Ursprungligen postat av
Jag var ute och t med min dotter ikvll som nu vill bli medlem i svenska kyrkan! Jag som ateist blev frvnad men det r hennes val s varfr inte. (Om det var islam hade jag inte varit lika ppen)
Hedervrt av din dotter att hon vill ska sanna vrden.
Att ppna sitt hjrta fr Kristus Jesus gr utmrkt vrn utan att ska medlemsskap i ngot samfund.
Svenska kyrkan r tyvrr mer buisness n andlighet i dessa dagar.
Behrskar din dotter engelska?
Om inte s finns den utmrkta youtubekanalen
"Pastor Pethrus".
Kan man engelska s finns en enorm mngd info hr:
Open your heart for Jesus Christ
Know thy enemy, satan
Please watch "BODY CODE the documentary", 03:45 h long fantastic film about Jesus being encoded in us!
"Enter the Stars"
2 Corinth, 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who dont believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They dont understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
Christian Truther Channels Youtube :
"Touching the afterlife"
"End times productions"
"Enter the stars"
"Enterthestars Reloaded"
"One Mission Ministry"
"Yeshua Said My Name"
"Shaking My head production"
"Grace Digital Network"
"The Two Preachers"
"No Greater Love"
"Jon Wedger" (RSA)
"Now You See TV"
"FOJC Radio"
"Holy Heartbeats"
"Delafe Testimonies"
"Living Waters"
"Wherein eternity"
"Grace for purpouse"
"Koinonia House"
"John 316 video Ministry"
"Josh Sparrow"
"The Last Days"
"Living For Christ"
"A servant's Heart"
"Gabe the street preacher"
"RISE" (R$E)"
"Dayz of Noah"
"Derek Prince Ministries Nederland"
"Mark Murchison"
"Repentance call"
"Revelations of Jesus Christ"
"Torch of Christ Ministries"
"Precious Testimonies"
"Father Spyridon"
"Nicholas Bowling"
"The Once Lost and Now Found Sheep"
"Sound the Battle Cry"
"Little Light Studios"
"Hacking the Headlines"
"Endtime Apostasy"
"Age of Deciet"
"Richard Bruce (
"Messenger sent"
"The Watchman"
"Rob Skiba"
"ChrisLasala" (recent turmoil,very questionable recently, older videos about pyramids and Olympic Games essential however but take heed on this "ministry")