Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2024-04-01, 01:12
Mary Ann was ordered to strip, then gang-raped, forced to smoke crack cocaine and heroin, slashed with knives, and covered in boiling sugar water before being bundled into a car and driven to Prospect Park, an expanse of open space, playgrounds and woodland. Where she was stabbed more than 40 times.

The friend who was with Mary-Ann Leneghan on the night she was killed broke down in court today as she described being told she was also about to die.

The 19-year-old, who survived despite being shot in the head, told the jury that, after being raped, her attackers asked her if she was "ready to die".

Mary-Ann's friend 'did not raise alarm'
Shooting survivor tells of torture ordeal
Mary-Ann ringleaders must spend 27 years in jail
The six men who killed Mary-Ann
2024-04-01, 05:50
Trevliga pojkar. Hur man tog beslutet att släppa ut denna ondska efter 23-27 år är en gåta. De har försakat sin rätt att leva med oss andra. De borde ha fått sona med hela sin livslängd.
2024-04-01, 11:22
franges avatar
En hel hord med negrer. Någon som är överraskad?

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