Israel använder kidnappade civila palestinier som mänskliga sköldar.
Inga nyheter för någon insatt. Dessutom är det som citeras nedan ett flera månader gammalt ”gräv” i Haaretz. Men jag anser det alltjämt värt att nämnas i en egen tråd på Flashback: (se citaten nedan)
Haaretz Investigation: Israeli Army Uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby-trapped Tunnels in Gaza:
”Random Palestinians have been used by Israeli army units in the Gaza Strip for one purpose: to serve as human shields for soldiers during operations.
[i]n some cases, minors or the elderly are used.
Palestinians were already used as human shields […] in the West Bank during the second intifada. […] [S]oldiers fearing booby traps sent Palestinians into buildings; this was also done in the search for wanted men.
Rights groups then petitioned the Supreme Court, […] which ruled in 2005 that the procedure was illegal […].
[i]n recent months, the IDF has preferred not to comment […], even though was reportedly discussed by the most senior officers. Sources say that IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi is among the senior officers aware of the use of Gazans as human shields.
”The head of Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman, knows too,” a source at Southern Command says.
A soldier in a conscript army brigade added: ”[T]wo Palestinians were brought to us. One was 20 and the other was 16. We were told: ’Use them, they’re Gazans, use them as human shields.’”
”One of the commanders […] told [one of the combat soldiers who tried to receive answers]: ’[i]sn’t it better that our friends will live and not be blown up by an explosive device, and that they get blown up by an explosive device?”
[The combat] soldier said [i]t was clear that there was little room for the troops to express doubts.
[T]he battalion commander reportedly had one response to all the soldiers’ questions: ”A soldier doesn’t need to take an interest in the laws of war. You need to […] act according to the IDF’s values, not the laws of war.”
”[T]hese weren’t really terrorists but civilians […] taken especially for these operations,” the soldier said.”
Ett stort antal av varandra oberoende israeliska militära källor (inklusive ett stort antal soldater m.fl.) rapporterar om detta, och uppgifterna har bekräftats (inklusive dokumenteration i form av foton och video) i bl.a. Ny Times, CNN, israeliska Breaking the Silence etcetera.
Hur många gånger har detta nämnts på t.ex. DN:s ledarsida? Påståendet att Hamas använder mänskliga sköldar har jag sett i ett tiotal ledare i DN senaste året. För detta påstående finns (milt uttryckt) relativt begränsade belägg, även om man accepterar DN:s ledarsidas m.fl. mycket otydliga och breda definition av ”mänskliga sköldar” (som förövrigt inkluderar också Israels kommandocentraler i tätt civilbefolkade områden m.m.). Har emellertid inte sett något nämnas på DN:s ledarsida om att Israel mycket konkret och direkt (enligt alla tänkbara definitioner) använder mänskliga sköldar, trots att detta är betydligt mer väldokumenterat både idag och under många årtionden dessförinnan.