [2, 3] 13 [] 14 [2] 15 [3] 16 [2] 17 []
18 [2, 3] 19 [] 20 [2] 21 [3] 22 [2] 23 []
You can see there's a pattern and it repeats after 6 entries. So you can alter the dividend (worry) by adding or subtracting 6 freely and it won't affect the divisibility test for either monkey. Now 6 happens to be 2 x 3 so you might want to check that, say, using 3 and 5.
0 [3, 5] 1 [] 2 [] 3 [3] 4 [] 5 [5] 6 [3] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [3] 10 [5] 11 [] 12 [3] 13 [] 14 []
15 [3, 5] 16 [] 17 [] 18 [3] 19 [] 20 [5] 21 [3] 22 [] 23 [] 24 [3] 25 [5] 26 [] 27 [3] 28 [] 29 []
30 [3, 5] 31 [] 32 [] 33 [3] 34 [] 35 [5] 36 [3] 37 [] 38 [] 39 [3] 40 [5] 41 [] 42 [3] 43 [] 44 []
Sho nuff, the cycle is 15.
Now for certain pairs of numbers, the pattern will be shorter than the product of the numbers -- e.g. for 2 and 4, the pattern is 4 long, not 8 -- but the shorter pattern always fits evenly into the product, so using the product still works. So there's a lot of stuff you can uncover ( but you don't need it to get the right answer.
So at this point, you can solve the problem without using modulo at all -- get the cycle length for all 8 monkeys combined (the product of their divisors), then you could do something ghetto like
while worry > cycle_length:
worry -= cycle_length
and you know you haven't affected any of the divisibility tests.
Modulo worry = worry % cycle_length is just turning the loop above into a single operation. It's prettier, but it's the same thing.