Dr Mike Yeadon har gjort en intressant resa. Frn sina hga post inom Pfizer till att helt frneka att ngot virus ngonsin bevisats som kta.
"Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention in 2020 and 2021 for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists" and "a key figure in the antivax movement". Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco."
"I often find the OffGuardian is sharply on the issue.
Here, definitely.
Remember: pandemics cannot happen.
They cannot happen because of fundamental theoretical immunological reasons, even if there was a novel pathogen (which there isnt).
Pandemics have NEVER happened & where its claimed that they have, every one of them has involved fraud.
Recently, its been testing fraud and concurrently lying about what is happening.
Previously, such as in 1918, it involved mass poisoning fraud(s) and retroactively lying about what happened.
For a year or more, iirc, Ive also been telling you that, however hard it might be to accept, acute respiratory illnesses arent caused by viruses and theyre not contagious."
The Most Comprehensive Control Studies of the Virological Methodology Ever Undertaken
1. Kan ni frestlla er mjligheten att virologi var gammal frlegad pseudovetenskap redan fr hundra r sedan?
2. Om nej, har ni samma tillgng som virologerna har fr att isolera ett virus och vet ni hur det gr till? Hur frklarar ni att det gr att replikera diverse "virus" som fotograferats trots att ngot exemplar av viruset inte fanns nrvarande i kulturen?
"Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention in 2020 and 2021 for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists" and "a key figure in the antivax movement". Until 2011, he served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco."
If youve seen this before, apologies for duplication & please scroll past. If not, then this is very important for understanding the fakery that is virology.
Essentially, claims to have grown viruses in cell cultures and to have observed the toxic effects of these alleged viruses on the cells in culture, all rely on something that is so antithetical to the scientific method that, when it was first described to me, I simply didnt believe them.
The missing piece? Control experiments. Virology papers featuring claims of isolation of a particular virus all involve adding a clinical sample that the investigators assumed contained said virus to cells in culture.
A few days later, the cells start to die off and cellular fragments appear in the liquid the cells are sitting in. Those fragments are visualised using electron microscopy and after printing out the best images, arrows are placed, directing the reader to the tiny structures, claiming them to be a virus.
But in no paper will you find cells cultured identically, to which the clinical sample is NOT added. Just to see what happens if no clinical sample is added. Youd be forgiven for thinking, as I did, that its an invalid experiment if you dont include this comparison, called a negative control. And youd be right. It is invalid. Its not adherent even to the most basic rules of what is called the scientific method.
But such negative controls are ALWAYS MISSING in virology where cell cultures are used to declare isolation of a virus.
This private group have paid to run the negative controls. Many of them, in fact.
What happens next is crucial to understand. Well, the cells, handled exactly as described in the virological literature and as detailed by the central authority providing the reference cells (these are called cell lines) used in these kinds of study, behaved exactly the same as in the published virology studies. They begin to die. The cells begin to disintegrate. These fragments of cells, when imaged using electron microscopy, yield tiny structures looking identical to those claimed in the literature to be viruses.
In other words, the very processes which you *must* follow (according to the practises of this claimed scientific discipline) give exactly the same results (cell death & production of subcellular claimed virus-like objects) even if you add no clinical sample claimed to contain viruses.
It is plainly fraud. None of these papers should pass muster of peer review. Ive published myself & been a peer reviewer of others submitted manuscripts. I assure you, nothing I ever submitted or reviewed would have been published, in the absence of relevant controls.
These are not optional. If you dont run the proper controls, you cannot claim ANYTHING from the other experiments.
Obviously, I have not checked the methods section of every virological paper in which isolation is claimed, to confirm for myself that they NEVER include the necessary no virus added negative controls. Im assured by those who have checked scores of such papers and negative controls are never included.
Based on that, all such claims to virus isolation are null and void & since its clearly intentional, it is deliberate fraud. No virus has even been isolated.
