$MainCharacter = array('name' => "Mona Lisa",
'clothes' => array('head' => "Muffin",
'torso' => "Green Skirt-Shirt",
'legs' => "Tangled Teezer",),
'armour' => $x + $y,
'guns' => "");
echo $MainCharacter["guns"];
$x = new Character(); // Continue here. Make this a sword.
// .Property within $x and $y is the ultimate solution to this. Then I can write books.
$y = new Clothes(); // Legs. E.g. skirt.
// Ta patent på detta när det är helt färdigt. "Incredible Horse Sims"
$World = 1.9e411;
$Genetics = acos(200);
.9 cius.// selenite();
Create blockchain
$MainCharacter = array('name' => "Mona Lisa",
'clothes' => array('head' => "Muffin",
'torso' => "Green Skirt-Shirt",
'legs' => "Tangled Teezer",),
'armour' => $x + $y,
'guns' => "");
echo $MainCharacter["guns"];
$x = new Character(); // Continue here. Make this a sword.
// .Property within $x and $y is the ultimate solution to this. Then I can write books.
$y = new Clothes(); // Legs. E.g. skirt.
// Ta patent på detta när det är helt färdigt. "Incredible Horse Sims"
$World = 1.9e411;
$Genetics = acos(200);
.9 cius.// selenite();
Create blockchain
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