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2024-01-19, 08:32
M.Muratis avatar
Rapporter som dessa får en verkligen att undra hur långt bort ett förstklassigt hemapotek är, och om det ens går att göra olagligt när AI kan se till att det i ett nafs poppar upp hundratusentals icke-klassade kandidat molekyler?
[Nature] AlphaFold found thousands of possible psychedelics. Will its predictions help drug discovery?

"The research shows, for the first time, that AlphaFold predictions — available at the touch of a button — can be just as useful for drug discovery as experimentally derived protein structures, which can take months, or even years, to determine."
[Synced] A Robot Chemist Driven by GPT-4 Made Its Debut in Nature: Autonomously Designs Reactions and Performs Complex Experiments

"A research team from Carnegie Mellon University and Emerald Cloud Lab introduces an innovative LLMs-Powered system named Coscientist, which autonomously designs, plans, and executes complex scientific experiments, marking a significant leap forward in the integration of laboratory automation technologies with powerful language models."
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