Please note that those who conceived of these studies did not do them themselves. They went to contract research labs (CROs), who conducted the cell culture studies as described & other specialised CROs performed the electron microscopy. So theres no question of the investigators having tilted the table in any way.
Essentially, claims to have grown viruses in cell cultures and to have observed the toxic effects of these alleged viruses on the cells in culture, all rely on something that is so antithetical to the scientific method that, when it was first described to me, I simply didnt believe them.
The missing piece? Control experiments. Virology papers featuring claims of isolation of a particular virus all involve adding a clinical sample that the investigators assumed contained said virus to cells in culture.
A few days later, the cells start to die off and cellular fragments appear in the liquid the cells are sitting in. Those fragments are visualised using electron microscopy and after printing out the best images, arrows are placed, directing the reader to the tiny structures, claiming them to be a virus.
But in no paper will you find cells cultured identically, to which the clinical sample is NOT added. Just to see what happens if no clinical sample is added. Youd be forgiven for thinking, as I did, that its an invalid experiment if you dont include this comparison, called a negative control. And youd be right. It is invalid. Its not adherent even to the most basic rules of what is called the scientific method.
But such negative controls are ALWAYS MISSING in virology where cell cultures are used to declare isolation of a virus.
This private group have paid to run the negative controls. Many of them, in fact.
What happens next is crucial to understand. Well, the cells, handled exactly as described in the virological literature and as detailed by the central authority providing the reference cells (these are called cell lines) used in these kinds of study, behaved exactly the same as in the published virology studies. They begin to die. The cells begin to disintegrate. These fragments of cells, when imaged using electron microscopy, yield tiny structures looking identical to those claimed in the literature to be viruses.
In other words, the very processes which you *must* follow (according to the practises of this claimed scientific discipline) give exactly the same results (cell death & production of subcellular claimed virus-like objects) even if you add no clinical sample claimed to contain viruses.
It is plainly fraud. None of these papers should pass muster of peer review. Ive published myself & been a peer reviewer of others submitted manuscripts. I assure you, nothing I ever submitted or reviewed would have been published, in the absence of relevant controls.
These are not optional. If you dont run the proper controls, you cannot claim ANYTHING from the other experiments.
Obviously, I have not checked the methods section of every virological paper in which isolation is claimed, to confirm for myself that they NEVER include the necessary no virus added negative controls. Im assured by those who have checked scores of such papers and negative controls are never included.
Based on that, all such claims to virus isolation are null and void & since its clearly intentional, it is deliberate fraud. No virus has even been isolated.
Please note that those who conceived of these studies did not do them themselves. They went to contract research labs (CROs), who conducted the cell culture studies as described & other specialised CROs performed the electron microscopy. So theres no question of the investigators having tilted the table in any way.
"I often find the OffGuardian is sharply on the issue.
Here, definitely.
Remember: pandemics cannot happen.
They cannot happen because of fundamental theoretical immunological reasons, even if there was a novel pathogen (which there isnt).
Pandemics have NEVER happened & where its claimed that they have, every one of them has involved fraud.
Recently, its been testing fraud and concurrently lying about what is happening.
Previously, such as in 1918, it involved mass poisoning fraud(s) and retroactively lying about what happened.
For a year or more, iirc, Ive also been telling you that, however hard it might be to accept, acute respiratory illnesses arent caused by viruses and theyre not contagious."
The Most Comprehensive Control Studies of the Virological Methodology Ever Undertaken
1. Kan ni frestlla er mjligheten att virologi var gammal frlegad pseudovetenskap redan fr hundra r sedan?
2. Om nej, har ni samma tillgng som virologerna har fr att isolera ett virus och vet ni hur det gr till? Hur frklarar ni att det gr att replikera diverse "virus" som fotograferats trots att ngot exemplar av viruset inte fanns nrvarande i kulturen?
Senast redigerad av YeeNaaldloshii- 2024-06-23 kl. 22:09.
Senast redigerad av YeeNaaldloshii- 2024-06-23 kl. 22:09.