"After Mitchell passed out 30 minutes later, the court heard that the couple became sexually aroused and kissed each other."
"You also admit to kissing each other as Stacey Mitchell lay dead or dying, and you, Jessica Stasinowsky, have since expressed regret that the sexual passion at the time did not go further."
"When Valerie was accused by Jessica of flirting with Stacey, who they had only known for five days, Valerie decided to kill Stacey to prove her loyalty to Jessica. On December 18, 2006, after a night of drinking, the two girls bludgeoned Stacey with a concrete block then strangled her to death with a dog chain. The couple dumped her body in a garbage bin."
"Three prison officers have been injured at a regional Western Australian prison while breaking up a fight involving notorious murderer Valerie Parashumti."
I nedanstende lnk gr bl. a. den knda amerikanska domaren Lauren Lake frn Paternity Court ett mycket intressant uttalande. Detta brjar ca 5.36 in i videon.
Ngon annan som sedan tidigare knner till det hr fallet? Kanske med ytterligare intressanta uppgifter? Frutom de postade lnkarna i trdstarten s finns det en hel del att ta del av.
Senast redigerad av Skaraborg2 2023-03-25 kl. 15:25.
"The judge remarked, You have both had more than a year in custody to reflect on the evilness of your crime, yet you still lack remorse and obviously place no value on the sanctity of human life.
"There is also the added problem that you each enjoy being sexually aroused by violence.
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