"Det ska vara straffbart med ett rs fngelse och bter p 30 000 euro att genom upprepade ptryckningar eller manvrar provocera ngon som lider av en patologi att verge eller avst frn terapeutisk eller profylaktisk medicinsk behandling,..."Frklara nu klart och tydligt vad som inte stmmer med min tolkning.
1. Majoriteten av de som riskerar allvarlig sjukdom och/eller dd frn Covid-19 r individer med en eller flera co-morbiditeter = lider av en patologi.
2. Vaccinering med mRNA-vacciner = profylaktisk behandling.
"Det ska vara straffbart med ett rs fngelse och bter p 30 000 euro att genom upprepade ptryckningar eller manvrar provocera ngon som lider av en patologi att verge eller avst frn terapeutisk eller profylaktisk medicinsk behandling,..."Frklara nu klart och tydligt vad som inte stmmer med min tolkning.
1. Majoriteten av de som riskerar allvarlig sjukdom och/eller dd frn Covid-19 r individer med en eller flera co-morbiditeter = lider av en patologi.
2. Vaccinering med mRNA-vacciner = profylaktisk behandling.
"Det ska vara straffbart med ett rs fngelse och bter p 30 000 euro att genom upprepade ptryckningar eller manvrar provocera ngon som lider av en patologi att verge eller avst frn terapeutisk eller profylaktisk medicinsk behandling,..."Det rcker sledes med att en individ upprepade gnger varnar en eller flera individer som lider av en eller flera patologier fr att lta sig behandlas med fregivet profylaktiska preparat, t.ex. gentekniska mRNA-'vacciner', fr att denne i lagens mening ska kunna dmas till ett rs fngelse och 30 000 euro.
"Det ska vara straffbart med ett rs fngelse och bter p 30 000 euro att genom upprepade ptryckningar eller manvrar provocera ngon som lider av en patologi att verge eller avst frn terapeutisk eller profylaktisk medicinsk behandling,..."Det rcker sledes med att en individ upprepade gnger varnar en eller flera individer som lider av en eller flera patologier fr att lta sig behandlas med fregivet profylaktiska preparat, t.ex. gentekniska mRNA-'vacciner', fr att denne i lagens mening ska kunna dmas till ett rs fngelse och 30 000 euro.
When the provocation is accompanied by clear and complete information regarding health consequences, and the conditions under which this provocation has been made do not undermine the free and informed will of the person, the offenses defined in this article may not be constituted.
Finally, paragraph seven of that same article provides protection for whistleblowers. The French law 2016-1691 defines a whistleblower as an individual who reveals a serious threat against the public interest, in good faith and without conflict of interest. Thus, this law would not target anyone who reveals any negligence or wrongdoing by a vaccine manufacturer or public health agency that would pose a serious threat to the public.https://science.feedback.org/review/...mrna-vaccines/
When the provocation is accompanied by clear and complete information regarding health consequences, and the conditions under which this provocation has been made do not undermine the free and informed will of the person, the offenses defined in this article may not be constituted.
..clear and complete information regarding health consequences, and the conditions under which this provocation has been made do not undermine the free and informed will of the person,Ngon som vet?
Finally, paragraph seven of that same article provides protection for whistleblowers. The French law 2016-1691 defines a whistleblower as an individual who reveals a serious threat against the public interest, in good faith and without conflict of interest. Thus, this law would not target anyone who reveals any negligence or wrongdoing by a vaccine manufacturer or public health agency that would pose a serious threat to the public.https://science.feedback.org/review/...mrna-vaccines/
..clear and complete information regarding health consequences, and the conditions under which this provocation has been made do not undermine the free and informed will of the person,Ngon som vet?
Whistleblowers can be anyone: corporate insiders, market observers, investors, customers, and fraud victims. A whistleblower need not be a company insider. But entities cannot be eligible for awards themselves, and not every whistleblower will be eligible for an award.https://www.whistleblower.gov/overvi...r%20an%20award.
A whistleblower typically works inside of the organization where the wrongdoing is taking place; however, being an agency or company insider is not essential to serving as a whistleblower.https://www.whistleblowers.org/what-is-a-whistleblower/
Whistleblowers can be anyone: corporate insiders, market observers, investors, customers, and fraud victims. A whistleblower need not be a company insider. But entities cannot be eligible for awards themselves, and not every whistleblower will be eligible for an award.https://www.whistleblower.gov/overvi...r%20an%20award.
A whistleblower typically works inside of the organization where the wrongdoing is taking place; however, being an agency or company insider is not essential to serving as a whistleblower.https://www.whistleblowers.org/what-is-a-whistleblower/
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